Pathologists and other medical specialists from the US and Canada provide 28 chapters on the pathologic anatomy of childhood disorders. Chapters are organized by general system pathology, including te
A benchmark survey of current clinical findings on the complex interactions between diet, stress, and mental health, and their impact on disease states. The authors give special attention to the influ
Fernandez (neurology, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine) and Merello (neurology, Raul Carrea Institute for Neurological Research and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnica
In spite of medical advances and the increasing number of severely brain-injured patients, the assessment and treatment of patients recovering from coma remain challenging. For over 10 years now, the
Roach et al. (child neurology and pediatrics, Ohio State U.) describe stroke and other cerebrovascular problems in infants, children, and adolescents. They cover the history of the field, epidemiology
Plaza (dermatopathology, Medical College of Wisconsin) and Prieto, a dermatopathologist at a cancer center in the US, present the basic knowledge needed by residents and pathologists in the area of in
Harris and Winter (both pathology, immunology, and laboratory medicine; U. of Florida-Gainesville) present an aid to the clinical diagnosis of the disorders for clinical pathologists and clinical chem
The discovery and development of effective medicines for the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression has been heralded as one of the great medical achievements of the p
This textbook provides a comprehensive review of gynecological imaging in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Experts from the disciplines of pediatric radiology, gynecology, surgery, and endocrinolo
Chhabra (Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical U., India) and three contributors, also based in India, present a highly illustrated guide for ophthalmologists and students. Foundational information pert
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders are central to the day-to-day practice of almost all areas of patient-centered medicine – both medical and surgical. Virtually every aspect of these disord
Smith (pediatrics, U. of Rochester Medical Center), who is joined by several pediatrics and psychology specialists for some chapters, offers a resource for K-12 educators in school teams that demonstr
Written specifically to be of practical help to vets in general practice and also to students. Covering the whole field of equine disease, diagnosis and management in a practical semi-note form, the b
The book s main focus is on the pharmacological treatment of the adolescent patient. It provides physicians and allied health professionals with pharmacological information covering all main specialit
Organized around the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9), the 17 chapters of this work explore the contributions of psychology to the management of the 17 groupings of d
Praise for the 1st edition: "This book is a must have for any midwife, particularly those working in the community, clinics and in high-risk areas.... This book is an extremely useful reference tool."