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(英)邁克‧巴菲爾德、(英)傑絲‧布拉德利 (1)
Amber V. Nicole (1)
Mike Barfield,Jess Bradley (1)
Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley (1)
Strohm;Stephanie (1)
麥可‧巴菲爾德、潔斯‧布萊德利 (1)
麥可・巴菲爾、潔斯・布萊德利 (1)

Michael O'Mara Books Ltd (2)
Disney-Hyperion (1)
Headline Publishing Group (1)
中信出版社 (1)
小漫遊文化 (1)
漫遊者文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:麥可・巴菲爾; 潔斯・布萊德利  出版社:小漫遊文化  出版日:2024/02/01 裝訂:平裝
超有梗的1 00幅漫畫故事X幽默對白讓孩子輕鬆掌握社會、歷史的先備知識!內附108中小學社會領域課綱對應表英國100,000 冊銷售、譯為全球23種語言的暢銷系列入圍 2023 年 LaughOutLoud 圖書獎、Topics 年度圖書[閱讀推廣人] 李貞慧(貞慧老師的繪本花園)、陳培瑜(閱讀推廣人)、野人窩科普閱讀、館長小編的圖書館日常[部落客] 徐老師的男宿育兒日記、噗噗X磨娘三寶の虧雞every day 聯合推薦英國鬼才童書作家麥可.巴菲爾德和漫畫家潔斯.布萊德利攜手合作,把100個歷史上的人物、動物與器物化為主人翁,在一格格漫畫裡說出爆笑又有點冏的親身經歷,讓你見證這些英雄、意外事件與創造發明,如何影響了我們現在的生活:•奇妙的古文明生活史前時代有什麼動物,看看早期人類在洞穴裡畫的圖就知道!羅馬人的娛樂活動之一是去競技場看奴隸和罪犯打架戰鬥到死。埃及人為什麼在寵物貓死去時把遺體抹上油包成木乃伊?阿茲提克人為什麼要把骷髏頭放在架子上展示?•知名君主和帝國歷史上的皇帝都是男人嗎?盛極一時的羅馬帝國,最後竟然在三天內被入侵首都?成吉思汗建立了疆域最廣的帝國,卻沒有人知道他的長相?想讓國家變得更好的俄國沙皇彼得大帝,為什麼規定留鬍子的人要繳稅?•衝突混亂與新秩序羅馬帝國時代,支持不同賽馬隊伍的兩派觀眾發生衝突,在暴動中把首都君士坦丁堡燒毀了一大半。法國大革命就是平民把國王送上斷頭台,在路上圍觀砍下貴族的頭?人類什麼時候才停止把某些人當成奴隸,什麼時候女人、黑人開始享有平等權利?•改變世界的大發現十三世紀的伊斯蘭發明家,用精巧機械裝置打造出城堡鐘、機器人音樂家。十五世紀的歐洲大航海家都想從海上前往亞洲,結果有一位踏上美洲新大陸,還以為自己到了印度。顯微鏡和望遠鏡,讓我們看到細胞和星星,可以提出更偉大的問題書中更用不同單元,補充進一步的資訊、歷史八卦與內幕。世界這麼大、歷史這麼久遠,本書邀請你搭乘時光機一同見證人類的重要時刻,哈哈大笑間就記住了,推動歷史與文明進步的關鍵人事物!【爆笑萌科學】系列特色1.收錄300個科學人文主題:涵蓋自然、生物、天文、地理、歷史的豐富內容,滿足孩子對萬物的好奇心。2.沉浸式學習:每頁聚焦一個主題,故事情節加上圖解,讓孩子3分鐘就能認識最具代表性的人事物。3.圖像閱讀輕鬆有趣:充滿趣味梗和幽默對白的漫畫連環圖,讓孩子翻頁間充滿
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything In Between
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books Ltd  出版日:2021/09/30 裝訂:平裝
Shortlisted for the Lollies 2023.A colourful and comical tour through history from cartoonists Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley. The hilarious minds behind A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You have teamed up once again – this time to give a taste of the daily lives of the people, animals and objects who made history. Featuring a day in the life of early humans as they paint mammoths on the walls of a cave, a fierce gladiator battling in the Colosseum and the first woman in space.And not forgetting the animals of history – from an Egyptian cat (worshipped as a god, of course) to an albatross flying over Rapa Nui and a dog in the trenches of the First World War. Readers can also discover the stories behind famous constructions, including the Great Wall of China and Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, and delve into the secret diaries of a Viking, Isaac Newton’s cat and the wooden panel that became the Mona Lisa. With over 90 entries told in the friendly, informative style of Mike Barfield an
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
作者:麥可‧巴菲爾德; 潔斯‧布萊德利  出版社:漫遊者文化  出版日:2022/11/30 裝訂:平裝
洞穴裡作畫的穴居人,競技場上的格鬥戰士, 頂著2萬公斤重量追蹤太陽移動的史前巨石, 還有大航海家、古騰堡印刷術、《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》, 他們有過的「一天」,讓你在大笑中見證人類的重要時刻! 一冊漫畫圖文,帶你遊歷古往今來的人類生活 透過圖像記憶,輕鬆打開人文、科學與藝術的知識視野。 孩子認識世界歷史的第一本書 趣味知識百科《100種地球爆笑生活指南》姊妹作 [親子部落客] 徐老師的男宿育兒日記、噗噗X磨娘三寶の虧雞every day [閱讀推廣人] 陳培瑜、館長小編的圖書館日常 Childrening替孩子選好知識書 從古到今,在人類文明進步背後,埋藏著無數的事實,本書挑選了100個你意想不到的人物、動物與器物,在漫長歷史中成為主角,用它們超可愛又爆笑的敘述,生動展現人類曾有的一天,還有一些意外驚奇、甚至是悲慘的一天……讓我們來看看今天的主角是:  穴居人――我是有智慧的人,會做石頭斧頭,通常還和可怕的野生動物一同住在洞穴裡。我還是位穴居畫家,會用手塗顏料在岩壁上作畫。猜猜為什麼我會畫這些圖?  埃及貓――我原本流浪街頭,但埃及人讓我成為家裡的寵物,也帶我去看貓頭人身的女神芭絲特。埃及人非常愛我們,如果貓死了,就會剔掉自己的眉毛表示哀悼,還會把貓的遺體抹上油,用繃帶包得像木乃伊。  真猛瑪象――生活在冰河期,我有兩層毛可以做為棕色長大衣,還能用長長的象牙撥去地上的雪,找到藏在底下的美味小草。但是人類會以長矛當作武器,對我發動攻擊,他們這些小不點實在很討厭!  山――我是日本最高的富士山,也是一座火山。我的畫像是由葛飾北齋把畫刻在木板上,之後塗上墨,印成彩色的版畫。我出現在富嶽三十六景之「神奈川沖浪?」的角落。我覺得他應該把我畫大一點……  俄羅斯鬍子――俄國沙皇彼得大帝命令,只有神職人員和農奴可以留鬍子,想留鬍子的人則要繳稅,否則就會被剪掉。留著鬍子的富商,一年要繳納一百盧比!  象龜――我住在加拉巴哥群島上,從英國船隻「小獵犬號」走下來的年輕人達爾文,他老是在收集標本,我們都叫他殺手。你可能認為我們動作慢,但是達爾文花了24年才提出演化論,可惜我演化程度不夠,沒辦法閱讀。  扁瓶裡的湯――我可是第一個單獨飛越大西洋的女性飛行員的能量補充品,讓艾蜜莉亞・艾爾哈特能駕駛鮮紅色飛機穿越雲層、度過冰冷的飛行環境。 這本趣味知識百科以漫畫圖解人類文明史上的重要主
作者:(英)邁克‧巴菲爾德; (英)傑絲‧布拉德利  出版社:中信出版社  出版日:2023/05/08 裝訂:平裝
從古到今,在人類文明進步背後,埋藏著無數的事實,本書挑選了100個你意想不到的人物、動物與器物,在漫長歷史中成為主角,用它們超可愛又爆笑的敘述,生動展現人類曾有的一天,還有一些意外驚奇、甚至是悲慘的一天…… 這本趣味知識百科以漫畫圖解人類文明史上的重要主題,輕鬆閱讀之中激發出探索世界的興趣。書中更設計了搞笑漫畫、秘密日記、歷史筆記與新聞速遞等延伸單元,補充進一步的資訊、歷史八卦與內幕。 世界這麼大、歷史這麼久遠,本書邀請你搭乘時光機一同見證人類的重要時刻,哈哈大笑間就記住了,那些創造歷史的人、動物與萬事萬物!
定價:468 元, 優惠價:87 407
A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars:Space as You've Never Seen it Before
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books Ltd  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
Take a colourful and comical tour through our galaxy and beyond with this fun new comic collection from Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley. Discover the poisonous clouds of Venus, the rings of Saturn and the raging storm on Jupiter. Venture inside nebulae, black holes, supernovas and far-flung galaxies.Find out about the historic figures who pioneered space travel, the animals who ventured to the stars so humans could follow and the ground-breaking technology that took them there. With over 90 fun-packed entries, children will laugh as they learn about the wonders of the universe. Each entry uses a colourful comic-strip style to delight and inform young readers in equal measure.Also available in the series:A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021) 9781780556468A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything in Between 9781780557137
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The Sea Dragon Secret (Once Upon A Tide, Book 2)
作者:Strohm; Stephanie  出版社:Disney-Hyperion  出版日:2022/09/13 裝訂:精裝
In this sequel to Once Upon a Tide, mermaid princess Lana races to connect the dots between secretive sorcerers, a mysterious shipwreck, and ancient sea dragon mythology in order to save her family--and her future crown!Princess Lana has been trying her best--to reconnect with her mom, to get along with her new step-dad, to master her mind-reading powers, to learn about her home on land, and to make things right after brushing up against multiple international incidents (one of which may have been her own fault) in a matter of weeks. It's a lot to handle, but Lana's both a princess and an ambassador, so responsibility is (usually) her middle name! And when Lana's mom agrees to go with her to Quimby so Lana can apologize in person for getting her friend in trouble, everything seems perfect.That is, until Lana and her mom receive news that while they were traveling to Quimby, her grandparents--the king and queen of the Hills--were lost in a shipwreck. Lana is devastated, but she refuses
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Dawn of the Cursed Queen:The latest sizzling, dark romantasy book in the Gods & Monsters series!
作者:Amber V. Nicole  出版社:Headline Publishing Group  出版日:2024/05/28 裝訂:平裝
SAMKIEL AND DIANNA RETURN'A wicked ride from beginning to heart shattering end. Leaving me literally screaming for more. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to get more our morally corrupt heroine who you can't help but root for, along with the giggle inducing banter between her and the heroic god Samkiel' HANNAH NICOLE MAERHER_________________________WHERE THERE ARE GODS, THERE ARE ALSO MONSTERS .. . Ask her what she ripped from the very heavens.And then ask her if she cares. Betrayed and bloodied, The Hand has failed. After a desperate battle, Nismera, the Goddess of War, now rules the realms as the last remnants of Samkiel's power spill across the sky.Desperate to keep Samkiel safe after almost losing him, Dianna is willing to give up everything to protect him, even if that means sacrificing their relationship itself. But that's not a risk Samkiel is willing to take, even as the stakes grow ever higher. The one true king is poised to return, but when the dust settles, who will tru
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477



