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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Carlos Campbell  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2020/09/18 裝訂:平裝
走到哪說到哪,讓你說著英語去旅行!14個旅遊情境 x 精選字彙、會話與句型 x 最實用的旅遊資訊= 到哪都能勇敢開口說英語,輕鬆成為旅遊英語達人!最簡單實用必備的英語旅遊書,讓你輕鬆說著英語去旅行!本書依據旅遊情境,設計一本最簡單好用的英語旅遊書,共有14個主題單元,從訂機票、搭飛機、出入境,到入住飯店、餐廳、購物與交通等,完整囊括旅遊所需情境,輕鬆突破語言藩籬,到哪都能開口說英語!本書架構Par
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
觀光英語Lets Go!
作者:Kiwi Cheng; Cosmos Language Workshop  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2023/12/14 裝訂:平裝
專業觀光英語 + 旅遊知識 = 完美結合!出國旅遊就靠這一本!一書在手,流利英語探索世界不是夢!本書專為一般出國旅遊、自助旅行的冒險者與觀光相關科系學生量身打造,針對全方位的旅遊情境,精心規畫十大主題、40單元,從抵達國門前的行前準備、旅途中的食衣住行育樂、到行程中的疑難雜症,提供:情境對話 x 實用例句 x 資訊補充包 x 彩圖圖解豐富完備的學習內容,輕鬆強化讀者的旅遊英語實力,陪伴您玩遍世界!Key Features 本書特色包山包海十大主題出境、飛航、入境、住宿、交通、用餐、娛樂、購物、通訊和旅途中的緊急狀況,想得到的旅遊二三事這本書通通一手掌握,滿足最迫切的觀光英語需求!模擬真實觀光情境生動活潑的日常對話,引導讀者進入旅遊實境,如登機門異動、使用旅館服務、藝文活動購票、購物退稅等,融入情境聚焦學習,讓英文應對變得好簡單。旅遊英語常用說法實用的旅遊小句,按多樣化的實際旅遊情境詳盡分類,並有中文關鍵字索引,不僅幫助讀者加深印象,更可快速找到適用的說法,現學現賣,大膽開口說!同時也新增時下最新的英文說法,如:使用免費Wi-Fi、搭乘隨上隨下觀光巴士、使用遊樂園快速通關券、購買當地SIM卡等,隨時跟上最新的旅遊訊息。深度補充旅遊知識除了英語溝通能力外,文化知識和旅遊資訊亦為旅遊不可或缺!集結最新旅遊經驗與情報,諸如訂房種類、簽證申請、各國飲食文化和如何在國外上網打電話,旅遊零經驗也能走遍天下!絕美彩圖補充解析全書精選主題式的實境彩圖,搭配清楚文字說明,幫助以視覺記憶單字加深印象,打造置身旅遊情境的臨場感,學習效度更增加,也讓旅途更順暢。專業朗讀英語MP3由專業外籍老師錄製的MP3,搭配書中內容練習,培養英語聽力與口語表達,走到哪聽到哪,全面提升英語能力。實用網站App大蒐秘新增附錄,搜集從官方簽證資訊、訂購機票飯店、旅遊資訊與行程規劃、到緊急救助一應俱全,提供旅遊好用網站與App的推薦,免去從五花八門的資訊中大海撈針的困擾,並有QR code,只要手機一掃,輕鬆接軌旅遊資訊!--------------------------------------搭配寂天雲APP聆聽訓練聽力最有效!掃描書封QR Code下載「寂天雲」App,即能下載全書音檔,無論何時何地都能輕鬆聽取專業母語老師的正確道地示範發音,訓練您的聽力。功能特色:● 透過本App,可下載每本書的音檔,即點
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Michelin Restaurants & Hotels Guide 2017 Seoul ─ Restaurants & Hotels
作者:Michelin Travel Publications (COR)  出版社:Michelin Travel Pubns  出版日:2017/04/07 裝訂:平裝
Discover some 140 tasty restaurants and 30+ delightful hotels in the brand-new MICHELIN Guide Seoul 2017 (in English and Korean.) Seoul, a world-class dining destination, offers eclectic choices rangi
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
50 Short Stories of Travel: Inspiring Adventures for Self-Discovery (B2 Vocabulary): Learn English with Captivating B2-Level Vocabulary and Transf
作者:Elizabeth Snow  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
English for Everyone Illustrated English Dictionary (精裝本)(美國版)*內附音檔網址
作者:DK  出版社:DK Pub  出版日:2022/06/21 裝訂:精裝
英語自學系列English for Everyone推出全彩常用英語字典,收錄超過一萬的常見單字及片語,依照日常生活、工作及旅行等情境主題分類,佐以插圖及音檔,視覺、聽覺學習雙管齊下,輕鬆累績單字力。Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful words and phrases in English with this beautifully illustrated dictionary for English-language students. Building on the success of the English for Everyone program and DK's Bilingual Visual Dictionary series, English for Everyone: Illustrated English Dictionary uses crystal-clear illustrations to show the meaning of over 10,000 words of English vocabulary. The words are shown in a visual context in themed sections covering practical or everyday topics (such as shopping, food, or study), providing learners with all the vocabulary they need for work, travel, and leisure. Learning English vocabulary is even easier with this visually stunning dictionary.
庫存 > 10
定價:1216 元, 優惠價:75 912
Theseus and the Minotaur 賽修斯與牛頭怪 (Usborne English Readers Level 2)
作者:Anthony Marks; Matteo Pincelli  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/11/10 裝訂:有聲書
Every year, a ship with black sails visits the city of Athens. Fourteen young people are chosen to go to the island of Crete, but they never return. One year, prince Theseus is determined to travel with them and defeat the Cretans' fearsome monster, the Minotaur. He is helped by the princess Ariadne, and they escape from the island - but on their return, Theseus makes a terrible mistake.With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English. CEFR level: A2. 800 headwords, 2052 words.
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:69 264
Connectivity (4) Student's Book and eBook with Online Practice
作者:Joan Saslow; Allen Ascher  出版社:Pearson Education Limited  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
DescriptionA new communicative course for adults and young adults that takes students from true beginner to advanced competency in six levels.Connectivity is written by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, the award-winning authors of Top Notch and Summit. It has a strong focus on communication skills and is centered on goal and achievement-driven lessons.Connectivity features a rigorous speaking pedagogy that activates new language and integrates it with intensive four-skills practice and the soft skills needed for employability. A unique cultural fluency syllabus prepares students to use English for work, travel, studies, and life—no matter where they are in the world.To meet the needs of the modern student, this blended course offers Online Practice, Student’s Interactive eBooks, and the Pearson Practice English App.HighlightsStudent's Book & Interactive Student's eBook with Online Practice, Digital Resources and AppIt comes with an access code for all digital student materials, so that
定價:680 元, 優惠價:95 646
McGraw-Hill's Korean Illustrated Dictionary
作者:LIVE ABC  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2011/09/30 裝訂:精裝
See and hear essential Korean vocabulary and build your Korean language skills!Whether you are 5 or 105, this fully illustrated dictionary makes building Korean vocabulary easy, stimulating, and fun. Bringing the 1,400 essential words alive are the vibrant illustrations that will help you remember key terms and phrases. It also includes an MP3 disc that features pronunciation by native speakers of each entry, conveniently organized for quick-access on an iPod. The dictionary contains:Each term illustrated and accompanied by the Korean term and English translation MP3 disk with audio pronunciation of every term in Korean Easy navigation system for quick-access to each term on your iPod, computer, or other MP3 deviceTopics include: Home, At School, At Hospital, People, Transportation, Air Travel, Around Town, Plants & Animals, Food, Leisure & Entertainment, Athletics, At a Restaurant , Equipment & Machinese, Miscellaneous
定價:990 元, 優惠價:9 891
Take it Easy 2
作者:Joseph Schier  出版社:東華書局  出版日:1911/08/17 裝訂:平裝
IntroductionWelcome to Take It Easy, your guide to effective English communication in the business world and beyond. From interesting fields such as binge-watching and raising pets, to the basics of travel for pleasure and for business, and on to social media interactions, meeting people, and more, Take It Easy offers step-by-step tutorials on how to navigate a wide variety of daily-life scenarios with an air of practicality and a plethora of applicable knowledge.In each of the book’s 12 units, students are presented with warm-up exercises, conversations, short talks, and reading articles, all centered on targeted topics and each with a unique grammatical focus. With highlighted useful expressions, independent writing exercises, multiple choice questions and grammar drills, every unit provides a detailed window into an exciting and information-packed facet of the world students will one day find themselves immersed in.Warm Ups In each warm-up exercise, students are presented with a ser
定價:610 元, 優惠價:95 580
I Am the Subway (精裝本)
作者:Kim Hyo-eun  出版社:Scribe Publications  出版日:2022/01/13 裝訂:精裝
地鐵載運著乘客前行,也承載了他們的悲喜。從行色匆匆的上班族到帶著孩子的忙碌主婦,地鐵在行進的轟隆聲中見證一切,用乘客與他們的故事,繪製出一幅色彩鮮活的韓國地鐵風情畫。A cinematic journey through the Seoul subway that masterfully portrays the many unique lives we travel alongside whenever we take the train. A poetic translation of the bestselling Korean picture book.SIX STARRED REVIEWS★ “Lucky readers, climb aboard: extraordinary explorations await.” —Shelf Awareness★ “I Am the Subway makes for an unforgettable journey.” —Bookpage★ “[S]ensitive, closely observed portraits.” —Publishers Weekly★ “A contemplative, poignant rendering of everyday journeys.” —Kirkus Reviews★ “[B]eautiful and unusual.” —Youth Services Book Review★ “Bewitching.” —ForewordAccompanied by the constant, rumbling ba-dum ba-dum of its passage through the city, the subway has stories to tell. Between sunrise and sunset, it welcomes and farewells people, and holds them—along with their joys, hopes, fears, and memories—in its embrace.Originally published in Korean and brought to English-speaking audien
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Berlitz Kids French Flash Cards
出版社:Berlitz Publishing UK  出版日:2016/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Designed to teach the words kids need to know, each card features an illustration plus the foreign language word and its pronunciation on one side; the reverse side shows the word in English.
定價:274 元, 優惠價:77 210
作者:Annie Leibovitz; Doris Kearns Goodwin  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2011/11/08 裝訂:精裝
Pilgrimage took Annie Leibovitz to places that she could explore with no agenda. She wasn’t on assignment. She chose the subjects simply because they meant something to her. The first place was Emily Dickinson’s house in Amherst, Massachusetts, which Leibovitz visited with a small digital camera. A few months later, she went with her three young children to Niagara Falls. “That’s when I started making lists,” she says. She added the houses of Virginia Woolf and Charles Darwin in the English countryside and Sigmund Freud’s final home, in London, but most of the places on the lists were American. The work became more ambitious as Leibovitz discovered that she wanted to photograph objects as well as rooms and landscapes. She began to use more sophisticated cameras and a tripod and to travel with an assistant, but the project remained personal. Leibovitz went to Concord to photograph the site of Thoreau’s cabin at Walden Pond. Once she got there, she was drawn into the wider world of the C
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:79 1501
作者:朱靜姿  出版社:揚智文化  出版日:2005/05/04 裝訂:平裝
《觀光英語》一書旨在幫助英語學習者,了解如何使用簡單明瞭的英文與人溝通,並訓練會話技巧,進而建立自信,在出國旅遊時敢用英文表達,即使是一個單字、一句簡單的片語或是比手劃腳,都能輕鬆地與他人交談。本書分為兩個部分:Speak Up著重於旅遊會話,Reading則是以旅遊相關背景為基礎的文章閱讀,藉以幫助英語學習者了解如何填寫旅遊報關等文件、聽得懂機內廣播、在旅行途中寄張英文明信片給國內親友、用英文與
定價:450 元, 優惠價:95 428
作者:Carlos Campbell  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2013/11/09 裝訂:平裝
Travel, English, and Fun!最簡單的英語旅遊書,讓您輕鬆上路無負擔!本書針對英語程度初中級的讀者,設計一本最簡單好用的英語旅遊書,共分成14個大單元,依主題分類,包括訂機票、搭飛機、入境、入住飯店、餐廳、購物、搭乘交通、租車、問路、失竊與事故等等。每個單元有以下結構和特色:1. 常用對話(Dialog):精心設計配合主題的常用對話,句子簡單易學,,可立刻現學現用!2
作者:Carlos Campbell  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2013/04/17 裝訂:平裝
Travel, English, and Fun!最簡單的英語旅遊書,讓您輕鬆上路無負擔!本書針對英語程度初中級的讀者,設計一本最簡單好用的英語旅遊書,共分成14個大單元,依主題分類,包括訂機票、搭飛機、入境、入住飯店、餐廳、購物、搭乘交通、租車、問路、失竊與事故等等。每個單元有以下結構和特色:1.常用對話(Dialog):精心設計配合主題的常用對話,句子簡單易學,可立刻現學現用!2.關鍵用語(S
作者:Carlos Campbell  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2018/01/11 裝訂:平裝
Travel, English, and Fun!最簡單的英語旅遊書,讓您輕鬆上路無負擔! 本書針對英語程度初中級的讀者,設計一本最簡單好用的英語旅遊書,共分成14個大單元,依主題分類,包括訂機票、搭飛機、入境、入住飯店、餐廳、購物、搭乘交通、租車、問路、失竊與事故等等。每個單元有以下結構和特色:1. 常用對話(Dialog):精心設計配合主題的常用對話,句子簡單易學,可立刻現學現用!2
作者:Carlos Campbell-著; Judy Majewski-審訂  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2019/12/19 裝訂:平裝
走到哪說到哪,讓你說著英語去旅行!14個旅遊情境 x 精選字彙、會話與句型 x 最實用的旅遊資訊= 到哪都能勇敢開口說英語,輕鬆成為旅遊英語達人!最簡單實用必備的英語旅遊書,讓你輕鬆說著英語去旅行!本書依據旅遊情境,設計一本最簡單好用的英語旅遊書,共有14個主題單元,從訂機票、搭飛機、出入境,到入住飯店、餐廳、購物與交通等,完整囊括旅遊所需情境,輕鬆突破語言藩籬,到哪都能開口說英語!本書架構Par
作者:Kiwi Cheng; Cosmos Language Workshop-作; Jim Knudsen; Helen Yeh-審訂  出版社:語言工場  出版日:2018/05/14 裝訂:軟精裝
專業觀光英語 + 旅遊知識 = 完美結合!出國旅遊就靠這一本!一書在手,流利英語探索世界不是夢! 本書專為一般出國旅遊、自助旅行的冒險者與觀光相關科系學生量身打造,針對全方位的旅遊情境,精心規畫十大主題、40單元,從抵達國門前的行前準備、旅途中的食衣住行育樂、到行程中的疑難雜症,提供: 情境對話 X 實用例句 X 資訊補充包 X 彩圖圖解 豐富完備的學習內容,輕鬆強化讀者的旅遊英語實力,陪伴您玩遍
作者:Kiwi Cheng  出版社:語言工場  出版日:2012/09/19 裝訂:平裝
《觀光英語Let’s Go!》專為出國旅遊的讀者,或是觀光相關科系學子所量身打造。內容包含了行前規劃、訂購機票、簽證護照辦理、出入境流程、機上大小事、抵達海外的食衣住行與醫療。詳盡的情境分類句型、英文模擬會話、旅遊補充資訊與各式彩色情境圖解,能幫助讀者實際臨場運用,釐清困惑。一書在手,不管是自助或跟團旅行都能毫無畏懼,勇敢向前衝,充分享受旅遊的快活!本書架構情境對話:全書共有40個章節,每一章節皆
作者:謝雯雯  出版社:揚智文化  出版日:2010/07/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:500 元, 優惠價:95 475
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