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A groundbreaking strength and conditioning plan for women, from the authors ofThe New Rules of Lifting for Women.Forget the elliptical machine and the candy-colored Barbie weights. Female athletes are
A groundbreaking strength and conditioning plan for women, from the authors of The New Rules of Lifting for Women. ? Forget the elliptical machine and the candy-colored Barbie weights. Female athletes
Healthy people build healthy marriages. With that truth in mind, author and pastor James Reeves guides couples to find long-term healing, closeness, joy, and the strength of a marriage rooted in Chris
"Author presents her program of a series of self-assessment exercises and plans of action that individuals can follow to create a layout called Blueprint for a Successfully Intentional & Integrate
The #1 New York Times BestsellerFrom the bestselling author and columnist behind The Atlantic's popular "How to Build a Life" series, a guide to transforming the life changes we fear into a source of strength. In the first half of life, ambitious strivers embrace a simple formula for success in work and life: focus single-mindedly, work tirelessly, sacrifice personally, and climb the ladder relentlessly. It works.Until it doesn't. It turns out the second half of life is governed by different rules. In middle age, many strivers begin to find success coming harder and harder, rewards less satisfying, and family relationships withering.In response, they do what strivers always do: they double down on work in an attempt to outrun decline and weakness, and deny the changes that are becoming more and more obvious. The result is often anger, fear, and disappointment at a time in life that they imagined would be full of joy, fulfillment, and pride. It doesn't have to be that way.In From Streng
Fit exercise into your busy life with short but effective stretching programmes. Do the demands of modern life leave you feeling stiff and sore? Do you struggle to find time for exercise? Stress no more: these four 15-minute programmes for beginners offer the versatility and ease of use that busy lifestyles demand. Build these 15-minute stretching routines, that you can do at home with just a mat, into your week to get leaner, more flexible, and stronger than ever before.Clear step-by-step photographs paired with easy-to-follow instructions explain exactly what to do in each move, and targeted "feel-it-here" graphics help you understand which muscles to focus on. At the end of each 15-minute programme there's an at-a-glance summary of the routine. 15-Minute Stretch will inspire you to make exercise a part of your weekly routine, so you soon reap the benefits of enhanced health and fitness.
A scientifically grounded program for developing the twelve inner strengths for being resilient no matter what life throws at you, from the New York Times bestselling author of Hardwiring Happiness.Rick Hanson is known for his trademark blend of neuroscience, positive psychology, and contemplative practices. And now he's showing the way to build the very foundation of well-being: Resilience. Today, people feel rattled by political and economic forces, and realize that they need to be able to rely on their own inner guidance systems in order to stay happy and calm. Not simply about weathering negative experiences, Resilient's groundbreaking program shows you how to harness the power of positive experiences in order to build an unshakeable core. In this succinct guide to lasting happiness, Dr. Hanson has distilled 40 years of clinical work and teaching into the tools that actually work. Each of these 12 tools grows a key inner strength for resilience, allowing you to enter a positive cyc
For nearly 5,000 years, people have practiced T'ai Chi as a way to prolong life, build strength and stamina, improve concentration, and achieve psychological balance. Hundreds of millions of satisfied
Kyra's Canine Conditioning is designed to build on important life skills, such as confidence, strength, coordination, mental focus, and following directions. Featuring all new material, world-renowned