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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:珍娜.麥特琳  出版社:大樹林  出版日:2024/11/21 裝訂:平裝
✦ 能真正提升你解牌實戰力的塔羅指南 ✦牌義倒背如流,占卜卻總是詞窮?你需要的是一本專攻實戰技巧的塔羅書!融合心理學洞見,以專業與同理心剖析個案心態一本書解決所有實占難題,成就你的自信塔羅大師之路在這個瞬息萬變的時代,越來越多人向塔羅牌尋求指引和洞察。塔羅牌不再是神祕主義者的專利,它已成為現代人探索自我、尋找人生方向的實用工具。然而,真正的塔羅占卜絕不僅僅是背誦牌義那麼簡單而已!當你面對複雜的牌面與棘手的個案時,是否曾陷入以下困境?‧解牌時猶豫不決,信心盡失?明明牌義已經背得滾瓜爛熟,可是牌陣一擺開,腦中卻一片空白……‧宮廷牌讓你望而生畏?國王、皇后、騎士、侍從──這些人物到底在暗示什麼?‧擔心預測錯誤,辜負他人的信任?每次解牌都戰戰兢兢,懷疑自己的直覺,生怕一不小心就誤導了他人……‧渴望突破框架,給出更深刻的洞見?雖然掌握了塔羅基礎知識,但對於更深層次的心理洞察,總是力不從心……▍塔羅專家傾囊相授,助你擊退占卜心魔,蛻變成自信、專業的塔羅師!備受塔羅界推崇的珍娜.麥特林,擁有超過三十年的占卜經驗,致力於幫助塔羅愛好者學會自信解牌。本書透過豐富實例和實用步驟,引導你成功突破棘手的解牌難題,學會運用塔羅牌幫助自己和他人,並順利打造你的占卜事業。✦ 逐步破解解牌難題:透過多層次的解牌技法,幫助你理解複雜的牌陣,讓你不再迷失在每張牌的組合中,學會如何從全局出發,提供準確且有深度的解讀。✦ 掌握完整的占卜流程:從如何提出有效的問題,到如何為一次占卜做出有力的結論,本書將詳細指導你如何進行一場完整的占卜,讓每一步都充滿專業感。✦ 探索塔羅背後的哲學:塔羅不僅僅是工具,它反映了自由意志與命運的微妙平衡。本書將帶領你挖掘這些深度層次的哲學思考,幫助你理解每次占卜背後的真正含義。✦ 建立專業的占卜師心態:作為一名占卜師,不僅需要技術,還要具備正確的態度與專業素養。本書會教你如何與個案建立同理心,提供富有洞察力且有益的指引。✦ 保護自己,平衡能量:靈性工作需要在能量上保護自己,本書會教導你如何在占卜過程中保持身心平衡,讓你在幫助他人的同時,能夠持續保持內心的平靜。▍讀完這本書,立即升級你的塔羅實戰技能,解牌不再是難題!透過循序漸進的學習和實踐,你將掌握一系列寶貴的塔羅技能,這些技能將徹底改變你的占卜體驗,讓你在塔羅之路上走得更遠、更自信。✦ 建立解牌自信:透過反覆練習,讓你迅速建立解
庫存 > 10
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
雅思口說教戰手冊:從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音,讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士(附QR Code英美雙聲發音)
作者:林熙  出版社:EZ叢書館(日月文化)  出版日:2021/10/05 裝訂:平裝
雅思滿分記錄保持者、留學考試教父、英國劍橋CELTA師資認證 Brett Lindsay林熙 20年教學經驗,唯一也是最後一本研究結晶最新、最精準、最完整的IELTS口說備戰守則與擬答精華 雅思考官不能告訴你的評分準則 全都濃縮在這本書中! 破除一切IELTS口說迷思?英文檢定考官唯一聯手推薦? 雅思口說題型精密分析、答題最佳策略,精選母語人士道地慣用語,讓考生自然地 融入英文口說。 Daniel Sansoni 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師根據評分標準比較解析優劣答題示範。本書是任何一位雅思考生的必備寶典。 Dax Seutter 前雅思口試考官/資深雅思教師清楚、獨到且易於遵循的雅思指導方針,讓你自信表達,口說拿高分! Brian Welter 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師★年年親赴考場應試,剖析IELTS口說考官評分標準,備戰策略、答題技巧、口說禁忌,拿到雅思口說高分就靠這一本! ★Parts 1-3高頻口說真題擬答、高分替換用字、道地搭配詞、老外慣用語,活用表達,不再死背硬答。 ★ 英文「言之有物」:流利度、連貫性、字彙、文法、發音,讓你思考、講英文就像個母語人士,不考雅思也必備的口說寶典。 ★擬真IELTS口試情境音檔,首創英美雙聲發音,打破雅思英國腔迷思。QR Code 隨掃隨聽,快速適應考官面試。【學生雅思口說進步成果榜】 ■全職考生Jonathan 短期密集訓練,雅思口說Band 8 ■全職考生Austin 短期密集訓練,雅思口說Band 7.5 ■上班族(每天上班9小時)Rice兩個月雅思口說Band 6進步到Band 7,接著再考又進步到Band 7.5 ■FB 網紅Louis 兩個月雅思口說Band 5進步到Band 7 ■全職考生Jennifer 六個月雅思口說Band 4.5進步到Band 7.5 ■William一個半月雅思口說Band 5.5進步到Band 6.5 ■Jessica兩個月雅思口說Band 5.5進步到Band 7.5
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Twelfth Night ─ Or What You Will
作者:William Shakespeare; A. R. Braunmuller (EDT); Stephen Orgel (EDT); Jonathan Crewe (INT)  出版社:Penguin Classics USA  出版日:2016/07/05 裝訂:平裝
The acclaimed Pelican Shakespeare series, now in a dazzling new series design The legendary Pelican Shakespeare series features authoritative and meticulously researched texts paired with scholar
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
作者:愛莉絲.華特斯  出版社:好人出版  出版日:2023/06/20 裝訂:平裝
美國名廚愛莉絲.華特斯※《美食雜誌》(Gourmet)列為過去三十年間美國廚房內最具影響力的人物※※《法國美食和美酒》雜誌列為世界十大名廚之一※※詹姆斯•比爾德基金會最佳廚師獎,是第一位獲得此獎的女性※※安東尼․波登譽為可敬的對手※※成功說服歐巴馬,在白宮後院花園裡開闢自耕小菜圃※原文書名we are what we eat 來自英文日常的俗語you are what you eat。這句話第一次被提及是1826年的法國哲學家薩瓦蘭(Anthelme Brillat-Savarin寫道:「告訴我你吃什麼,我會告訴你你是誰。」(Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are)探究其含義,就是你放入體內的食物構成了你的身體,並且吃的食物應該給我們帶來健康和快樂。速度是速食文化最有力也最危險的引擎,卯足全力推著我們快速前進,走馬看花般飛速略過了本該仔細思量的各種問題。我們無暇顧及食物從何而來、無暇探究食物為何可以如此便宜、無暇思考廣告商是否別有用心,最可怕的是,我們壓根兒沒有察覺速食文化中的這些價值觀正以野火燎原之勢,一步步蠶食我們的生活、腐蝕我們的心志。美國名廚愛莉絲.華特斯深感當今世界面臨的許多嚴重問題――從貧窮、飢荒、疫情與農業發展衰退到藥物成癮、憂鬱、水資源、勞工剝削、外籍移民以及氣候變遷帶來的種種威脅――從根本上講都跟速食文化有關。速食指的並不侷限於麥當勞、必勝客或Subway之流,而是「食材在生長過程中使用農藥,再透過工業化大量生產,並且採用人工添加劑與防腐劑的加工食品」。通常這類食品無所不在,雜貨店、便利商店都有其蹤跡,也是透過外送服務動動手指就輕鬆送上門的餐點。速食代表的不僅僅只是食物,更是一種文化。速食文化就如同其他文化一樣有自成一格的價值觀。當你大啖著速食或經常與速食為伍,這不但會導致生理上的營養不良,連心理都會在不知不覺中「攝取」了速食文化的價值觀,就像速食餵養你的身體,這些價值觀也會餵養你的心靈。一旦你接納了這些價值觀,就已然播下了變化的種子,你對事物的看法會開始改變、口味會開始改變,甚至連道德標準和期望也隨之轉變。結果你的慾望和食慾都受到速食文化的操控卻不自知。你的世界開始充斥著你所吸收的價值觀,理所當然地認為世界就該如此運轉:任何東西隨時隨地都應該唾手可得;凡事永遠多多益善;不論季節和
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
God Has a Name: What You Believe about God Will Shape Who You Become
作者:John Mark Comer  出版社:THOMAS NELSON PUB  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:精裝
定價:988 元, 優惠價:79 780
The Truth about Cancer ─ What You Need to Know About Cancer's History, Treatment, and Prevention
作者:Ty Bollinger  出版社:Hay House Inc  出版日:2016/10/25 裝訂:精裝
One out of three women alive today, and one out of two men, will face a cancer diagnosis, according to the World Health Organization. Ty Bollinger takes this personally: in the course of a decade, he
定價:950 元, 優惠價:1 950
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? (with audio CD)
作者:Nancy White Carlstrom; Bruce Degen  出版社:Two Ponds Korea  裝訂:有聲書
Jesse Bear, what will you wear?What will you wear in the morning!My shirt of redPulled over my headOver my head in the morning.And so Jesse Bear starts his day. It isn't really an unusual day for a li
定價:494 元, 優惠價:9 445
Giraffe, Giraffe What Will You Wear Today? (硬頁操作書)
作者:Jo Lodge  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2018/06/14 裝訂:硬頁書
Goat wears a raincoat and cat wears a sunhat. But what will bear wear in the chilly snow?Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals come to life! With brilliantly bold, bright pictures by the w
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Qué Vas a Hacer Con El Resto de Tu Vida / What Will You Do with the Rest of Your Life?
作者:Laura Ferrero  出版社:Alfaguara  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
作者:彼得.杜拉克  出版社:博雅  出版日:2024/01/01 裝訂:軟精裝
To Know the Real Drucker: Eight Articles Will Help You is a collection of eight articles by Peter Drucker: “The Unfashionable Kierkegaard” (1949) and its introduction (1992), “The New World-View” (1957), “From Analysis to Perception: The New World View” (1989), “Reflections of a Social Ecologist” (1992), “What Is a Functioning Society?” (1942), “From Rousseau to Hitler” (1942), “The Human Situation Today” (1957), and “Management as Social Function and Liberal Art” (1989). Readers can find the source of each articles in the table of contents and editor’s note per article. Of the eight articles, only the last one is from Drucker’s works on management. The other seven are from his books on society, politics, and economics. Although the world has hailed him as the “Father of Modern Management,” he considered himself a “social ecologist.” This book will play an indispensable role in explaining the reason for that and in further understanding the foundation of faith and worldview which Druck
定價:440 元, 優惠價:9 396
I Want to Trust You, but I Don't:Moving Forward When You?e Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment
作者:Lysa TerKeurst  出版社:Thomas Nelson Publishers  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 650
I Want to Trust You, But I Don't: Moving Forward When You're Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment
作者:Lysa TerKeurst  出版社:THOMAS NELSON PUB  出版日:2024/10/08 裝訂:精裝
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 900
I Want to Trust You, but I Don't Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video:Moving Forward When You?e Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment
作者:Lysa TerKeurst  出版社:HarperChristian Resources  出版日:2024/10/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership ─ Follow Them and People Will Follow You
作者:John C. Maxwell  出版社:Brilliance Audio  出版日:2017/06/20 裝訂:有聲書
What would happen if a top expert with more than forty years of leadership experience was willing to distill everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
What a Stink!
作者:Mike Henson; Jorge Martin  出版社:Happy Yak  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:硬頁書
What a Stink! is a hilarious board book about a bunch of animals in an elevator and a very stinky problem―featuring fun pull-out sliders and flaps.TOOT! What’s that smell? In this interactive board book, a group of animals enter an elevator―at each floor, one of the animals breaks wind, producing a serious stench! But who did it?As each animal exits the elevator, it slowly becomes clearer who the “tooter” is…and it’s not who you expect!This sturdy board book includes 5 double-sided pull-out sliders and 2 flaps, which reveal extra story details―whether it’s the giraffe’s incredibly long neck or the mystery stinky culprit! Bright, playful illustrations, and lovable animal characters will make What a Stink! a firm family favorite.This robust board book and its fun sliders will withstand hours of hilarious fun.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You see? (1CD only)(韓國JY Books版)
作者:Eric Carle; Bill Martin Jr.  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? is the final collaboration from this bestselling author-illustrator team. Young readers will enjoy Baby Bear’s quest to find Mama, and they’ll revel in identifyi
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
You Choose Christmas
作者:Pippa Goodhart; Nick Sharratt  出版社:Penguin Random House Children's UK  出版日:2023/10/26 裝訂:精裝
Make up your own Christmas adventure where YOU CHOOSE what happens. Which Christmas jumper would you like to wear? Which job would you choose to do in Santa's workshop? Where would you like to sleep on Christmas Eve?The possibilities are infinite in this magical storytelling toolkit which will inspire children age 3 and upwards to make their own stories again and again - a brilliantly festive sequel to YOU CHOOSE, YOU CHOOSE YOUR DREAMS and YOU CHOOSE IN SPACE. Readers love the YOU CHOOSE series!'My 3 year old daughter loves this book, it's a good book to share when you have a bit of time to go through it as there can be so many little sub stories to create and talk about!' - 5* Amazon review
定價:714 元, 優惠價:73 521
What Is the Story of Ebenezer Scrooge?
作者:Sheila Keenan  出版社:Penguin Young Readers  出版日:2022/10/11 裝訂:平裝
Who HQ brings you the stories behind the most beloved characters of our time.Bah humbug! Get to know the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his tranformation from miser to hero in this addition to the What Is the Story Of? series.When Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843, he likely had no idea that the story and its main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, would remain so popular nearly two centuries later. Today, readers still find themselves entertained by the story of a grumpy, selfish man who becomes a holiday hero after he learns generosity through the help of three spirits in Victorian-era England. Whether a Dickens fan or someone in love with all things "Christmas," readers will enjoy learning the history of this memorable character and his many appearances on the page, the screen, and the stage in What Is the Story of Ebenezer Scrooge?
庫存 > 10
定價:304 元, 優惠價:73 221
What is Reindeer Going to do?
作者:Carly Madden  出版社:Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:硬頁書
Find out what Santa's reindeers are going to do in this charming and Christmassy interactive lift-the flap board book.It's Christmas and Santa's reindeers are very busy. Look at what each reindeer is doing or holding and see if you can guess what they're about to do! Open the flap on each spread to discover the answer in a delightful, colourful scene.Bright, engaging artwork exploring familiar daily activities for babies and toddlers will bring this book to life, delighting readers young and old.With sturdy flaps to aid hand-eye co-ordination and a question on each page to prompt conversation between parent and child, this beautiful board book is the perfect introduction to the joy and magic of Christmas.This book is from the Lift-the-Flap series, a collection of fun and interactive board books for babies and toddlers. Other titles include What is Mummy Going to Do?, What is Daddy Going to Do?, What is Puppy Going to Do?, What is Chick Going to Do? and What is Baby Going to Do?
定價:384 元, 優惠價:73 280
Are You a Sleepy Monster?
作者:Guilherme Karsten  出版社:Quarto Publishing PLC  出版日:2024/01/18 裝訂:平裝
Energetic little readers will be sent to the land of nod after reading this fun picture book by award-winning illustrator Guilherme Karsten. Are you all set for SLEEPOVER TIME? Monster has your scary pyjamas ready and UNDER the bed is looking perfectly yucky and monstrous. Wait, what do you mean you sleep ON THE BED? Are you not a monster? ALL monsters sleep under the bed! Can you persuade Monster to sleep on the horribly soft bed with a disgustingly fluffy teddy?This soothing book helps little ones fall asleep. From Guilherme Karsten, the creator of the popular Are You a Monster? book (winner of the BookTrust Storytime Prize 2024)Direct and engaging approach, getting kids excited to fall asleepThe go-to book for bedtime to relax kids, quickly becoming a favouriteMonster is a fun and relatable figure for kids who don’t want to fall asleep at bedtime Children will love playing along with the book as this lovable monster invites them to wear ragged pyjamas, crawl under the bed and a
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
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