最新雅思寫作版本 ──納入《劍16》和《劍17》延伸考點和各種暢銷書論點提升考生口說和寫作應試穩定度至少減少2-3次考試次數口說和寫作亦迅速邁向9.0高分––––––––––––––––與《劍16》和《劍17》最新的出題完全一致,並規劃延伸學習,提升整合答題能力減少因為某次口說或寫作單項低於7分,而必須重新應考的困擾大幅提升應考的穩定度,每個寫作主題均能強化答題的靈活度並拓展思路。例如:延伸話題﹕《劍17》TEST 2Unit 3 在鎂光燈背後,運動員確實付出許多不為人知的努力。他們都受到良好的訓練,而如果扣除掉天賦這點,有哪些因素是讓他們勝出的關鍵呢? 除了能運用在,天賦、個人努力和運動類等的寫作話題上,亦能用在口說part 2和part 3,以及寫作大作文的風險類等話題上,一次就考取口說和寫作7以上高分。暢銷書論點迅速「扭轉劣勢」並讓你馬上處於優勢在辯論、口說和寫作都成為頂級高手 你是否因為辯論課或雅思寫作/新托福寫作遇到﹕經驗老練的專業人士總是表現得比較年輕的專業人士更好嗎?或傳統醫療vs替代醫療的話題,但卻因為一些侷限,而認為要講述年輕醫生比具有年資的醫生更為優秀太困難了,一開始就抽到處於劣勢的題目,或是傳統醫療根本完勝替代醫療,到底該如何下筆呢,又或是在口說part3遇到相關話題,但卻突然不知道該回什麼(但是你口說part 1和2都答得很好) 書中的暢銷書例如﹕Creative Visualization和Peak, SecretsfromtheNewScienceofExpertise都能迅速扭轉你的劣勢。(還有另一個重點是,在學校報告或寫作上,大家都寫容易寫的,就算寫得再好,跟寫難發揮的寫得好,後者更能讓老師青睞。)更加的首段切入句和9分寫作佳句更驚人的事實是,那些經驗老道的閱卷者和教授光看你寫的前幾句,就知道你有幾兩重了 Some people make a craft of braiding the storylines so that advertised products can be convincing to customers, while others use the skills so clumsy that get repeated rejections fromthe customers. New bran
Fromthe world’s reigning expert on expertise comes a powerful new approach to mastering almost any skill.Have you ever wanted to learn a language or pick up an instrument, only to become daunted by t
Fromthe world’s reigning expert on expertise comes a powerful new approach to mastering almost any skill.Have you ever wanted to learn a language or pick up an instrument, only to become dau
Fromthe world’s reigning expert on expertise comes a powerful new approach to mastering almost any skill. Have you ever wanted to learn a language or pick up an instrument, only to become too daunted
Fromthe world's reigning expert on expertise comes a powerful new approach to mastering almost any skill. Have you ever wanted to learn a language or pick up an instrument, only to become too daunted