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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:圖依・T・蘇瑟蘭  出版社:小麥田出版  出版日:2024/01/06 裝訂:平裝
不在乎權力、不在意龍子預言的和平國度,敵人已經從邊境悄悄進入……火翼飛龍系列好評#3 磅礡上市史詩級國際好評系列作,20週年問世經典,全球銷售超過14,000,000冊=本書特色=★《紐約時報》排行榜出版奇蹟★《紐約時報》《書單》《柯克斯書評》《學校圖書館》推薦圖書★銷售英國、法國、德國、巴西、土耳其等20餘國版權★「貓戰士」系列作者之一 、譽為媲美《哈利波特》作者J.K.羅琳的奇幻文學作家全新力作★原著小說改編有聲書、動畫、圖像小說等多項驚動全球讀者的超級作品。改編圖像小說榮獲2021 Young Readers Choice Awards (YRCA)=內容簡介=天命龍子中最不符合資格的榮光,帶著其他夥伴回到家鄉,試圖尋找自己的歸屬感;就在逐漸接近雨林深處時,龍子竟然一個接一個消失……榮光發現,過去在黑暗洞穴的日子,沒有陽光,身體失去了許多次色彩斑爛的機會;現在到了看似舒服的雨翼族國度,她能夠變化的顏色比以前更為繽紛。令她失望的是,族人愛好和平,然而,雨翼族同胞一一失去蹤影,卻沒有翼龍願意找出他們的下落。同時,閃炫女王積極爭奪王位,要求天命龍子能夠選她為統治者。為了找出所有問題的答案,榮光決定潛行至冰翼族國度,沒想到遇見了死亡使者與夢行者……阻止戰爭是龍子命定的未來,但不在預言裡的榮光,應該要跟著天命走,還是放手挑戰雨翼族的規則,找到認同自己的夥伴,拯救失蹤的翼龍?更可怕的是,世界仍然戰火未平,一手養大龍子的和平龍爪組織竟然準備拋棄現有的龍子…..面對無法信任的未來,各方勢力爭鬥,一向善良的榮光、星飛、海嘯、阿土與晴朗究道該臣服於誰?關於成長的挑戰,龍子將為自己的選擇挺身而戰!=精采情節分享=◆綠葉茂密的平台與平台之間懸掛著多條寬闊的藤蔓走道,宛若龍爪大小的橘色蘭花點綴其間。其中幾棟樹屋的四面有矮牆,上面有編織而成的頂篷,其他樹屋則全是露天,鋪滿白花,宛若天空飄落下來的雲朵。榮光瞄到幾隻昏昏欲睡的灰色樹獺正在藤蔓走道上或漫步或擺盪。她不免納悶牠們到底夠不夠聰明,知不知道四周都是隨時可能吃掉牠們的翼龍。這是我所見過最酷的地方,榮光得意洋洋的想道,而且是我的家。◆拯救世界和阻止戰爭是預言裡的龍子該做的事,但我又不在那個預言裡。但如果我就認命的做一頭很普通的雨翼龍,那就表示我其實很閒,一點也不忙。到底是要跟著龍子的天命走?還是就乾脆當個傻蛋,懶散度日算了?和平龍爪,你
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire #3)(平裝版)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
庫存 > 10
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Wings of Fire Graphic Novel #3: The Hidden Kingdom
作者:Tui T. Sutherland; Mike Holmes  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2019/10/15 裝訂:平裝
The #1 New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series soars to new heights in the third graphic novel adaptation!Glory knows that the dragon world is wrong about her being "a lazy RainWing." Maybe sh
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Hidden Kingdom: Exploring the Fascinating World of Fungi and Their Role in Life on Earth
作者:Alex Bugeja  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:576 元, 優惠價:1 576
WHAT HAPPENED TO ZARA? The Hidden Kingdom's Lioness: Will Unity Prevail Against the Shadows?
作者:Tessy O. Nick  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:528 元, 優惠價:1 528
The Green Kingdom
作者:Cornelia Funke; Tammi Hartung; Melissa Castrillón  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Ltd  出版日:2025/03/06 裝訂:精裝
Caspia‘s summer is transformed when she discovers a bundle of letters containing ten botanical riddles in this enchanting adventure. Twelve-year-old Caspia hates big cities, especially one as busy as New York. So she isn’t thrilled by the news that her parents are taking her to stay in Brooklyn.But everything changes when Caspia discovers a bundle of letters, hidden in an old chest of drawers. Each letter contains a ‘green’ riddle, with clues leading to a different plant. Caspia sets out to solve the riddles and, as she does, she meets friends she could never have imagined and discovers that anywhere can feel like home, if you are just brave enough to put down new roots.The newest adventure from renowned and award winning author of Inkheart and Dragon Rider, Cornelia Funke weaves magic into every sentence of this new and exciting mystery set in the heart of New York City. The Green Kingdom is perfect for fans of the Greenwild series. “Enchanting, joyful, full of light and warmth, and g
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Green Kingdom
作者:Cornelia Funke; Tammi Hartung; Melissa Castrillón  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2025/04/01 裝訂:精裝
Caspia's summer is transformed when she discovers a bundle of letters containing ten plant-based riddles in this enchanting adventure for children ages 10 and up All right, she had to admit it: it really was an adventure to be in a new place. A different Caspia emerged here. A Brooklyn-Caspia, just like the Brooklyn-dandelion. Twelve-year-old Caspia hates big cities, especially New York. So, she isn't thrilled by the news that her parents are taking her to Brooklyn for the whole summer. But everything changes when Caspia discovers a bundle of letters, written by a blind girl many years ago, and hidden in an old chest of drawers. Each letter contains a 'green' riddle, with clues leading to a different plant. Caspia sets out to solve the riddles and, as she does, she meets friends she could never have imagined and finds, to her surprise, that sometimes you can put down roots where you least expect it.
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - The Ultimate Guide to Medieval Mastery: Conquer Bohemia with Expert Strategies, Combat Tactics & Hidden Secrets
作者:Percy Churchill  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/02/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:480 元, 優惠價:1 480
Kingdom Come: DELIVERANCE 2 GAME GUIDE: The Complete Walkthrough to Combat, Quests, Crafting, and Unlocking Hidden Secrets in the Ultimate Medieval RP
作者:Clifton Whiteman  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/02/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
The Oyo Empire's Hidden Agreement with the Kanem-Bornu Kingdom: Amid fierce sword fights, political intrigue, and ancient traditions, Adewunmi and Ais
作者:M. Aroha  出版社:SOUTHEAST ASIA PROGRAM PUBN  出版日:2025/02/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:1444 元, 優惠價:1 1444
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Game Guide: Ultimate Advanced Strategy to Master Combat, Unlock Hidden Secrets, Complete All Quests, and Achieve the Mediev
作者:Aria O. Kyle  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/02/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:768 元, 優惠價:1 768
Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians (The Cloud Horse Chronicles)
作者:Chris Riddell  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians is the second and final title in The Cloud Horse Chronicles duology, the exciting magical adventure from the Costa Award-winning creator of Goth Girl and 2015-2017 UK Children's Laureate Chris Riddell. With gorgeous illustrations throughout. The Guardians of Magic disappeared ten years ago, leaving the Kingdom of Thrynne in the icy grip of a powerful sorceress.Most people have fled in desperate search of warmer lands, escaping the Ice Monsters that roam the streets. Meanwhile, young Tiggy Thistle lives hidden and safe with a kindly Badger until the day she meets one of the crafty Stiltskin brothers and she has to run from her happy home. So begins Tiggy's quest to find Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba - the lost Guardians and their beautiful Cloud Horses - the only people, she believes, who can save Thrynne from the curse of endless winter.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Wings of Fire (Book1-7)(Graphic Novel)(共7本)(平裝版)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland; Mike Holmes  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2023/12/26 裝訂:平裝
Wings of Fire 1 - The Dragonet Prophecy (Graphic Novel) (平裝版)Wings of Fire 2 - The Lost Heir (Graphic Novel)(平裝版)Wings of Fire 3 - The Hidden Kingdom (Graphic Novel)(平裝版)Wings of Fire 4 ― The Dark Secret (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)Wings of Fire 5-The Brightest Night (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)Wings of Fire 6-Moon Rising (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)Wings of Fire 7-Winter Turning (Graphic Novel)(平裝本)
定價:3458 元, 優惠價:79 2732
Wings of Fire #1-15 (美國版)(共15本平裝本)
作者:Tui T. Sutherland  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/05/29 裝訂:平裝
9780545349239 Wings of Fire #1 - The Dragonet Prophecy (美國版) (平裝版)9780545349246 Wings of Fire #2 - The Lost Heir (美國版) (平裝版)9780545349253 Wings of Fire #3 - The Hidden Kingdom (美國版) (平裝版)9780545349260 Wings of Fire #4 - The Dark Secret (美國版) (平裝版)9780545349277 Wings of Fire #5 - The Brightest Night (美國版) (平裝版)9780545685368 Wings of Fire #6 - Moon Rising (美國版) (平裝版)9780545685399 Wings of Fire #7 - Winter Turning (美國版) (平裝版)9780545685450 Wings of Fire #8 - Escaping Peril (美國版) (平裝版)9780545685436 Wings of Fire #9 - Talons of Power (美國版) (平裝版)9780545685481 Wings of Fire #10 - Darkness of Dragons (美國版) (平裝版)9781338214444 Wings of Fire #11 - The Lost Continent (美國版) (平裝版)9781338214499 Wings of Fire #12 - The Hive Queen (美國版) (平裝版)9781338214529 Wings of Fire #13: The Poison Jungle (美國版)(平裝本)9781338214550 Wings of Fire #14: The Dangerous Gift (美國版)(平裝本)9781338214581 Wings of Fire #15: The Flames of Hope (美國版)(平裝版)
定價:5130 元, 優惠價:79 4053
作者:(美)圖伊‧薩瑟蘭  出版社:接力出版社  出版日:2021/03/01 裝訂:平裝
遙遠的庇利亞大陸上,生活著天翼、海翼、冰翼、泥翼、沙翼、夜翼、雨翼等七大龍族:遍體金紅色鱗甲的天翼龍,翱翔於天際,是最悍勇無畏的戰士;身披海藍色鱗甲的海翼龍,遊弋於深海,每一次攻擊都能掀起巨浪狂瀾;通體亮銀色鱗甲的冰翼龍,稱雄于冰封半島,擅長噴吐至陰至寒的死亡冰息;生長著棕色鱗甲的泥翼龍,統治著萬里澤國,女王麾下的每一頭龍都是沼澤中潛伏的高手…… 沙翼族女王離奇被害,三名王位繼承者明爭暗鬥,致使七
定價:180 元, 優惠價:87 157
作者:Ian Beck  出版社:Oxford Univ Press UK  出版日:2011/10/06 裝訂:平裝
The young prince Osamu is dragged from his palace bed in the dead of night and told to flee for his life. With only his nurse's daughter, Lissa, to help him survive, he is thrust from his pampered exi
The Hidden Kingdom
作者:L. Rose  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2023/10/10 裝訂:精裝
定價:2280 元, 優惠價:1 2280
The Hidden Kingdom
作者:Tracey Hecht; Kate Liebman (ILT); Sarah Fieber  出版社:Fabled Films Pr  出版日:2019/02/01 裝訂:平裝
“The best stories always take place in the dark!" — R.L. StineIn The Nocturnals: The Hidden Kingdom, animals in the valley start to trip on the crumbling ground beneath them
定價:342 元, 優惠價:1 342
作者:Aloysius M. Ambrozic  出版社:PICKWICK PUBN  出版日:2023/11/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:2900 元, 優惠價:1 2900
The Hidden Kingdom
作者:Tracey Hecht; Kate Liebman (ILT); Sarah Fieber  出版社:Fabled Films Pr  出版日:2018/02/13 裝訂:精裝
A group of veiled creatures--a chameleon, stick bugs, and assorted camouflaged insects--decide they want to be recognized for their hard work in the valley. First, the insect army shouts for attention
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
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