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Sidney Sheldon/ Tilly Bagshawe (12)
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Tilly Heather (6)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:麗莎‧雷根  出版社:五南圖書出版  出版日:2023/04/28 裝訂:精裝
定價:350 元, 優惠價:95 333
作者:查爾斯.蒂利(Charles Tilly)-著; 林怡婷-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2023/01/31 裝訂:平裝
從轉換人生跑道,到爭論政治議題 從法官做出判決,到醫師解釋病情 從提出分手,到思索親人離去的原因…… 我們每天都在追問、回答「為什麼」 但你是否想過,我們為什麼要找理由? 「21世紀社會學之父」查爾斯.蒂利為大眾撰寫的通俗讀物 深度剖析理由與社會關係的千絲萬縷 ★21世紀社會學之父的理由學:人們會找理由,與社會關係密不可分 ★引用大量故事、案例,帶領讀者從日常生活中理解社會學 ★全球獨家收錄《異數》、《引爆趨勢》作者麥爾坎.葛拉威爾重磅導讀 我為什麼生病? 我為什麼找不到工作? 你怎麼沒提分手就搞失蹤? 法官判決為何不管人情世故? 九一一事件為什麼會發生? 專家講話怎麼都那麼複雜? 你為什麼遲到? 你最近為什麼都不理我? 犯罪率為什麼居高不下? …… 我只是需要一個理由! ▎這是一本關於人們為什麼提出理由,以及如何提出理由的書 我們每天都在為自己的所作所為、對萬事萬物說明「理由」,理由在日常生活中不可或缺。人類從小就開始提供並要求理由,終其一生追尋「為什麼?」的答案,我們甚至可以說,人類是一種說明理由的動物。 然而,你是否注意過,在不同情境、對不同人,人們會使用不同的理由?試想你看到有人在圖書館撞倒別人桌上的書,他說: 「抱歉,我真是笨手笨腳。」 「不好意思,沒有看到你的書。」 「該死!我又來了。」 「你幹嘛把書放在那裡?」 「我早就叫你把書堆整齊。」 你猜想這兩人分別是怎樣的關係? 理由與社會關係密不可分,人們提出的理由能反映雙方關係的親疏遠近,也能體現雙方對這段關係的看法。蒂利分析大量故事、案例,將所有理由歸納為四個種類: ◆「都是我的錯,不是你的問題」──慣例 上班遲到時,如果你跟老闆說:「昨天小孩一直哭,晚上沒睡好,早上出門送小孩上學時……」老闆大概會覺得不耐煩又莫名其妙。這時,人們會採納慣例,說一句:「抱歉,早上大塞車」;比起真實理由,人們可能更需要符合彼此關係的理由。慣例不一定反映真實,卻能突顯雙方關係。因此,當伴侶不再跟你討論想法,卻說出:「都是我的錯,不是你的問題」,很可能表示你們的關係已經惡化。 ◆「事情是這樣的,我這幾天過得很不好……」──敘事 伴侶不拿慣例搪塞你,卻描述自己最近的煩惱,化解你對彼此關係
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定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
Dirty Bath Water
作者:Tilly Danse  出版社:Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers  出版日:2024/11/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:439 元, 優惠價:95 417
Paul the Peacock
作者:Tilly Matthews  出版社:Happy Yak  出版日:2024/08/06 裝訂:精裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
A Helping Hand for the Village Nurse:A totally gorgeous romance to escape with
作者:Tilly Tennant  出版社:Bookouture  出版日:2025/03/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:95 521
Tilly the Tooth Fairy
作者:Nicola Gordon  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/11/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:418 元, 優惠價:1 418
New Year's Bite: A Tilly World Holiday Novella
作者:S. J. Tilly  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
Baby Cakes: The Complete Bite Series
作者:S. J. Tilly  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
Snowed in Bite: A Holiday Novella
作者:S. J. Tilly  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
National Trust: Tilly Plants a Tree
作者:William Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/04/07 裝訂:精裝
Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National TrustTilly has been learning all about trees and she would love to grow one. So when Grandma shows Tilly her special oak tree and they collect an acorn from the ground, they know just what to do. With help from their friends Worm and Ladybird, Tilly starts to grow her very own oak tree.Join in as she watches it grow, with fun flaps to lift to see what's happening underground and a big pop-up surprise at the end. With a gentle story and simple facts to explain how plants grow, children will be inspired to get outside and follow the helpful tips to plant their very own trees. Featuring artwork from bestselling The Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler, this new nature series from the National Trust is one for all the family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Sam Plants a Sunflower
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
National Trust: Tilly Plants a Tree *附音檔QRCode*
作者:William Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/01/04 裝訂:平裝
Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National TrustTilly has been learning all about trees and she would love to grow one. So when Grandma shows Tilly her special oak tree and they collect an acorn from the ground, they know just what to do. With help from their friends Worm and Ladybird, Tilly starts to grow her very own oak tree. Join in as she watches it grow, with fun flaps to lift to see what's happening underground and a big pop-up surprise at the end.With a gentle story and simple facts to explain how plants grow, children will be inspired to get outside and follow the helpful tips to plant their very own trees.Featuring artwork from bestselling The Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler, this new nature series from the National Trust is one for all the family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Sam Plants a Sunflower, Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden and Tilly Plants a TreeEvery Nosy Crow paperback p
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Pages & Co. #3: Tilly and the Map of Stories (平裝本)
作者:Anna James  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower / Tilly Plants a Tree / Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden (with flaps and pop-up surprise!)(共3本)
作者:Kate Petty; William Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/04/06 裝訂:精裝
9781839941733 National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower9781839941740 National Trust: Tilly Plants a Tree9781839941757 National Trust: Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden (with flaps and pop-up surprise!)
定價:1647 元, 優惠價:75 1235
作者:Erik Olin Wright  出版社:群學  出版日:2022/06/10 裝訂:平裝
邁向經濟正義的社會民主終結剝削才能消弭不平等截長補短、指出皮凱提《二十一世紀資本論》盲點。知名公共知識份子、「真實烏托邦」概念發想者、新馬克思主義大師Erik Olin Wright集大成之作!「唯有像Wright這樣聰慧的思想家,才能在提出人們亟需的政治想像時,又不讓分析失去清晰與精準性。」──布若威/《製造甘願》作者「二十世紀後半葉最重要的階級理論家。」──黃崇憲Erik Olin Wright為知名社會學家,早期以計量經濟學結合馬克思主義所進行的階級分析聞名,1990年代起開展了「真實烏托邦」計畫,摸索抵抗資本主義的出路。本書結合Wright數十年的研究結晶,旨在釐清馬克思主義的核心概念內涵,諸如:階級、剝削、集體行動。與此同時,藉由探索真實存在的烏托邦,本書亦剖析了在當今資本主義的背景下,有哪些解放的契機。關於如何界定階級,各學派向來莫衷一是。Wright試圖截長補短,整合各路學說,以便解釋經濟不平等的多種層次與維度。他提出的全新框架以遊戲為隱喻,將階級研究化為多重分析層次:要玩哪種遊戲,資本主義還是社會主義?其次,遊戲規則怎麼制定才好,要像美國,還是像北歐?藉此,讀者便能從更完整的角度,思索階級如何在各方面都左右著人們的選擇。最後,本書指出新自由主義、全球化與金融化,使貧富差距再度擴大,破壞了戰後數十年間勞資雙贏的局面。然而,目前已有許多挑戰資本主義的構想,舉凡工人合作社、ESOPs(員工持股計畫)、甚至無條件基本收入制,都讓我們看見「並非以剝削為基礎」的經濟關係,確實有可能存續。綜上所述,本書不僅診斷了資本主義如何加劇了不平等,更替公民指明了經濟民主之路。本書特色◎與多位重磅級學者「交手過招」,包括《二十一世紀資本論》作者皮凱提、知名歷史社會學家蒂利(Charles Tilly)與麥可.曼(Michael Mann)。讓真理愈辯愈明。◎反省古典馬派理論過時要素(如經濟決定論),卻同時保留了馬克思主義的獨特性,亦即一方面探問導致不平等的因果機制,另方面也懷抱著規範性的關懷,不斷構思人民應當如何以集體之力,消弭社會不平等。◎打破想當然耳的經濟迷思,例如工人結社程度與經濟績效為負相關;反之,證據指出,結社程度不上不下的地區,市場表現才位於低點。◎反思21世紀階級兩極化加劇的現況,以作者曾深入研究的北歐模式為典範,對照出當前主宰全球的美式資本主義,為何令同為「9
庫存 > 10
定價:540 元, 優惠價:9 486
Goodnight Tiptoe (Midi Edition)
作者:Polly Dunbar  出版社:Walker Books  出版日:2012/09/06 裝訂:平裝
From inspired picture-book creator Polly Dunbar, the first in the colourful, charming, soon-to-be televised series following the escapades of Tilly and her friends."I'm not sleepy," says Tiptoe while
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Pages & Co. #2: The Lost Fairy Tales
作者:Anna James  出版社:Puffin  出版日:2021/03/02 裝訂:平裝
The second magical bookwandering adventure in the nationally bestselling Pages & Co. series, featuring Tilly Pages as she journeys to France to wander inside a peculiar book of fairytales. Perfect for fans of Inkheart and The Land of Stories. Tilly and her best friend Oskar are bookwanderers: a remarkable group of people who, using the magical power of books, can travel inside any story they choose. But on a wintry visit to Paris, the friends wander inside a book of fairy tales to find that peculiar things are happening: characters are getting lost, stories are all mixed up, and mysterious plot holes are opening without warning . . . It's up to Tilly and Oskar to figure out what--or who--is behind the chaos. And after the friends come face-to-face with an old foe, they realize that villains can exist outside the pages of books . . . and that sometimes, you don't get to live happily ever after. Praise for the Pages & Co. series: Mr. Lemoncello would love to go bookwandering at P
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
National Trust: Sam Plants a Sunflower (with flaps and pop-up surprise!)
作者:Kate Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/04/07 裝訂:精裝
Sam好喜歡大大的向日葵,他決定試著自己種。細心澆灌,再耐心等待,種子到底會不會發芽呢…?以童趣鮮豔的畫風,搭配有趣的操作頁面,讓小讀者認識植物的生長過程,並學會與美好自然和諧共處。Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National TrustSam loves big, yellow sunflowers, so when his friends Worm and Ladybird suggest he grows his own, he soon plants some seeds in his garden. Join Sam as he watches them grow, with fun flaps to lift to see what's happening underground and a big sunflower pop-up surprise. With a gentle story and simple facts to explain how plants grow, children will be inspired to get outside and follow the helpful tips to plant their very own sunflowers.Featuring artwork from bestselling The Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler, this new nature series from the National Trust is one for all the family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Tilly Plants a Tree
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
National Trust: Ruby Plants a Radish (with flaps and pop-up surprise!)
作者:Kate Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/04/06 裝訂:精裝
Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National TrustRuby loves radishes, so when her friends Worm and Ladybird suggest she grows her own, she soon sets to work. Join Ruby as she watches her radishes grow, with five flaps to lift to see what’s happening underground and an impressive pop-up surprise.With a gentle story and simple facts to explain how plants grow, children will be inspired to get outside and follow the helpful tips to plant their very own vegetables.Featuring artwork from bestselling The Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler, this new nature series from the National Trust is one for all the family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Sam Plants a Sunflower, Tilly Plants a Tree and Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
National Trust: Ben Plants a Butterfly Garden (with flaps and pop-up surprise!)
作者:Kate Petty; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/04/06 裝訂:精裝
Discover the joy of growing things in this non-fiction nature picture book series from Axel Scheffler and the National TrustBen loves flowers and Ben loves butterflies, so when his friends Worm and Ladybird suggest he makes his garden prettier by growing his own butterfly garden, he soon sets to work. Join Ben as he watches the flowers grow then discovers butterflies growing too, with four flaps to lift to see what’s happening underground and an impressive pop-up surprise.With a gentle story and simple facts to explain how plants and butterflies grow, children will be inspired to get outside and follow the helpful tips to plant their very own butterfly garden.Featuring artwork from bestselling The Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler, this new nature series from the National Trust is one for all the family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Sam Plants a Sunflower, Tilly Plants a Tree and Ruby Plants a Radish
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
作者:(美)塔瑪拉‧凱伊; (美)R.L.伊文思  出版社:上海財經大學  出版日:2023/04/01 裝訂:平裝
榮獲ASA 2019年查爾斯‧蒂利傑出圖書獎(Charles Tilly Distinguished Book Award)。貿易曾經是一個深奧的經濟問題,很少引起國內政策的共振。激進主義者沒有優先考慮貿易問題,並且,草根政治動員似乎不可能針對自由貿易的倡導者。所以,20世紀90年代初,《北美自由貿易協定》的(法定程序)批准通過是可以預料的既成事實。然而,正如本書所展示的,激進主義者進行了反擊:他們提高了在貿易問題上的公眾意識,動員了新的選民反對貿易,並要求全球經濟規則保護公民的集體權利和共同利益。在《北美自由貿易協定》簽署後,激進主義者還對美國的貿易政策發起了持續的挑戰,為後來的貿易戰奠定了基礎。利用來自大量檔案材料的數據,並基於對墨西哥、加拿大和美國貿易談判代表、勞工和環境保護激進人士以及政府官員的215多次訪談,塔瑪拉‧凱伊(Tamara Kay)和R‧L‧埃文斯(R.L. Evans)評價了激進主義者是如何利用國家舞臺和非國家舞臺的廣義劃分而將貿易政策政治化的。此外,他們不僅展示了激進主義者如何能夠將貿易政策政治化,而且展示了如何能夠迫使談判代表將勞工和環境保護納入《北美自由貿易協定》的附加協議。《美國自由貿易政策的終結》試圖弄清楚民間社團在形構國家政策方面的作用,(對於這個重大問題的探索),本書的出版無疑做出了及時的貢獻。
定價:468 元, 優惠價:87 407
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