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2017年以前 (11)

平裝 (7)
精裝 (6)

Aviezer Tucker (2)
I. M. Turner (2)
Mary C. Olmstead (2)
Alessandro Minelli (1)
Cara M. Wall-Scheffler (1)
David J. Randall (1)
Ivan Norscia (1)
Juliette Blevins (1)
Nina G. Jablonski (1)
T. H. Bullock (CON)/ O. Breidbach (EDT)/ W. Kutsch (EDT) (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (12)
Springer Verlag (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:T. H. Bullock (CON); O. Breidbach (EDT); W. Kutsch (EDT)  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2011/09/27 裝訂:平裝
In this volume outstanding specialists review the state of the art in nervous system research for all main invertebrate groups. They provide a comprehensive up-to-date analysis important for everyone
作者:Cara M. Wall-Scheffler  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/02/29 裝訂:精裝
This book provides a synthetic overview of all evidence concerning the evolution of the morphology of the human pelvis, including comparative anatomy, clinical and experimental studies, and quantitative evolutionary models. By integrating these lines of research, this is the first book to bring all sources of evidence together to develop a coherent statement about the current state of the art in understanding pelvic evolution. Second, and related to this, the volume is the first detailed assessment of existing paradigms about the evolution of the pelvis, especially the obstetric dilemma. The authors argue that there are many 'dilemmas', but these must be approached using a testable methodology, rather than on the proviso of a single paradigm. The volume clearly contributes to greater scientific knowledge about human variation and evolution, and has implications for clinicians working within reproductive health. A thought-provoking read for students, researchers and professionals in the
Comparative Cognition
作者:Mary C. Olmstead  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/12/31 裝訂:平裝
Integrating developments from psychology, ethology and neuroscience, this is an undergraduate introduction to cognitive processes across species. The authors merge classic studies and contemporary research to give students a full picture of the evolving field of comparative cognition. Engaging students in the discipline from its roots in animal learning and evolutionary biology through to current research, the chapters cover both controlled laboratory and comparative cross-species studies in the natural environment. This approach provides students with complementary ethological and neurobiological perspectives on cognition. Feature boxes encourage active and engaged learning, giving a deeper understanding of topics discussed in the main text. These are supported by end-of-chapter questions to check understanding and encourage wider thinking around topics. Online resources include solutions to questions in the book, advanced material, PowerPoint lecture slides and additional questions,
定價:2729 元, 優惠價:9 2456
作者:Mary C. Olmstead  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/12/31 裝訂:精裝
Integrating developments from psychology, ethology and neuroscience, this is an undergraduate introduction to cognitive processes across species. The authors merge classic studies and contemporary research to give students a full picture of the evolving field of comparative cognition. Engaging students in the discipline from its roots in animal learning and evolutionary biology through to current research, the chapters cover both controlled laboratory and comparative cross-species studies in the natural environment. This approach provides students with complementary ethological and neurobiological perspectives on cognition. Feature boxes encourage active and engaged learning, giving a deeper understanding of topics discussed in the main text. These are supported by end-of-chapter questions to check understanding and encourage wider thinking around topics. Online resources include solutions to questions in the book, advanced material, PowerPoint lecture slides and additional questions,
Evolutionary Phonology:The Emergence of Sound Patterns
作者:Juliette Blevins  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/11/15 裝訂:平裝
Evolutionary Phonology is a theory of sound patterns which synthesizes results in historical linguistics, phonetics and phonological theory. In this book, Juliette Blevins explores the nature of sounds patterns and sound change in human language over the past 7000–8000 years, the time depth for which the comparative method is reasonably reliable. This book presents an approach to the problem of how genetically unrelated languages, from families as far apart as Native American, Australian Aboriginal, Austronesian and Indo-European, can often show similar sound patterns, and also tackles the converse problem of why there are notable exceptions to most of the patterns that are often regarded as universal tendencies or constraints. It argues that in both cases, a formal model of sound change that integrates phonetic variation and patterns of misperception can account for attested sound systems without reference to markedness or naturalness within the synchronic grammar.
定價:2664 元, 優惠價:9 2398
作者:Alessandro Minelli  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/04/30 裝訂:精裝
Compared to animals, plants have been largely neglected in evolutionary developmental biology. Mainstream research has focused on developmental genetics, while a rich body of knowledge in comparative morphology is still to be exploited. No integrated account is available. In this volume, Minelli fills this gap using the same approach he gave to animals, revisiting traditional concepts and providing an articulated analysis of genetic and molecular data. Topics covered include leaf complexity and the evolution of flower organs, handedness, branching patterns, flower symmetry and synorganization, and less conventional topics such as fractal patterns of plant organization. Also discussed is the hitherto neglected topic of the evolvability of temporal phenotypes like a plant's annual, biennial or perennial life cycle, flowering time and the timing of abscission of flower organs. This will be informative reading for anyone in the field of plant evo-devo, from students to lecturers and resear
作者:Ivan Norscia  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/06/30 裝訂:精裝
Lemurs share a common distant ancestor with humans. Following their own evolutionary pathway, lemurs provide the ideal model to shed light on the behavioural traits of primates including conflict management, communication strategies and society building and how these aspects of social living relate to those found in the anthropoid primates. Adopting a comparative approach throughout, lemur behaviour is cross-examined with that of monkeys, apes and humans. This book reviews and expands upon the newest fields of research in lemur behavioural biology, including recent analytical approaches that have so far been limited to studies of haplorrhine primates. Different methodological approaches are harmonised in this volume to break conceptual walls between both primate taxa and different disciplines. Through a focus on the methodologies behind lemur behaviour and social interactions, future primate researchers will be encouraged to produce directly comparable results.
Theropithecus:The Rise and Fall of a Primate Genus
作者:Nina G. Jablonski  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/08/25 裝訂:平裝
This unique volume provides a comprehensive and up-to-date examination of all aspects of the biology of the Old World monkey genus, Theropithecus, which evolved alongside our human ancestors. The authors explore the fossil history and evolution of the genus, its biogeography, comparative evolutionary biology and anatomy, and the behaviour and socioecology of the living and extinct representatives of the genus. The parallels between the evolution of Theropithecus and early hominids are discussed. There are also two chapters of particular significance which describe how an innovative and exciting approach to the modelling of the causes of species extinction can be used with great success. This highly multidisciplinary approach provides a rare and insightful account of the evolutionary biology of this fascinating and once highly successful group of primates. Theropithecus will be of interest to researchers in the fields of primatology, anthropology, palaeontology, and mammalian behaviour,
定價:3054 元, 優惠價:9 2749
作者:Aviezer Tucker  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2004/04/26 裝訂:精裝
How do historians, comparative linguists, biblical and textual critics and evolutionary biologists establish beliefs about the past? How do they know the past? This book presents a philosophical analysis of the disciplines that offer scientific knowledge of the past. Using the analytic tools of contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science the book covers such topics as evidence, theory, methodology, explanation, determination and underdetermination, coincidence, contingency and counterfactuals in historiography. Aviezer Tucker's central claim is that historiography as a scientific discipline should be thought of as an effort to explain the evidence of past events. He also emphasizes the similarity between historiographic methodology to Darwinian evolutionary biology. This is an important, fresh approach to historiography and will be read by philosophers, historians and social scientists interested in the methodological foundations of their disciplines.
作者:I. M. Turner  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2001/07/05 裝訂:精裝
Our knowledge of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees is limited, with detailed information available for perhaps only a few hundred of the many thousand of species that occur. Yet a good understanding of the trees is essential to unravelling the workings of the forest itself. This book aims to summarise contemporary understanding of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees. The emphasis is on comparative ecology, an approach that can help to identify possible adaptive trends and evolutionary constraints and which may also lead to a workable ecological classification for tree species, conceptually simplifying the rain-forest community and making it more amenable to analysis.
The Ecology of Trees in the Tropical Rain Forest
作者:I. M. Turner  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/05/29 裝訂:平裝
Our knowledge of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees is limited, with detailed information available for perhaps only a few hundred of the many thousand of species that occur. Yet a good understanding of the trees is essential to unravelling the workings of the forest itself. This book aims to summarise contemporary understanding of the ecology of tropical rain-forest trees. The emphasis is on comparative ecology, an approach that can help to identify possible adaptive trends and evolutionary constraints and which may also lead to a workable ecological classification for tree species, conceptually simplifying the rain-forest community and making it more amenable to analysis.
定價:3639 元, 優惠價:9 3275
The Evolution of Air Breathing in Vertebrates
作者:David J. Randall  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/06/11 裝訂:平裝
First published in 1981, this book presents an original approach to an area of great importance in comparative zoology and physiology and evolutionary biology: the evolution of air breathing in vertebrates from aquatic ancestors. The subject is approached from a functional as well as an anatomical viewpoint, utilising knowledge of the physiology of extant animals to trace probable evolutionary steps. Opening with a brief summary of current views of vertebrate evolution, the authors then go on to deal with problems of oxygen transfer in water and air and the structure and function of gills and lungs. Carbon dioxide transfer in water-breathing forms is seen as being tightly coupled to an ion and acid-base regulation. The evolution of air breathing is seen as a several-stage process, beginning with the evolution of accessory air-breathing structures for oxygen uptake.
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Our Knowledge of the Past:A Philosophy of Historiography
作者:Aviezer Tucker  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/10/01 裝訂:平裝
How do historians, comparative linguists, biblical and textual critics and evolutionary biologists establish beliefs about the past? How do they know the past? This book presents a philosophical analysis of the disciplines that offer scientific knowledge of the past. Using the analytic tools of contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science the book covers such topics as evidence, theory, methodology, explanation, determination and underdetermination, coincidence, contingency and counterfactuals in historiography. Aviezer Tucker's central claim is that historiography as a scientific discipline should be thought of as an effort to explain the evidence of past events. He also emphasizes the similarity between historiographic methodology to Darwinian evolutionary biology. This is an important, fresh approach to historiography and will be read by philosophers, historians and social scientists interested in the methodological foundations of their disciplines.
定價:2339 元, 優惠價:9 2105



