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650L-7075L (1)
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Claire Watts (2)
Andrew Langley (1)
Barbara Tufty (1)
Claire Henry (1)
Donald R. Prothero (1)
Georgia Byng (1)
Kelly Knauer (EDT)/ Ellen Fanning (CON)/ Patricia Cadley (EDT)/ Tresa McBee (CON)/ Matthew McCann Fenton (CON) (1)
Mary Pope Osborne; Natalie Pope Boyce; Sal Murdocca (1)
Meredith Owens (1)
Mohamed Gad-el-Hak (1)
Roger del Moral (1)
Rosie Greenwood (1)
T. J. Anderson (1)
瑪麗‧波‧奧斯本、娜塔莉‧波‧博以斯-作;薩爾‧莫多卡、吳健豐-繪 (1)
羅賓・雅各布斯-作;蘇菲・威廉姆斯-繪 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
Dk Pub (2)
Kingfisher US (2)
Dover Pubns (1)
HarperCollins US (1)
Independently published (1)
Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (1)
Little Brown & Co (1)
Powerkids Pr (1)
Random House Childrens Books (1)
Rosen Pub Group (1)
小天下 (1)
小漫遊文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅賓・雅各布斯-作; 蘇菲・威廉姆斯-繪  出版社:小漫遊文化  出版日:2024/04/10 裝訂:精裝
地球正在經歷一場不可逆的環境變化!在極端氣候的風險中,身處不同地區的你我,都要聆聽地球發出的警訊。詳解8種最致命的地球災害:火山、地震、颶風、海嘯、龍捲風、野火、熱帶氣旋、暴風雪‧一看就懂! 直覺清晰的圖表資訊+化繁為簡的地科知識‧不只是新聞事件,從歷史資料與防災科學找到積極因應的行動方案‧美國亞馬遜書店讀者五星推薦、英國School Reading List 網站書評推薦謝隆欽(Earth WED地球星期三/中山大學附中教師)內文審定 馬國鳳(中研院地科所特聘研究員 / 「震識:那些你想知道的震識」總編輯)、張寒瑋(台灣青年氣候聯盟常務理事)、賈新興(台灣整合防災工程技術顧問公司總監)、潘昌志(科普作家/「震識:那些你想知道的震識」副總編輯」、羅立(台大地質科學系教授)聯合推薦也許你認為你住的地方四季炎熱,一輩子都不可能遇上暴風雪;又或許你住在離海很遠的地方,海嘯是什麼連聽都沒聽過。但是,千萬別小看自然界的蝴蝶效應,千里之外的火山爆發,也許會撼動你腳下的大地。本書大量運用圖表資訊,介紹世界上8種最常見,也最致命的自然災害。清晰的剖面結構圖搭配簡要的說明,幫助我們理解各種天災的生成原因,撼動地球面貌的方式,又帶來哪些結果。也許你不會經歷全部,但是學會如何觀察這些每天都在世界各地發生的自然事件,才能在災害來臨時,做出適當的應對。作者深入淺出說明現象背後的原理;例如:板塊互相推擠有點像彈手指,當你將兩隻手指碰在一起,並用力互相向側面推動,當推力大過摩擦力,你的手指就會突然移動,並以聲波的形式釋放能量。發生巨變的天然災害已不只是自然現象,也是地球想告訴我們的訊息。學會如何聽地球說話,才能做出正確的行動,帶來改變,保護我們腳下的這顆星球。【本書特色】1. 最符合時局、最全面的地球災變科學百科:除了傳統的火山、地震成因,並探討氣候暖化下的環境變遷,說明更多種類的天然災害。2. 最現代、生動易懂的圖表資訊:結合地圖、圖解和插圖等豐富的圖像形式,具體看到地質與氣候變化的原因、類型,讓巨大複雜的知識清晰易懂。3. 連結科學知識與生活實境:提供面對不同災害的生存指南(在雪崩時:「盡可能努力仰泳上坡」),讓孩子掌握知識也瞭解應變,適合師長做新聞事件的延伸討論。4. 一分鐘懶人包,摘錄各類災害事件的「歷史前五大」,借古鑑今,看懂各大天災的變化脈絡。
定價:499 元, 優惠價:79 394
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #15: Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters
作者:Mary Pope Osborne; Natalie Pope Boyce; Sal Murdocca  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2007/02/27 裝訂:平裝
Magic Tree House Research Guides are now Magic Tree House Fact Trackers! Track the facts with Jack and Annie! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #28: High Tde in Haw
定價:245 元, 優惠價:79 194
作者:瑪麗‧波‧奧斯本; 娜塔莉‧波‧博以斯-作; 薩爾‧莫多卡; 吳健豐-繪  出版社:小天下  出版日:2018/08/22 裝訂:平裝
原來學習知識可以像閱讀故事一樣充滿樂趣神奇樹屋小百科,孩子自主學習的最佳讀本每個孩子都是小小探險家──一起跟著傑克和安妮,來趟不一樣的百科探險!「神奇樹屋」知識讀本4大特色: 易懂文字、邏輯清楚的說明加上注音,搭配插圖和照片,知識書也能幫助孩子從圖畫書跨越到文字書 榮獲文化部推薦為中小學生優良課外讀物,培養閱讀習慣最佳選擇 讀完「神奇樹屋」故事再搭配主題百科,讓孩子閱讀不偏食 幫助小學生跨
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, And Other Natural Disasters
作者:Andrew Langley  出版社:Kingfisher US  出版日:2006/04/19 裝訂:精裝 藍思:1130L
Explore the most catastrophic natural events that have shocked the worldsince history began—monster waves, avalanches, brush fires, earthquakes, floods, and terrifying tornadoes. Bursting with
定價:453 元, 優惠價:79 358
Tsunamis And Other Natural Disasters Made Easy
作者:T. J. Anderson  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:560 元, 優惠價:1 560
Nature's Extremes ─ Earthquakes, Tsunamis and the Other Natural Disasters That Shape Life on Earth
In March 2011 the eyes of the world turned to the Pacific, where an earthquake and tsunami devastated cities along Japan's northern coasts only weeks after a major earthquake caused billions of dollar
DK Eyewitness Natural Disasters
作者:Claire Watts  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2006/03/20 裝訂:精裝
Detailed, full-color photographs and illustrations demonstrate the amazing power of hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
Eyewitness Natural Disasters
作者:Claire Watts  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2006/03/20 裝訂:平裝
Detailed, full-color photographs and illustrations demonstrate the amazing power of hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
The World's Deadliest Natural Disasters
作者:Claire Henry  出版社:Rosen Pub Group  出版日:2014/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Presents information about cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and other deadly natural disasters, and provides examples of some of the deadliest of each type in history.
定價:495 元, 優惠價:1 495
1001 Questions Answered About Earthquakes, Avalanches, Floods, and Other Natural Disasters
作者:Barbara Tufty  出版社:Dover Pubns  出版日:1978/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Answers 1001 questions about natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, avalanches, landslides, floods, droughts, fires, and animal plagues. A very informative, readable book. 18 photographs
定價:383 元, 優惠價:9 345
I Wonder Why Volcanoes Blow Their Tops: and Other Questions About Natural Disasters
作者:Rosie Greenwood  出版社:Kingfisher US  出版日:2004/06/10 裝訂:精裝
Why are twisters so dangerous? What makes floods happen in a flash? What was the Dust Bowl? How big can waves get? Find out the answers to these and many more questions about volcanoes, tsunamis, ear
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Catastrophes! ─ Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and Other Earth-Shattering Disasters
作者:Donald R. Prothero  出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr  出版日:2011/03/16 裝訂:精裝
Devastating natural disasters have profoundly shaped human history, leaving us with a respect for the mighty power of the earth -- and a humbling view of our future. Paleontologist and geologist Dona
定價:1802 元, 優惠價:1 1802
Environmental Disasters, Natural Recovery and Human Responses
作者:Roger del Moral  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/03/29 裝訂:平裝
Natural disasters destroy more property and kill more people with each passing year. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, fires and other natural events are becoming more frequent and their consequences more devastating. Del Moral and Walker provide a comprehensive summary of the diverse ways in which natural disasters disrupt humanity and how humans cope. Burgeoning human numbers, shrinking resources and intensification of the consequences of natural disasters have produced a crisis of unparalleled proportions. Through this detailed study, the authors provide a template for improving restoration to show how relatively simple approaches can enhance both human well-being and that of the other species on the planet. This book will appeal to ecologists, land managers as well as anyone curious about the natural world and natural disasters.
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
Large-Scale Disasters:Prediction, Control, and Mitigation
作者:Mohamed Gad-el-Hak  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/23 裝訂:精裝
'Extreme' events - including climatic events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, drought - can cause massive disruption to society, including large death tolls and property damage in the billions of dollars. Events in recent years have shown the importance of being prepared and that countries need to work together to help alleviate the resulting pain and suffering. This volume presents an integrated review of the broad research field of large-scale disasters. It establishes a common framework for predicting, controlling and managing both manmade and natural disasters. There is a particular focus on events caused by weather and climate change. Other topics include air pollution, tsunamis, disaster modeling, the use of remote sensing and the logistics of disaster management. It will appeal to scientists, engineers, first responders and health-care professionals, in addition to graduate students and researchers who have an interest in the prediction, prevention or mitigation of large-scale di
作者:Meredith Owens  出版社:Powerkids Pr  出版日:2017/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Earthquakes are incredible forces of nature. They shake the ground and topple buildings and bridges. They can even cause other natural disasters such as tsunamis. This book takes an in-depth look at t
定價:495 元, 優惠價:1 495
Molly Moon, Micky Minus, & the Mind Machine
作者:Georgia Byng  出版社:HarperCollins US  出版日:2008/05/01 裝訂:平裝
With the evil Superbrain plotting to use a massive weather machine to create tsunamis, twisters, and other natural disasters in order to rule the world, Molly Moon must find a way to stop him before a
定價:360 元, 優惠價:79 284



