《錯把太太當帽子的人》作者--奧立佛・薩克斯/指定必讀兒童醫療貢獻獎終身成就獎得主--宋維村醫師/專文推薦知名書獎「山繆・強森獎」(Samuel Johnson Prize)2015年得獎作品,本書亦是該獎項創立以來,首部獲獎的科普著作,更被《紐約時報》譽為與《背離親緣》同為謳歌神經多樣性的經典著作。◆◆◆「自閉症是道光譜,一旦你知道該留意什麼,就到處都看得到它。」近年,世界各地有越來越多的人,經診斷有「泛自閉症症候群」(ASD),根據美國官方統計,如今大約每44人就有1人落在自閉症光譜中。史提夫・希伯曼為美國知名科技記者,與矽谷人士往來密切,他在2000年因為約訪高科技領域赫赫有名的人士,感覺到自閉症者似乎不像一般認為的那麼少見,他在調查後發現,自閉症「流行起來」是舉世皆然,只是原因並非盛傳的疫苗等等,而是診斷標準的改變——里歐・肯納所定的標準,已被徹頭徹尾推翻。史提夫也感到好奇:以往的標準出了什麼問題?此前幾十年,肯納的標準又造成什麼影響?於是,他投入十餘年詳盡調查,爬梳肯納和亞斯伯格發現自閉症的歷程,解釋他們的見解為何一人被埋沒數十年、另一人主導那麼久。他更深入不為人知的精神醫學,乃至神經科學發展史,挖掘出諸多驚人內幕和例子。自閉兒是怎麼被「發現」的?而這道自閉症光譜,又是如何被拼湊起來的?一般普遍視里歐・肯納為最早發現自閉症的人,他對自閉症的界定也因而影響全球數十年,像是:(1)自閉症極為罕見,一萬人中僅個位數;(2)唯有孩童會有此症,青少年或成人若表現出相似症狀者都不算;以及他後來順應學界趨勢所提的(3)自閉症雖與先天器質性因素相關,但強勢嚴厲的父母是將孩子逼得發病的原因之一。此後整整數十年,自閉兒的父母聽聞專家有新解釋或新療法,總竭盡所能地帶孩子一個試過一個,疑惑、自責的同時,往往還得面對旁人對自閉兒與家長投來的異樣眼光。直到英國的約翰和羅娜.維恩夫婦因家有自閉兒而深入研究,並與家長們長期交流十年後,發現肯納的界定有蹊蹺,具備醫學及研究專業的他們,於是翻譯了早於肯納的漢斯.亞斯伯格的論文,啟動診斷標準大翻修,讓以往「不算在內」的青少年及成年自閉症者,也能得到社會理解及服務。然而,新診斷標準篩出大量自閉族人、還原實況的努力,在媒體渲染下卻成了「鬧流行」,「打疫苗會導致自閉症」的不負責說法又於這時補上一腳,人心惶惶之餘,也將研究資源和促進理解的努力踢到一旁。
A groundbreaking book that upends conventional thinking about autism and suggests a broader model for acceptance, understanding, and full participation in society for people who think differently. Wh
What is autism: a devastating developmental disorder, a lifelong disability, or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth, it is all of these things
"A groundbreaking book that upends conventional thinking about autism and suggests a broader model for acceptance, understanding, and full participation in society for people who think differently. What is autism: a devastating developmental disorder, alifelong disability, or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth, it is all of these things and more--and the future of our society depends on our understanding it. WIRED reporter Steve Silberman unearths the secret history of autism, long suppressed by the same clinicians who became famous for discovering it, and finds surprising answers to the crucial question of why the number of diagnoses has soared in recent years. Going back to the earliest days of autism research and chronicling the brave and lonely journey of autistic people and their families through the decades, Silberman provides long-sought solutions to the autism puzzle, while mapping out a path for our society toward a mor
What is autism: a devastating developmental disorder, a lifelong disability, or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth, it is all of these things