★ 榮獲紐約時報(New York Times)暢銷榜冠軍!★ 紐約時報書評(New York Times Book Review)好評推薦!★ 美國亞馬遜 4.5 顆星好評!世紀末,希望與焦慮交織浮現。進入二十世紀尾聲,現代人對本世紀最主要的成就之一――高科技醫療,卻產生了深沉的幻滅感。雖然西方醫學擅長解決急性疾病的難題,但是面對肆意蔓延的慢性病如癌症和愛滋病,仍然沒有突破的進展。在此同時,開發
Shares the latest evidence linking prayer, healing, and medicine, presenting case studies and anecdotes that illustrate those methods of prayer that offer the greatest potential for healing. Reprint.
The author of Space, Time & Medicine shares the latest evidence that links prayer, healing, and medicine, presenting examples and anecdotes, and showing readers which methods of prayer show the gr