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平裝 (11)
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Aurel Schubert (2)
David Cobham (2)
Jagjit S. Chadha (2)
James Gerber (2)
Michael D. Bordo (2)
Alan S. Blinder (1)
Ben Bernanke/ Timothy F. Geithner/ Henry M. Paulson (1)
Ben S. Bernanke,Timothy F. Geithner,Henry M. Paulson, Jr. (1)
George Christodoulakis (EDT) (1)
Ian I. Mitroff (1)
Roger Martin (FRW)/ Keith Ambachtsheer (CON)/ David Beatty (CON)/ Lawrence Booth (CON)/ Wendy Dobson (CON)/ Peter Dungan (CON) (1)
班.柏南克、提摩西.蓋特納、亨利.鮑爾森 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (10)
Penguin Group USA (2)
Amacom Books (1)
Palgrave Macmillan (1)
Profile Books Ltd (1)
Univ of Toronto Pr (1)
今周刊 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:班.柏南克; 提摩西.蓋特納; 亨利.鮑爾森  出版社:今周刊  出版日:2023/04/27 裝訂:平裝
美國三大財經巨頭力作2022諾貝爾經濟學獎得主班.柏南克領軍,親述2008年金融危機及其教訓馬汀.沃夫、華倫.巴菲特、保羅.克魯曼聯袂盛讚推薦《金融時報》&麥肯錫年度商業圖書獎 入圍 造成大規模影響的金融危機,並不常發生。金融市場的動亂通常都會自行結束,然後日子還是如常地過下去。一場威脅金融體系與經濟秩序,引發嚴重社會秩序破壞與生存剝奪的失控大火其實很稀有。美國在1929年的經濟大蕭條時期曾是如此,之後75年來沒再發生過。然而2008年,失控大火再次出現。班.柏南克,時任聯邦準備理事會主席、亨利.鮑爾森,時任小布希政府財政部部長、提摩西.蓋特納,在小布希政府時期任紐約聯邦準備銀行主席多年,後在歐巴馬政府時期任財政部部長。三人正好在此時「躬逢其盛」,必須想辦法制定美國甚至全球應對這場世紀金融惡火的策略。這場大火毀滅全球信貸,蹂躪全球金融系統,讓美國經濟陷入自1930年代經濟大蕭條以來,所造成最嚴重傷害的衰退。▍我們的敵人,是遺忘2018年,柏南克、蓋特納和鮑爾森齊聚一堂,回顧這場自發生經濟大蕭條75年後,美國發生過的最嚴重經濟災難。如柏南克所言:「遺忘是大敵。」三人探討危機的起源,以及造成如此重大損傷的主因,並思索要如何預防下一次危機到來:‧為什麼金融危機會發生?‧金融危機發生時,為什麼政府向貪婪投機的華爾街伸出援手?‧為什麼選擇向特定機構紓困,又為什麼願意讓雷曼兄弟倒閉。‧美國甚至全球金融經濟體系,現在安全嗎?三大財政巨頭坦率直言,提出佐證厚實的透徹分析,坦然公開他們在兩任總統底下任職時,所做的大小決定。▍下一次的金融大火到來前嘗試理解上一次的危機很重要——危機如何開始、散播;哪些應對措施成功,以及哪些失敗。如果一個國家無法理解上一次金融潰敗的教訓,就沒有辦法承擔更嚴重的危機。金融危機反覆發生的部分原因,就是人們的記憶逐漸衰退。他們把思想與經驗彙整成這部經濟腳本,目的是減輕未來財務危機所引發的損害,以及成為給美國與其他國家財政部長和中央銀行總裁的遵循道路。對他們來說,2008年的金融危機是一段痛苦的故事,也是一段充滿希望的故事。
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Firefighting ― The Financial Crisis and Its Lessons
作者:Ben Bernanke; Timothy F. Geithner; Henry M. Paulson  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2019/04/16 裝訂:平裝
From the three primary architects of the American policy response to the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, a magnificent big-picture synthesis--from why it happened to where we ar
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Firefighting:The Financial Crisis and its Lessons
作者:Ben S. Bernanke; Timothy F. Geithner; Henry M. Paulson; Jr.  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2019/04/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
After the Music Stopped ─ The Financial Crisis, the Response, and the Work Ahead
作者:Alan S. Blinder  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2014/01/28 裝訂:平裝
A narrative assessment of the U.S. financial crisis and its lessons explores its complex contributing factors while revealing some of its more devastating but lesser-known consequences, outlining pote
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:79 948
Managing Risks in the European Periphery Debt Crisis ─ Lessons from the Trade-Off Between Economics, Politics and the Financial Markets
作者:George Christodoulakis (EDT)  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2015/01/20 裝訂:精裝
The European Periphery Debt Crisis (EPDC) has its roots primarily in the structural characteristics of the individual economies which are trading off with a number of European and international econom
定價:3250 元, 優惠價:9 2925
The Finance Crisis and Rescue: What Went Wrong? Why? What Lessons Can Be Learned?
The 2008 global financial crisis affects everyone, but its root causes and potential cures - knowledge necessary in order to make strong financial decisions moving forward - are confusing to many. Thi
定價:1843 元, 優惠價:1 1843
The UK Economy in the Long Expansion and its Aftermath
作者:Jagjit S. Chadha  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/01/09 裝訂:平裝
The financial crisis of 2007–11 has now been analysed and explained from almost every conceivable standpoint. Far less attention has been paid to the long business cycle expansion that started in 1992 and provided an exceptional period of macroeconomic stability in the UK. To many it seemed that the main problem of the UK economy had been solved: that of sustained non-inflationary economic growth. This book brings together senior macroeconomists from universities and the Bank of England to look at what policy-making lessons can be learned from looking at the period of expansion that preceded the financial crisis. It does so with the twin aims of encouraging more policy-focused research on the UK and encouraging policy debate in the aftermath of the financial crisis and the prolonged economic recession. Students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in the UK economy will need to absorb the lessons of this book.
定價:1884 元, 優惠價:9 1696
作者:Jagjit S. Chadha  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/03/31 裝訂:精裝
The financial crisis of 2007–11 has now been analysed and explained from almost every conceivable standpoint. Far less attention has been paid to the long business cycle expansion that started in 1992 and provided an exceptional period of macroeconomic stability in the UK. To many it seemed that the main problem of the UK economy had been solved: that of sustained non-inflationary economic growth. This book brings together senior macroeconomists from universities and the Bank of England to look at what policy-making lessons can be learned from looking at the period of expansion that preceded the financial crisis. It does so with the twin aims of encouraging more policy-focused research on the UK and encouraging policy debate in the aftermath of the financial crisis and the prolonged economic recession. Students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in the UK economy will need to absorb the lessons of this book.
Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis: 7 Essential Lessons for Surviving Disaster
作者:Ian I. Mitroff  出版社:Amacom Books  出版日:2008/02/28 裝訂:平裝
Like many companies over the last few years, yours has probably done a great deal to reassess its physical, strategic, and financial vulnerabilities. But there is a huge difference between business co
定價:1497 元, 優惠價:9 1347
The Credit-Anstalt Crisis of 1931
作者:Aurel Schubert  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/11/02 裝訂:平裝
Austria played a prominent role in the worldwide events of 1931 as the largest bank in Central and Eastern Europe, the Viennese Credit-Anstalt, collapsed and led Europe into a financial panic that spread to other parts of the world. The events in Austria were pivotal to the economic developments of the 1930s, yet the literature about them has been sparse. In this book, Schubert analyses the crisis using theories of financial crises, identifies the causes of the crisis, examines the market's efficiency in predicting events, analyses how the crisis was transmitted to the real sector, and studies the behaviour of the Austrian as well as international authorities as lenders of last resort. His main conclusion is that even decades after the crisis, many of its lessons are still valid. Managerial and regulatory deficiencies led to the collapse of the bank; the subsequent currency crisis was not an irrational and unexplainable panic by a confused public, but rather a rational response to inco
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
作者:Aurel Schubert  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1992/01/31 裝訂:精裝
Austria played a prominent role in the worldwide events of 1931 as the largest bank in Central and Eastern Europe, the Viennese Credit-Anstalt, collapsed and led Europe into a financial panic that spread to other parts of the world. The events in Austria were pivotal to the economic developments of the 1930s, yet the literature about them has been sparse. In this book, Schubert analyses the crisis using theories of financial crises, identifies the causes of the crisis, examines the market's efficiency in predicting events, analyses how the crisis was transmitted to the real sector, and studies the behaviour of the Austrian as well as international authorities as lenders of last resort. His main conclusion is that even decades after the crisis, many of its lessons are still valid. Managerial and regulatory deficiencies led to the collapse of the bank; the subsequent currency crisis was not an irrational and unexplainable panic by a confused public, but rather a rational response to inco
Twenty Years of Inflation Targeting ― Lessons Learned and Future Prospects
作者:David Cobham  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/02/20 裝訂:平裝
There is now a remarkably strong consensus among academics and professional economists that central banks should adopt explicit inflation targets and that all key monetary policy decisions, especially those concerning interest rates, should be made with a view to ensuring that these targets are achieved. This book provides a comprehensive review of the experience of inflation targeting since its introduction in New Zealand in 1989 and looks in detail at what we can learn from the past twenty years and what challenges we may face in the future. Written by a distinguished team of academics and professional economists from central banks around the world, the book covers a wide range of issues including many that have arisen as a result of the recent financial crisis. It should be read by anyone concerned with better understanding inflation targeting and its past, present and future role within monetary policy.
定價:2924 元, 優惠價:9 2632
作者:David Cobham  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/10/31 裝訂:精裝
There is now a remarkably strong consensus among academics and professional economists that central banks should adopt explicit inflation targets and that all key monetary policy decisions, especially those concerning interest rates, should be made with a view to ensuring that these targets are achieved. This book provides a comprehensive review of the experience of inflation targeting since its introduction in New Zealand in 1989 and looks in detail at what we can learn from the past twenty years and what challenges we may face in the future. Written by a distinguished team of academics and professional economists from central banks around the world, the book covers a wide range of issues including many that have arisen as a result of the recent financial crisis. It should be read by anyone concerned with better understanding inflation targeting and its past, present and future role within monetary policy.
A Great Deal of Ruin ― Financial Crises Since 1929
作者:James Gerber  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/09/30 裝訂:平裝
A Great Deal of Ruin provides an accessible introduction to the enduring problem of financial crises. Illustrated with historical analysis, case studies, and clear economic concepts, this book explains in three parts what financial crises are, how they are caused and what we can learn from them. It begins with a taxonomy of crises and a list of factors that increase the risk for countries experiencing a financial crisis. It then examines five of the most important crises in modern economic history, beginning with the Great Depression and ending with the subprime crisis in the United States and its evolution into a debt crisis in the Eurozone. The book concludes with a set of lessons that can be learnt from the crises of the past. It will appeal to university students as well as general readers who are curious to learn more about the recent subprime crisis and other financial crises.
定價:1859 元, 優惠價:9 1673
作者:James Gerber  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2019/09/30 裝訂:精裝
A Great Deal of Ruin provides an accessible introduction to the enduring problem of financial crises. Illustrated with historical analysis, case studies, and clear economic concepts, this book explains in three parts what financial crises are, how they are caused and what we can learn from them. It begins with a taxonomy of crises and a list of factors that increase the risk for countries experiencing a financial crisis. It then examines five of the most important crises in modern economic history, beginning with the Great Depression and ending with the subprime crisis in the United States and its evolution into a debt crisis in the Eurozone. The book concludes with a set of lessons that can be learnt from the crises of the past. It will appeal to university students as well as general readers who are curious to learn more about the recent subprime crisis and other financial crises.
作者:Michael D. Bordo  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/07/18 裝訂:精裝
Throughout their long history, the primary concern of central banks has oscillated between price stability in normal times and financial stability in extraordinary times. In the wake of the recent global financial crisis, central banks have been given additional responsibilities to ensure financial stability, which has sparked intense debate over the nature of their role. Bankers and policy makers face an enormous challenge finding the right balance of power between the central bank and the state. This volume is the result of an international conference held at Norges Bank (the central bank of Norway). International experts and policy makers present research and historical analysis on the evolution of the central bank. They specifically focus on four key aspects: its role as an institution, the part it plays within the international monetary system, how to delineate and limit its functions, and how to apply the lessons of the past two centuries.
Central Banks at a Crossroads ― What Can We Learn from History?
作者:Michael D. Bordo  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/01/23 裝訂:平裝
Throughout their long history, the primary concern of central banks has oscillated between price stability in normal times and financial stability in extraordinary times. In the wake of the recent global financial crisis, central banks have been given additional responsibilities to ensure financial stability, which has sparked intense debate over the nature of their role. Bankers and policy makers face an enormous challenge finding the right balance of power between the central bank and the state. This volume is the result of an international conference held at Norges Bank (the central bank of Norway). International experts and policy makers present research and historical analysis on the evolution of the central bank. They specifically focus on four key aspects: its role as an institution, the part it plays within the international monetary system, how to delineate and limit its functions, and how to apply the lessons of the past two centuries.
定價:3119 元, 優惠價:9 2807



