榮獲2020年詹姆斯.比爾德獎(James Beard Awards)榮獲2019安德列.西蒙最佳飲品書籍獎(Andre Simon Award Best Drinks Book of 2019)入圍2020路易.侯德爾年度葡萄酒書(Louis Roederer Wine Book of the Year 2020)新舊讀者一致讚譽,英美amazon讀者好評皆4.8星從1971年問世即創立無法超越
{英國製圖學會獎}{斯坦福斯印刷製圖獎}{約翰・C・巴塞洛繆主題製圖獎}【席捲主題製圖三大獎,資訊視覺化頂尖之作】以細緻「資訊圖」轉化眾多趨勢的數據,呈現難以察覺的人類社會潛藏運作模式!**********幾個世紀以來,地圖描繪了許多具體可見的事物。隨著資訊科技日益強大,如今我們既需要、也有了更進步的「資訊圖」,得以呈現潛藏在資料集當中,形塑人類生活與世界趨勢的重要「模式」。過去十年人們產生的資料,要比在那之前的一百年產生的還多,這些數據能反映出我們本身、我們的生活,乃至我們的世界。然而,隨著這些數據不斷累積,想要去蕪存菁、解讀其深意,從而加以善用,「資料素養」已成為現代人的必修課。資訊圖藉由圖表元素的形狀、顏色、大小、排列、對照等等的應用,能細膩、簡潔又精準地傳達大量數據所蘊含的要點,尤其是這些數據所探查到的「模式」。本書作者一是地理資訊與製圖學教授,一是獲獎連連的設計編輯,兩人長年合作將大數據轉化成精細卻易懂的圖像。他們花費數年精心編纂這本書,滿懷好奇的觸及廣泛議題,以一目瞭然的資訊圖搭配短文,解說龐雜資料背後蘊含的洞見,像是:◎提供救濟,比起異地安置或懲罰更能改善遊民問題;◎了解跨境移動模式,有助於更有效率的救災與因應疾病大流行;◎衛星照片拍到的各地發光狀況,透露出戰爭、經濟發展與城市化等的影響;◎共享單車已成為全球趨勢,但作法需因地制宜;◎厭女症會助長以性別為主的暴力行為;◎船隻的航線不只擾動大海,也會攪動天空、造成更多閃電;◎火災探測衛星的資料顯示,全球暖化導致的西伯利亞火災可能從未完全燒完……全書切入「我們所到之處/我們是誰/我們表現得怎麼樣/我們所面對的事」等面向,說明許多體現當今世界觀的事例,讓讀者在驚艷於精美圖像的同時,吸收關於當今世界的奧祕與概況。(更詳盡的內容可參閱目錄與部分內頁縮圖)【本書特色】◎「主題製圖」多項大獎肯定,所涵蓋議題豐富而多元,圖像表現手法尖端且新穎,既是「藉助資訊圖呈現人類生活重大趨勢」的傑出著述,亦是「資訊圖各種形式如何適用於表達不同資訊」的示範之作,兼具藝術性與知識性,值得珍藏。◎跨領域合作,精選形塑當今重要世界觀的代表性事件,不是用「地圖」單純標示人類活動的「路徑」,而是以「資訊圖」呈現趨勢發展的「模式」,促進讀者對廣泛議題的興趣與了解,幫助培養大局觀與思辨能力。◎繁體中文版尺寸(20.9 x 27.7 x 2.15
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The 400+ reusable stickers in this oversized, 32-page collection guide children on a fact-packed journey around the world, teaching them about each region's people, plants, animals and landmarks. This
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Dive into the world's oceans for an exhilarating journey to meet the most amazing sea creatures. Get up close to everything from the giant whale shark to the teeny tiny krill. Take a trip to some of the most fascinating ocean habitats, from sun-filled kelp forests, through icy polar waters, to dark ocean depths. Be dazzled by brightly colored coral reef fish and spot the fierce-looking moray eel. Wonder at the glowing creatures that live in total darkness at the bottom of the ocean. Peer into tide pools to see a whole world in miniature. And meet the sharks--if you dare! Enjoy penguins splashing and diving, dinner time in food-rich coastal waters, and the strange creatures that live in around mysterious smoking chimneys. Filled with bold, scientifically accurate illustrations, fascinating information, and an interactive "Spot It" game, My First Oceans Atlas will thrill animal-lovers and aspiring marine biologists alike.
Delve beneath the surface of the Earth with this pictorial atlas and discover the secrets of our planet.How did planet Earth form? What’s under the surface, and how can we see it? Why do volcanoes erupt? What do coasts and caves have in common? What’s so important about rocks and soil? All these questions and more are answered in The Earth Atlas – a lavishly illustrated guide to our planet. From oceans to ice regions to deserts, this book takes you on a trip around Earth’s features, explaining how they formed and what impact they have on us even today, supporting life and literally shaping the world with every tectonic movement. Richard Bonson’s hand-drawn illustrations allow you to see parts of the planet that can’t be shown in photographs, with diagrams clearly annotated to help explain what’s going on.