入選《紐約時報》「2014年100本值得關注的書」 詹姆斯.豪爾.威廉斯(James Howard Williams)是二戰傳奇人物,他沉默,有魅力,又有點神祕,能跟大象溝通。他在1920年進入緬甸柚木業工作,展現非凡才華,能瞭解馱木到河道的龐然巨獸在想什麼。威廉斯完全沒接受過獸醫訓練,最後卻成為技術純熟、直覺準確的動物醫生。有一份報紙寫道:「他是最瞭解大象的白人。」 二戰爆發後,威廉斯組成一支不
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ‧ A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOKThe remarkable storyof James Howard “Billy” Williams, whose uncanny rapport with theworld’s largest land animals transformed him from a caref
"J.H. "Billy" Williams always had an affinity for animals. So, when he responded to job offer with the East India Company to work with logging elephants his family wasn't surprised, though worried tha