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羅素.羅伯茲 (2)
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Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅素‧羅伯茲  出版社:經濟新潮社  出版日:2021/06/05 裝訂:平裝
一個談經濟學的愛情故事,也極富教育意義 市場是一隻「看不見的手」,而資本主義也有一顆「看不見的心」,規律地跳動著,默默在改善人類的生活。 男女主角山姆與羅拉,都任教於愛德華高中。山姆推崇資本主義,認為追求商業成功是一種美德,大部分的政府管制都是多餘的,甚至會阻礙經濟發展。他深信只有在自由經濟的體制下,才能夠孕育真正的人性。羅拉則鍾情於華滋華斯的詩,認為政府應該矯正社會所有的弊病
定價:340 元, 優惠價:9 306
The Running Dream (Schneider Family Book Award - Teen Book Winner)
作者:Wendelin Van Draanen  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2012/01/10 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2012 Schneider Family Book AwardJessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident. She's not comforted by the news that she'll be able to walk with the help of a prosthetic leg. Who cares about walking when you live to run?As she struggles to cope with crutches and a first cyborg-like prosthetic, Jessica feels oddly both in the spotlight and invisible. People who don't know what to say, act like she's not there. Which she could handle better if she weren't now keenly aware that she'd done the same thing herself to a girl with CP named Rosa. A girl who is going to tutor her through all the math she's missed. A girl who sees right into the heart of her.With the support of family, friends, a coach, and her track teammates, Jessica may actually be able to run again. But that's not enough for her now. She doesn't just want to cross finish lines herself—she wants to take Rosa with her.From the Hardcover edition.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
小王子 The Little Prince(英漢典藏版+中英情境故事有聲書APP)
作者:Antoine de Saint-Exupery  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2022/12/21 裝訂:精裝
【編排特色】 (1) 原著英漢雙語版本,穿插由作者親繪的彩色插圖! (2) 英文版在前,中文版在後,中英文頁碼互相呼應,方便查找! (3)【英文╱中文故事有聲書】隨書附寂天雲APP QR Code及兩片MP3光碟,依故事情境搭配精彩配樂,內容精彩! 【著作簡介】 One runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed. 一個人一旦讓自己被人馴養後,就得承擔一點哭泣的風險。 來自小小星球的小王子,遊歷了各個星球,最後來到了地球。這不只是小王子的宇宙之旅,更是小王子一場充滿純真與溫柔的生命之旅,這是因為小王子擁有一個簡單的「祕密」: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. 只有用心靈才能把事情看得真確; 重要的東西用肉眼是看不見的。 《小王子》猶如穹蒼中一顆燦然動人的明星,讓久居樊籠的我們,尋回內心深處純真的夢想、樸實無偽的友誼;喚醒深陷世俗囹圄而不自覺的心靈,與生命中最寶貴、卻也最容易被忽略、遺忘的真情。 -------------------------------------- 搭配寂天雲APP聆聽訓練聽力最有效! 掃描書封QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。 功能特色: ● 透過本App,可下載每本書的音檔,即點即播。 ● App 內建掃描器,掃描書本內頁QR Code ,可直接對應到書本內容,播放音檔。 ● 可根據自我學習狀況,設定循環播放、單曲重複播放、前進後退10秒播放。 ● 有多段語速可供選擇播放,可依學習情況調整快慢語速,逐步強化聽力訓練。 ● 可設定星號書籤,標示重點複習音檔,重複播放。 ● 提供背景播放,讓您無論開車、坐車通勤、跑步或行進間,訓練聽力不間斷。 ● 可設定播放時間,讓您睡前也能預設關閉時間,把握淺眠期的黃金學習時段。 透過「寂天雲」App,書本與聲音的連結更自由、更多元,讓您隨時隨地都能輕鬆學習,更方便!更有效率!
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
The Letter with the Golden Stamp
作者:Onjali Q. Rauf  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2023/03/16 裝訂:平裝
From Onjali Q. Rauf, author of The Boy at the Back of the Class, comes another incredible story, told with humour and heart. Touching on the challenges navigated by children caring for loved ones at home, this story brings into focus their hardships and worries, alongside the unexpected, invisible sources of kindness which can change their lives.'I can't remember how old I was when I first started collecting stamps. But I've got a whole shoebox full of them now.Mam used to help me collect them ... Before she got so ill that she lost her job, her friends...everything.Now it's my job to take care of her and protect her - and my little brother and sister too. But to do that, I have to make Mam a Secret. A secret no-one can ever find out about. Not even my best friends at school, or Mo, our postman.Or the stranger living in the house across the street. The one no-one has seen, but who I know is spying on us.The one I think might be Them...'Deep in the heart of Swansea, Wales, lives a small
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for Beautiful, Awful and Ordinary Days
作者:Jordan Bolton  出版社:ANDREWS & MCMEEL  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:精裝
Jordan Bolton's Blue Sky Through The Window of A Moving Car is a poignant collection of comics that explore universal experiences and emotions through art and poetry. Small yet powerful, and equal parts heart-breaking and heart-warming, these poetic comics are intensely relatable and go straight to the heart of what it means to be human. Most of life is made up of mundane moments on ordinary days. But every moment, every good day, bad day, and average day, had to happen exactly the way that it did for you to exist. Everything that made you, connects us all in small, invisible, and beautiful ways. This first comic collection from artist Jordan Bolton explores the fleeting details that unite us. Jordan brings together the visual language of comics with the heartfelt language of poetry, to express moments of love and heartbreak, embarrassment and shame, hope and disappointment, grief and happiness. Split into sections that reflect where we spend the majority of our time--In Public, In Tra
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Brave Every Day
作者:Trudy Ludwig; Patrice Barton  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:精裝
From social-emotional learning expert Trudy Ludwig and award-winning picture book illustrator Patrice Barton (co-creators of The Invisible Boy) comes a story about managing anxiety and finding the courage to stand up for yourself and others.Most kids love hide-and-seek, but Camila just wants to hide. Hiding is what she does best when she worries, and she worries a LOT.What if… I can’t… I’m scared!A class trip to the aquarium causes her worries to pile up like never before. But when an anxious classmate asks for help, Camila discovers that her heart is bigger than her fears.From social-emotional learning expert Trudy Ludwig and award-winning illustrator Patrice Barton, this tale of courage and compassion will embolden readers to face their own fears.“A sweet and powerful gem of a book sure to help young worriers.” –Dawn Huebner, PhD, author of What to Do When You Worry Too Much
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:羅素.羅伯茲  出版社:經濟新潮社  出版日:2011/01/24 裝訂:平裝
一個談經濟學的愛情故事~~ 市場是一隻「看不見的手」,而資本主義也有一顆「看不見的心」,規律地跳動著,默默在改善人類的生活。。 男女主角山姆與羅拉,都任教於愛德華高中。山姆推崇資本主義,認為追求商業成功是一種美德,大部分的政府管制都是多餘的,甚至會阻礙經濟發展。他深信只有在自由經濟的體制下,才能夠孕育真正的人性。羅拉則鍾情於華滋華斯的詩,認為政府應該矯正社會所有的弊病。當山姆為企業界的成功者喝
作者:羅素.羅伯茲  出版社:經濟新潮社  出版日:2014/08/14 裝訂:平裝
【愛上經濟:一個談經濟學的愛情故事】 市場是一隻「看不見的手」, 而資本主義也有一顆「看不見的心」, 規律地跳動著, 默默在改善人類的生活。 男女主角山姆與羅拉,都任教於愛德華高中。山姆推崇資本主義,認為追求商業成功是一種美德,大部分的政府管制都是多餘的,甚至會阻礙經濟發展。他深信只有在自由經濟的體制下,才能夠孕育真正的人性。羅拉則鍾情於華滋華斯的詩,認為政府應該矯正社會所有的弊病。當
定價:900 元, 優惠價:9 810
作者:羅素‧羅伯茲  出版社:經濟新潮社  出版日:2019/09/21 裝訂:平裝
《貿易戰爭:誰獲利?誰受害?解開自由貿易與保護主義的難解之謎》 教你看懂「美中貿易戰」的本質,學會「經濟學」的思考方式★米爾頓‧傅利曼、馬丁‧沃夫 專業推薦!★《商業週刊》、《金融時報》年度商業好書!★商管、經濟、國貿科系,指定課外讀物這本書的主角,是十九世紀偉大的經濟學家:大衛.李嘉圖(David Ricardo),他是「比較利益」原理的奠基者。為了進入天堂,他必須說服一家美國的製造商
定價:940 元, 優惠價:9 846
The Invisible Heart
作者:Susukhaa  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2023/05/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:540 元, 優惠價:1 540
作者:Bertrand Small  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/07/25 裝訂:精裝
定價:949 元, 優惠價:1 949
The Invisible Heart Attack
作者:Peter Schweizer  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2018/03/27 裝訂:精裝
The author of Throw Them All Out and Extortion draws on extensive research to reveal hidden practices of corruption among some of America's most high-profile and respected politicians. 150,000 first p
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
作者:Bertrand Small  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/07/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:750 元, 優惠價:1 750
Heart of Darkness ─ Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe
作者:Jeremiah P. Ostriker; Simon Mitton  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2013/01/22 裝訂:精裝
Heart of Darkness describes the incredible saga of humankind's quest to unravel the deepest secrets of the universe. Over the past thirty years, scientists have learned that two little-understood comp
定價:1062 元, 優惠價:9 956
作者:Nancy Folbre  出版社:New Pr  出版日:2002/05/01 裝訂:平裝
There has been much talk about family values in recent years, but little examination of the economic forces that are exploding family life and limiting the caregiving that families can provide. As Fol
定價:1257 元, 優惠價:1 1257
Invisible Heart
作者:Russell D. Roberts  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2002/02/22 裝訂:平裝
A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day?The Invisible Heart takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Sil
定價:1062 元, 優惠價:79 839
作者:Russell Roberts  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2001/02/02 裝訂:精裝
A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day? This text takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Silver, teach
Invisible Heart Attack
作者:Peter Schweizer  出版社:Harperluxe  出版日:2018/03/27 裝訂:平裝
From the New York Times bestselling author of Clinton Cash comes an explosive new political expose!
定價:1178 元, 優惠價:79 931
Hypertension The Invisible Silent Killer: 1.39 Billion People Had It In 2010, And 10.4 Million Deaths Globally Every Year, A Quick and Simple Guide Ab
作者:The Heart 73  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/01/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:336 元, 優惠價:1 336
The Invisible Man
作者:H. G. Wells  出版社:Bantam Classic & Loveswept  出版日:1996/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Spine-tingling and entertaining, The Invisible Man is a science fiction classic–and a penetrating, unflinching look into the heart of human nature. To its author, H. G. Wells, the novel was as compell
定價:226 元, 優惠價:79 179
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