Take a fun, fact-filled trip back to Earth as it was 430 million years ago. Then, watch as continents drift and oceans take shape. Watch out (!) as fish get toothier, plants stretch skywards and bugs
Take a fun, fact-filled trip back to Earth as it was 430 million years ago. Then, watch as continents drift and oceans take shape. Watch out (!) as fish get toothier, plants stretch skywards and bugs
Watch the continents shift, the plants grow taller, and the bugs get bigger as middle readers travel back in time 430 million years to a planet that is very different from the one on which we live tod
What's got 3,000 tiny teeth and a 4-foot-wide mouth? The whale shark or "the friendliest shark in the sea," according to diver and photographer Jeff Rotman. But friendly or not, these school-bus-size