Today, we are confronted with a lot of compelling career options, but with little guidance. The new age engagement models, such as working-from-home, freelancing, gig-workforce, moonlighting, co-working spaces, solopreneur and entrepreneur-in-residence, have ushered significant flux in both the formal and informal work settings. There are opportunities galore, and the democratization of technology has only exacerbated our quest for the most suitable career.Design Your Career is the distillation of Pavan's 550 workshops at over 175 organizations across five countries where he infers that human talent is grossly underutilized. This book is a humble attempt in offering hope and clarity to individuals who feel helpless amid all the chaos and to give them the appropriate tools and frameworks to guide their careers towards fulfilment.
Professions, Work and Careers addresses some of the central themes that preoccupied the eminent sociologist Anselm Strauss. This collection is directed at sociologists concerned with the development o
Theater Careers is designed to empower aspiring theater professionals to make savvy, informed decisions through a concise overview of how to prepare for and find work in the theater business. Tim Dona
A career guide that rethinks the golden years, this handbook offers 50+ income models for creating flexible, fulfilling, and profitable work during the encore stage of one’s career.Millions of boomers
Read Linda Hirshman's posts on the Penguin Blog. Does changing a toddler ’s diapers count as a fulfilling job? Is the glass ceiling that keeps women from advancing in their careers actually locat
This book explores the perceptions of academic staff and representatives of institutional leadership about the changes in academic careers and academic work experienced in recent years. It emphasizes
Higher education is becoming destabilized in the face of extraordinarily rapid change. The composition of the academy's most valuable asset—the faculty—and the essential nature of faculty work are bei
This is a science-based, edited collection of 18 essays on wellbeing, finding meaning, and the practical aspects of making a good life. A main theme is that life stress in general is on the increase,
The Career Anchors instrument is designed to help clients identify their anchors and to think about how their values relate to their career choices. While this model has stood the test of time, there
When originally published in 1971, Hollywood Studio Musicians was the first detailed analysis of the work and careers of production personnel in an industry devoted to mass culture. Previously, most r
A "career anchor" is a combination of perceived areas of competence, motives, and values relating to professional work choices. The Career Anchors instrument is designed to help clients identify thei
The Career Anchors instrument is designed to help clients identify their anchors and to think about how their values relate to their career choices. While this model has stood the test of time, there
Everything we do is impacted by technology—how we communicate with others, connect at work, learn at school, and live our lives. We are accustomed to and dependent on technology. But how do we rethink
Using research from an innovative, cross-national project, this book answers fundamental questions about the nature of work in modern life. An important contribution to the global study of human devel
Why do people choose the careers they do? What factors cause people to be satisfied with their work? No single work did more to make concepts like motive, goal incentive, and attitude part of the work
A careers booklet can be bundled with the text for a nominal fee. The booklet provides information from interviews with social workers that discuss why social work is a valuable field, rewarding and c