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Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang (2)
Xing Hang (2)
A-Chin Hsiau (1)
Alan M. Wachman/ Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (NA) (1)
Heeung Wah Wong/ Hoi Yan Yau/ Karin Ling-fung Chau (1)
Sophie Mcintyre (1)
楊孟軒 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Brill Academic Pub (1)
Columbia Univ Pr (1)
M E Sharpe Inc (1)
Routledge (1)
臺大出版中心 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:楊孟軒  出版社:臺大出版中心  出版日:2023/01/18 裝訂:平裝
經歷1949江與海的離散與創傷,從記憶與書寫探尋外省移民的在地群體認同感。 1949年前後,蔣介石政權遷移至臺灣,百萬人流離失所、飄洋過海,引發被迫流亡的「外省人」與被迫接納的「本省人」,雙方各自歧異卻又彼此相連的衝突與動盪。 本書運用三大理論支柱──創傷、記憶與離散,闡述近代最龐大卻也最不被理解的一段東亞人口大遷徙,但並非深究國共內戰的勝敗,而是藉由書寫平民百姓逃難的苦難回憶,說明他們如何受到影響。作者透過口述訪談及文獻檔案,探討這段歷史軌跡所衍生的四種社會創傷──逃離中國的社會創傷、希望消散的社會創傷、中國返鄉的社會創傷、返回臺灣的社會創傷,以及事件四十年後,他們的後代如何以家族親身經驗為中心,利用共享記憶復原且創造出懷舊文化產物,進而建構一套與離散完全相反的臺灣外省群體在地化與認同感。最終希望讀者由此體會「同理、和解與正義」。
定價:580 元, 優惠價:9 522
庫存 > 10
The Great Exodus from China:Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Modern Taiwan
作者:Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/09/30 裝訂:精裝
Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang examines one of the least understood migrations in modern East Asia - the human exodus from China to Taiwan when Chiang Kai-shek's regime collapsed in 1949. Peeling back layers of Cold War ideological constructs, he tells a very different story from the conventional Chinese civil war historiography that focuses on debating the reasons for Communist success and Nationalist failure. Yang lays bare the traumatic aftermath of the Chinese Communist Revolution for the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who were forcibly displaced from their homes across the sea. Underscoring the displaced population's trauma of living in exile and their poignant 'homecomings' four decades later, he presents a multi-event trajectory of repeated traumatization with recurring searches for home, belonging, and identity. This thought-provoking study challenges established notions of trauma, memory, diaspora, and reconciliation.
The Great Exodus from China:Trauma, Memory, and Identity in Modern Taiwan
作者:Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2021/09/30 裝訂:平裝
Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang examines one of the least understood migrations in modern East Asia - the human exodus from China to Taiwan when Chiang Kai-shek's regime collapsed in 1949. Peeling back layers of Cold War ideological constructs, he tells a very different story from the conventional Chinese civil war historiography that focuses on debating the reasons for Communist success and Nationalist failure. Yang lays bare the traumatic aftermath of the Chinese Communist Revolution for the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who were forcibly displaced from their homes across the sea. Underscoring the displaced population's trauma of living in exile and their poignant 'homecomings' four decades later, he presents a multi-event trajectory of repeated traumatization with recurring searches for home, belonging, and identity. This thought-provoking study challenges established notions of trauma, memory, diaspora, and reconciliation.
定價:1499 元, 優惠價:9 1349
Cultural Policies and Identity Formation in Taiwan and Hong Kong
作者:Heeung Wah Wong; Hoi Yan Yau; Karin Ling-fung Chau  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2018/06/06 裝訂:精裝
Although Taiwan and Hong Kong are both Chinese societies previously subjected to colonial rule, the identity formation of the two peoples differs significantly, with Taiwan’s modern consciousness unde
Taiwan - National Identity and Democratization ― National Identity and Democratization
作者:Alan M. Wachman; Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (NA)  出版社:M E Sharpe Inc  出版日:1997/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Taiwan has become a democracy despite the inability of its political elite to agree on the national identity of the state. This is a study of the history of democratisation in the light of the nationa
定價:3132 元, 優惠價:1 3132
Imagining Taiwan ─ The Role of Art in Taiwan Quest for Identity
作者:Sophie Mcintyre  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2016/12/15 裝訂:精裝
Taiwan’s quest for identity and international recognition have unequivocally been the most important issues in Taiwan over the past 40 years, and they continue to generate impassioned debate, national
Politics and Cultural Nativism in 1970s Taiwan: Youth, Narrative, Nationalism
作者:A-Chin Hsiau  出版社:Columbia Univ Pr  出版日:2021/11/02 裝訂:平裝
In the aftermath of 1949, Taiwan's elites saw themselves as embodying China in exile both politically and culturally. The island--officially known as the Republic of China--was a temporary home to await the reconquest of the mainland. Taiwan, not the People's Republic, represented China internationally until the early 1970s. Yet in recent decades Taiwan has increasingly come to see itself as a modern nation-state. A-chin Hsiau traces the origins of Taiwanese national identity to the 1970s, when a surge of domestic dissent and youth activism transformed society, politics, and culture in ways that continue to be felt. After major diplomatic setbacks at the beginning of the 1970s posed a serious challenge to Kuomintang authoritarian rule, a younger generation without firsthand experience of life on the mainland began openly challenging the status quo. Hsiau examines how student activists, writers, and dissident researchers of Taiwanese anticolonial movements, despite accepting Chinese nat
定價:1925 元, 優惠價:9 1733
Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia ― The Zheng Family and the Shaping of the Modern World, C.1620-1720
作者:Xing Hang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/12/31 裝訂:精裝
The Zheng family of merchants and militarists emerged from the tumultuous seventeenth century amid a severe economic depression, a harrowing dynastic transition from the ethnic Chinese Ming to the Manchu Qing, and the first wave of European expansion into East Asia. Under four generations of leaders over six decades, the Zheng had come to dominate trade across the China Seas. Their average annual earnings matched, and at times exceeded, those of their fiercest rivals: the Dutch East India Company. Although nominally loyal to the Ming in its doomed struggle against the Manchus, the Zheng eventually forged an autonomous territorial state based on Taiwan with the potential to encompass the family's entire economic sphere of influence. Through the story of the Zheng, Xing Hang provides a fresh perspective on the economic divergence of early modern China from western Europe, its twenty-first-century resurgence, and the meaning of a Chinese identity outside China.
Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia ― The Zheng Family and the Shaping of the Modern World, C.1620-1720
作者:Xing Hang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/06/01 裝訂:平裝
The Zheng family of merchants and militarists emerged from the tumultuous seventeenth century amid a severe economic depression, a harrowing dynastic transition from the ethnic Chinese Ming to the Manchu Qing, and the first wave of European expansion into East Asia. Under four generations of leaders over six decades, the Zheng had come to dominate trade across the China Seas. Their average annual earnings matched, and at times exceeded, those of their fiercest rivals: the Dutch East India Company. Although nominally loyal to the Ming in its doomed struggle against the Manchus, the Zheng eventually forged an autonomous territorial state based on Taiwan with the potential to encompass the family's entire economic sphere of influence. Through the story of the Zheng, Xing Hang provides a fresh perspective on the economic divergence of early modern China from western Europe, its twenty-first-century resurgence, and the meaning of a Chinese identity outside China.
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403



