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Zoltan J. Acs (10)
Julie Sormark (9)
Acs Acn Harper Phd Lpc-S Faith (7)
Federal Aviation Administration (COR) (7)
Ahmed F. Abdel-Magid (EDT)/ Jaan A. Pesti (EDT)/ Rajappa Vaidyanathan (EDT) (3)
Diane M. Bunce (EDT)/ Renee S. Cole (EDT) (3)
John E. Schiel (EDT)/ Darryl L. Davis (EDT)/ Oleg V. Borisov (EDT) (3)
Matthew J. Mio (EDT)/ Mark A. Benvenuto (EDT) (3)
Aaron D. Gross (EDT)/ Yoshihisa Ozoe (EDT)/ Joel R. Coats (EDT) (2)
Bommanna G. Loganathan (EDT)/ Jong Seong Khim (EDT)/ Prasada Rao S. Kodavanti (EDT)/ Shigeki Masunaga (EDT) (2)
Chaudhery Mustansar (Adjunct Professor Hussain Adjunct Professor New Jersey Institute of Technology),Chandrabhan (Researcher Verma Researcher King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals) (2)
Cheng, H. N. (Research Chemist, Research Chemist, U.S. Department of Agriculture),Gross, Richard A. (Professor and Constellation Chair, Professor and Constellation Chair, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti (2)
David Soulsby (EDT)/ Laura J. Anna (EDT)/ Anton S. Wallner (EDT) (2)
Diane M. Bunce (EDT) (2)
Donna J. Nelson (EDT)/ H. N. Cheng (EDT) (2)
E. Thomas Strom (EDT)/ Vera V. Mainz (EDT) (2)
Federal Aviation Administration FAA (COR) (2)
H. N. Cheng (EDT)/ Laurence J. Doemeny (EDT)/ Charles L. Geraci (EDT)/ Diane Grob Schmidt (EDT) (2)
H. N. Cheng (EDT)/ Richard A. Gross (EDT)/ Patrick B. Smith (EDT) (2)
Joshua Rueda (2)

Amer Chemical Society (123)
Oxford Univ Pr (81)
Oxford University Press Inc (38)
Oxford Univ Press USA (35)
Oxford Univ Pr on Demand (30)
Aviation Supplies & Academics (11)
Springer Verlag (10)
Cambridge Univ Pr (9)
文鶴 (9)
Microcosm Pub (8)
Natl Book Network (3)
Lightning Source Inc (2)
Natl Academy Pr (2)
Princeton Univ Pr (2)
Springer Nature (2)
Springer-Verlag New York Inc (2)
Taylor & Francis (2)
Test Prep Books (2)
Univ of North Carolina Pr (2)
Academic Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

ACS 05:Country Mouse and City Mouse (with CD)
作者:Julie Sormark  出版社:文鶴  出版日:2010/01/01 裝訂:精裝
Art Classic Stories是一套集結各國著名畫家畫風搭配孩子耳熟能詳的故事且兼具英文閱讀及欣賞藝術課程所編寫的古典藝術讀本。本系列讀本有共30冊並分為三個級數。不但可以培養孩子藝術氣息又能兼具孩子品德教育,絕對是一套寓教於樂且值得您深藏的讀本。 書籍特色:◆ 故事的內容是用押韻的文體編寫而成。◆ 每一個故事均是耳熟能詳,令人喜愛的經典童話故事。◆ 精美的插圖完全仿照各國名畫家
定價:200 元, 優惠價:1 200
ACS 15:Nandi and the Tigers (with CD)
作者:Julie Sormark  出版社:文鶴  出版日:2010/01/01 裝訂:精裝
Art Classic Stories是一套集結各國著名畫家畫風搭配孩子耳熟能詳的故事且兼具英文閱讀及欣賞藝術課程所編寫的古典藝術讀本。本系列讀本有共30冊並分為三個級數。不但可以培養孩子藝術氣息又能兼具孩子品德教育,絕對是一套寓教於樂且值得您深藏的讀本。 書籍特色:◆ 故事的內容是用押韻的文體編寫而成。◆ 每一個故事均是耳熟能詳,令人喜愛的經典童話故事。◆ 精美的插圖完全仿照各國名畫家
定價:200 元, 優惠價:1 200
作者:James A. Holdnack (EDT); Lisa Drozdick (EDT); Lawrence G. Weiss (EDT); Grant L. Iverson (EDT)  出版社:Academic Pr  出版日:2013/07/12 裝訂:精裝
The most recent editions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Memory Scale published in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Near the end of 2009, a new product called The Advanced Clinic
作者:Joshua Rueda  出版社:Test Prep Books  出版日:2023/04/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:2639 元, 優惠價:1 2639
作者:Zoltan Acs  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2017/08/02 裝訂:精裝
作者:Zoltan Acs  出版社:Edward Elgar UK  出版日:2012/02/17 裝訂:精裝
This volume collects 32 articles by Acs (along with others), previously published between 2007 and 2014 and focusing on his research on entrepreneurship and globalization during his years at George Ma
作者:Nandor Acs; Ferenc G. Banhidy; Andrew E. Czeizel  出版社:Springer Verlag  出版日:2010/08/20 裝訂:精裝
This book provides the analysis of a uniquely large, population-based data set evaluating congenital anomalies as a consequence of maternal diseases. The possible adverse birth outcomes of babies born
作者:Gregory F. Payne (EDT); Patrick B. Smith (EDT)  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2011/11/04 裝訂:精裝
These are exciting times for biofuels and renewable chemicals. A sense of urgency is driving a frenzy of activity on both research and commercialization fronts. Presciently, the American Chemical So
作者:Arno De Klerk (EDT); David L. King (EDT)  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2012/04/17 裝訂:精裝
Availability of affordable energy is a key factor in providing economic growth and an improved standard of living. For transportation, almost all of the liquid fuels are produced from crude oil. Alter
作者:Steven Ripp (EDT); Theodore B. Henry (EDT)  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2012/04/05 裝訂:精裝
Evolving bio and nanotechnologies encompass a vast and diverse assortment of products and materials that have the potential to bring about major changes in our lives. However, remarkable benefits can
Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Macroeconomy
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2010/10/07 裝訂:平裝
This book was originally published in 1999. At this time, the US economy had recently restructured itself, moving away from an industrial economy towards one based on information, while the European Union and Japan were left to worry about rising government deficits, inflexible businesses, persistent unemployment, and workers inadequately trained for the information age. Why did the US economy move beyond its chief competitors? This collection suggests that at least some of the answers to the pattern of divergent development can be found in the role of the entrepreneur. By examining the process that entrepreneurs play in the economy, the essays in this volume make a fundamental contribution to our understanding of the macroeconomy. Each chapter clarifies the role of entrepreneur in economic theory, the function of small and medium-size enterprises that they found and build and the impact of the innovations introduced on employment, productivity, and economic growth.
定價:2534 元, 優惠價:9 2281
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1998/11/28 裝訂:精裝
This book was originally published in 1999. At this time, the US economy had recently restructured itself, moving away from an industrial economy towards one based on information, while the European Union and Japan were left to worry about rising government deficits, inflexible businesses, persistent unemployment, and workers inadequately trained for the information age. Why did the US economy move beyond its chief competitors? This collection suggests that at least some of the answers to the pattern of divergent development can be found in the role of the entrepreneur. By examining the process that entrepreneurs play in the economy, the essays in this volume make a fundamental contribution to our understanding of the macroeconomy. Each chapter clarifies the role of entrepreneur in economic theory, the function of small and medium-size enterprises that they found and build and the impact of the innovations introduced on employment, productivity, and economic growth.
Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Public Policy
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/09/19 裝訂:平裝
While the public policy community has turned to entrepreneurship to maintain, restore, or generate economic prosperity, the economics profession has been remarkably taciturn in providing guidance for public policy for understanding the links between entrepreneurship and economic growth as well as for framing and weighing policy issues and decisions. The purpose of this volume is to provide a lens through which public policy decisions involving entrepreneurship can be guided and analyzed. In particular, this volume provides insights from leading research concerning the links between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth that shed light on implications for public policy. The book makes clear both how and why small firms and entrepreneurship have emerged as crucial to economic growth, employment, and competitiveness as well as the mandate for public policy in the entrepreneurial society.
定價:2209 元, 優惠價:9 1988
Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Public Policy
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/02/02 裝訂:精裝
While the public policy community has turned to entrepreneurship to maintain, restore, or generate economic prosperity, the economics profession has been remarkably taciturn in providing guidance for public policy for understanding the links between entrepreneurship and economic growth as well as for framing and weighing policy issues and decisions. The purpose of this volume is to provide a lens through which public policy decisions involving entrepreneurship can be guided and analyzed. In particular, this volume provides insights from leading research concerning the links between entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic growth that shed light on implications for public policy. The book makes clear both how and why small firms and entrepreneurship have emerged as crucial to economic growth, employment, and competitiveness as well as the mandate for public policy in the entrepreneurial society.
定價:3899 元, 優惠價:9 3509
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/06/19 裝訂:精裝
The spillovers in knowledge among largely college-educated workers were among the key reasons for the impressive degree of economic growth and spread of entrepreneurship in the United States during the 1990s. Prior 'industrial policies' in the 1970s and 1980s did not advance growth because these were based on outmoded large manufacturing models. Zoltan Acs and Catherine Armington use a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship to explain new firm formation rates in regional economies during the 1990s period and beyond. The fastest-growing regions are those that have the highest rates of new firm formation, and which are not dominated by large businesses. The authors of this text also find support for the thesis that knowledge spillovers move across industries and are not confined within a single industry. As a result, they suggest, regional policies to encourage and sustain growth should focus on entrepreneurship among other factors.
Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/07/21 裝訂:平裝
The spillovers in knowledge among largely college-educated workers were among the key reasons for the impressive degree of economic growth and spread of entrepreneurship in the United States during the 1990s. Prior 'industrial policies' in the 1970s and 1980s did not advance growth because these were based on outmoded large manufacturing models. Zoltan Acs and Catherine Armington use a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship to explain new firm formation rates in regional economies during the 1990s period and beyond. The fastest-growing regions are those that have the highest rates of new firm formation, and which are not dominated by large businesses. The authors of this text also find support for the thesis that knowledge spillovers move across industries and are not confined within a single industry. As a result, they suggest, regional policies to encourage and sustain growth should focus on entrepreneurship among other factors.
定價:2209 元, 優惠價:9 1988
Small Firms and Entrepreneurship:An East-West Perspective
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/05/15 裝訂:平裝
This book analyses the relative importance of small firms in industrial economies. It brings together a series of studies spanning a spectrum of selected countries in developed Western nations and Eastern Europe to identify the exact role of small firms and how this role has evolved. A striking result which emerges is that a distinct and consistent shift away from large firms and towards small enterprises has occurred within the manufacturing sector of all Western countries, while the role of small firms in Eastern European nations has been remarkably restricted, and, indeed, all these countries have experienced a shift away from small firms. It is clear from this analysis that a major challenge for political and economic reform in Central and Eastern Europe is to create the strong entrepreneurial sector which exists in the West.
定價:2209 元, 優惠價:9 1988
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1993/03/11 裝訂:精裝
This book analyses the relative importance of small firms in industrial economies. It brings together a series of studies spanning a spectrum of selected countries in developed Western nations and Eastern Europe to identify the exact role of small firms and how this role has evolved. A striking result which emerges is that a distinct and consistent shift away from large firms and towards small enterprises has occurred within the manufacturing sector of all Western countries, while the role of small firms in Eastern European nations has been remarkably restricted, and, indeed, all these countries have experienced a shift away from small firms. It is clear from this analysis that a major challenge for political and economic reform in Central and Eastern Europe is to create the strong entrepreneurial sector which exists in the West.
Why Philanthropy Matters ─ How the Wealthy Give, and What It Means for Our Economic Well-Being
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2013/02/24 裝訂:精裝
Philanthropy has long been a distinctive feature of American culture, but its crucial role in the economic well-being of the nation--and the world--has remained largely unexplored. Why Philanthropy Ma
定價:1710 元, 優惠價:9 1539
Why Philanthropy Matters ─ How the Wealthy Give, and What It Means for Our Economic Well-being
作者:Zoltan J. Acs  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2017/09/05 裝訂:平裝
Philanthropy has long been a distinctive feature of American culture, but its crucial role in the economic well-being of the nation--and the world--has remained largely unexplored. Why Philanthropy Ma
定價:1062 元, 優惠價:9 956
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