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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:佛羅倫絲.威廉斯  出版社:奇光出版  出版日:2023/01/05 裝訂:平裝
你有多久沒走進大自然了?我們與大自然越來越疏遠,讓我們付出什麼代價?如何在生活中獲得足夠的大自然,讓自己更健康、更幸福、更有創意?從韓國森林步道到芬蘭小島,再到加州桉樹林,從日本森林浴到蘇格蘭生態療法,跨越歐亞美三大洲,探索大自然對於大腦的正面影響背後的科學。為自己尋一方自然,與自然一起共好。《華爾街日報》盛讚:「本書是對戶外活動無數健康益處的現代研究,也是一趟生動探索。」★《衛報》「2017年最佳假日讀物」★◆從韓國森林步道到芬蘭小島,再到加州桉樹林,從日本森林浴到蘇格蘭生態療法,再到新加坡「花園城市」計畫,作者橫跨歐亞美三大洲,探索大自然對於大腦的正面影響背後的科學。◆本書以全新角度投入研究,查訪生物學家、心理學家、神經科學家的最新實證研究,跟隨護管員和樹療師體驗森林療癒計畫,提出令人信服的論據,發掘出大自然在改善健康、促進思考創新,以及加強人際關係等方面的力量。◆現代生活大幅轉向室內,遠離戶外,我們比過去任何時候都更加需要大自然及其帶給我們的益處,本書為城市規畫者、健康從業者、教育工作者、科學家,以及關心自己健康福祉的人,提供許多有用知識。◆《紐約時報》、《衛報》、《華爾街日報》、《舊金山紀事報》、BBC等各大媒體絕讚好評推薦。「我們認為大自然是奢侈品,而非必需品,我們沒有認識到它在個人和政治上提升了我們多少。歸根結柢,這就是這本書的願望:找到我們由大自然啟動的神經元背後的最佳科學,然後與各位讀者分享。如果沒有這些知識,我們可能永遠不會完全尊重我們與自然景觀的深層大腦聯繫。」──本書作者 佛羅倫絲.威廉斯大自然不僅美麗,還對我們有益。我們卻以前所未見的速度失去與大自然的聯繫。就算你很宅,看了本書,都會想親近大自然。隨著社會都市化和數位科技蔓延,我們的生活普遍與戶外脫節,遠離綠色植物。然而研究證明大自然能幫我們紓解壓力和憂鬱、幫助睡眠、促進免疫系統、對抗疾病,會讓我們更健康,更有創造力,更富同情心,更容易與他人建立關係。大自然已獲證明有益身心健康和文明社會。本書作者從世外桃源的科羅拉多州移居美國首府華盛頓,對生活中自然環境體驗不足有了切身感受,於是花了兩年時間以全新角度投入研究,橫跨歐亞美三大洲,查訪生物學家、心理學家、神經科學家的最新實證研究,跟隨護管員和樹療師體驗森林療癒計畫,探索大自然對於大腦的正面影響背後的科學。從韓國森林步道到芬蘭小島,再到加州桉樹林,
定價:440 元, 優惠價:9 396
作者:希娜‧瓦帝耶納坦  出版社:遠流  出版日:2019/09/27 裝訂:平裝
★美國亞馬遜青少年電腦科學類書籍暢銷第一名!★學全球最受歡迎Python程式語言,培養108課綱「運算思維」核心能力★全書彩色插圖+流程圖+虛擬程式碼解說,邊玩邊學程式設計! 從基礎概念、運算思維到實際應用30堂Python創意程式課,掌握程式設計關鍵能力! 新課綱正式上路,資訊科技教育將以「運算思維」為發展核心,「程式設計」正是實際體現「運算思維」的重要方式之一。
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
Every Leader Is An Artist―How The World's Greatest Artists Can Make You A More Creative Leader
作者:O'MALLEY  出版社:Mcgraw-Hill; Inc.  出版日:2012/06/22 裝訂:精裝
The 12 sensibilities business leaders need to develop to make every business day a masterpiece for themselves, their people, and their organizationEvery Leader Is an Artist makes the compelling case t
定價:748 元, 優惠價:9 673
Creative Collage ─ 30 Projects to Transform Your Collages into Wall Art, Personalized Stationery, Home Accessories, and More
作者:Clare Youngs  出版社:Cico Books  出版日:2017/11/14 裝訂:平裝
Discover how to make creative, personal collages with advice, techniques, and projects from craft author and graphic designer Clare Youngs. We are all born with an inner desire to express ourselves. M
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Creative Watercolor and Mixed Media ― A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Stunning Effects: Play With Gouache, Metallic Paints, Masking Fluid, Alcohol, and More
作者:Ana Victoria Calderon  出版社:Quarry Books  出版日:2020/11/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Creative Haven Floral Mosaics Coloring Book
作者:Jessica Mazurkiewicz  出版社:Dover Pubns  出版日:2014/12/17 裝訂:平裝
These intricate, many-faceted images offer colorists the chance to experiment with shading and other visual effects. More than 30 full-page illustrations depict lillies, daises, poppies, and other gar
定價:228 元, 優惠價:77 175
Sugarlump and the Unicorn Sticker Book
作者:Julia Donaldson; Lydia Monks  出版社:Pan Macmillan UK  出版日:2019/07/23 裝訂:平裝
Packed with sticker scenes, puzzles, games and over 400 stickers, Sugarlump and the Unicorn Sticker Book is ideal for unicorn lovers and perfect for birthdays, rainy days and school holidays - a great gift for any child. Based on the bestselling picture book by the unstoppable creative team of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, who also created the modern classic What the Ladybird Heard series. Join a beautiful unicorn with a silver horn and sparkling blue eyes as she grants a rocking horse's wish and turns him into a real horse.But after trotting around the farm, galloping around a racetrack and even dancing at the circus, Sugarlump the rocking horse learns to be careful what he wishes for. Luckily the unicorn has one more wish to grant .
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
The Art and Making of Arcane (美國版)
作者:Elisabeth Vincentelli  出版社:Insight Editions  出版日:2024/12/03 裝訂:精裝
《奧術藝術與製作秘辛》帶領讀者踏上Riot Games與Fortiche打造的革命性動畫系列的視覺旅程。書中收錄早期藝術風格、角色設計演變過程,以及令人驚嘆的世界觀構建,是探索《奧術》創作過程與願景的權威指南。《奧術》與《英雄聯盟》粉絲將被喜愛角色的視覺演變、皮爾特沃夫與佐恩壯麗的城市景觀,以及海克斯科技與希莫的發明深深吸引。本書收錄Riot和Fortiche珍藏的未公開圖像,並根據20多位動畫師、作家、導演與藝術家的訪談編撰而成,堪稱《奧術》迷必備之作。書中附有特製透明書衣,以及Jinx海報、皮爾特沃夫地圖等豐富周邊,讓您沉浸在《奧術》的世界中。The Art and Making of Arcane takes readers through the visual journey of Riot Games’ and Fortiche's revolutionary animated series. Featuring early art styles, evolving character designs, and jaw-dropping worldbuilding artwork, this volume is the definitive compendium of Arcane’s creative process and vision.Arcane and League of Legends fans alike will be amazed by the visual development of fan-favorite champions, the breathtaking cityscapes of Piltover and Zaun, and the riveting inventions of hextech and Shimmer.Featuring never-before-seen images from the vaults of Riot and Fortiche, a manuscript built from interviews with over twenty animators, writers, directors, artists, and so many more creative minds behind th
定價:2280 元, 優惠價:79 1801
The Amazing World of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler:Celebrating the Nation's Favourite Picture-book Partnership
作者:Julia Donaldson; Amanda Li; Axel Scheffler  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2024/10/31 裝訂:精裝
Enter the amazing world of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler in this stunning gift book, bursting with artwork and information all about this bestselling pair's extraordinary creative partnership.A celebration of the unparalleled creative partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, packed full of fun facts, behind-the-scenes information and never-before-seen illustrations. With a foreword by Rob Brydon.Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler have been working together for over thirty years, creating some of the world’s best-loved picture books, including The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Stick Man and Zog.Discover more about their early lives, how their creative partnership began, and dive deeper inside the wonderful worlds of all your favourite characters and stories.Packed with full-colour illustrations, sketches and photographs, in a stunning hardback edition, The Amazing World of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler is a must-have gift for fans of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:79 1086
作者:LIM PAMELA  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/01 裝訂:精裝
終於有一本適合家長和孩子一起使用的食譜了!清新的漫畫風格和易於閱讀的格式,孩子們會發現遵循每個食譜步驟輕而易舉!父母能夠從基本的黃油餅乾到摩卡、抹茶和花生的口味,甚至製作菠蘿餡餅,就好像他們多年來一直是專業麵包師傅一樣!在這本食譜中,帕梅拉將讓家人清楚了解 22 種基本食譜,並教他們如何調整基礎知識來創造 20 種令人興奮的變化!學習帕梅拉的創意烘焙風格,您和您所愛的人很快就會在廚房裡製作出不僅僅是美味的亞洲烘焙食品,您還將建立終生的家庭回憶!書裡面有什麼:逐步指南亞洲烘焙插圖資訊圖表Finally, a cookbook for parents and children to use together!With a fresh comics-style and an easy-to-read format, children will find following each recipe step a breeze! And parents will be able to go from basic butter cookies to flavours of mocha, matcha and peanut, and even make pineapple tarts, as if they've been expert bakers for years!In this cookbook, Pamela will give families a clear understanding of 22 basic recipes and teach them how to adapt the basics to create 20 exciting variations! Learning Pamela's creative style of baking, you and your loved ones will soon be making more than delicious Asian bakes in the kitchen. You'll also be building lifelong family memories!WHAT'S INSIDE:Step-by-step guideAsian bakesIllustrated infographics
定價:1156 元, 優惠價:9 1040
作者:LIM PAMELA  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/01 裝訂:平裝
終於有一本適合家長和孩子一起使用的食譜了!清新的漫畫風格和易於閱讀的格式,孩子們會發現遵循每個食譜步驟輕而易舉!父母能夠從基本的黃油餅乾到摩卡、抹茶和花生的口味,甚至製作菠蘿餡餅,就好像他們多年來一直是專業麵包師傅一樣!在這本食譜中,帕梅拉將讓家人清楚了解 22 種基本食譜,並教他們如何調整基礎知識來創造 20 種令人興奮的變化!學習帕梅拉的創意烘焙風格,您和您所愛的人很快就會在廚房裡製作出不僅僅是美味的亞洲烘焙食品,您還將建立終生的家庭回憶!書裡面有什麼:逐步指南亞洲烘焙插圖資訊圖表Finally, a cookbook for parents and children to use together!With a fresh comics-style and an easy-to-read format, children will find following each recipe step a breeze! And parents will be able to go from basic butter cookies to flavours of mocha, matcha and peanut, and even make pineapple tarts, as if they've been expert bakers for years!In this cookbook, Pamela will give families a clear understanding of 22 basic recipes and teach them how to adapt the basics to create 21 exciting variations! Learning Pamela's creative style of baking, you and your loved ones will soon be making more than delicious Asian bakes in the kitchen. You'll also be building lifelong family memories!WHAT'S INSIDE:Step-by-step guideAsian bakesIllustrated infographics
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定價:816 元, 優惠價:9 734
Cook This Book
作者:Molly Baz  出版社:Clarkson Potter  出版日:2021/04/13 裝訂:精裝
A thoroughly modern guide to becoming a smarter, faster, more creative cook from Molly Baz, featuring fun, flavorful recipes anyone can make.If you seek out, celebrate, and obsess over good food but l
定價:1235 元, 優惠價:79 976
Cat Kid Comic Club 5: Influencers (smyth binding)
作者:Dav Pilkey  出版社:Scholastic US  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:精裝
The newest graphic novel in the #1 bestselling series by Dav Pilkey, the author and illustrator of Dog Man!The Cat Kid Comic Club is in crisis! After learning that one of their comics will be published, the baby frogs are filled with anxiety and doubt. How will they get their creative groove back? Will Naomi or Melvin emerge as a leader? Will Flippy convince them to finally straighten up and fly right?The story is hysterical, thought-provoking, and full of action-packed mini-comics: "Frogzilla vs. Mechafrogzilla," "I Am Dr. Fredric Wertham," "Two Birds," and "RoboChubbs." Bestselling author-illustrator Dav Pilkey shows the reader that the best way to influence people is to be open, gentle, and kind. The variety of art styles, paired with Pilkey's trademark storytelling and humor, inspires imagination and innovation for readers of all ages.For more hilarity and heart, dive into the newest graphic novel in the Dog Man series: Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea. And don't forget
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 751
Linda Evangelista Photographed by Steven Meisel
作者:Linda Evangelista; William Norwich  出版社:Phaidon Press Ltd  出版日:2023/09/13 裝訂:精裝
As featured in Vogue, WSJ. Magazine, New Yorker, New York Times Styles, Town & Country, People, and D la República A stunning tribute to one of fashion’s most iconic and enduring collaborations Evident from their first photoshoot in 1987, legendary photographer Steven Meisel’s images of Linda Evangelista, one of the original 'supermodels' of the 1980s, are the result of a remarkable creative symbiosis between photographer and muse. Featuring more than 180 images shot over the course of twenty-five years, this long-awaited book chronicles Meisel’s constantly evolving vision of Evangelista, pictured in a vast range of imaginative narrative contexts.Art directed by Jason Duzansky, the book includes an introduction by fashion editor William Norwich, which tells the story of their friendship and situates it in the wider context of the fashion industry. With gorgeous reproductions and packaged in a luxurious cloth case, this extraordinary title is Meisel’s first retrospective monograph.
定價:6000 元, 優惠價:9 5400
Where's Wally Activity Books (共6本)
作者:Martin Handford  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2022/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Each title with over 100 stickers!The Where's Wally? series has sold over 72 million copies worldwide in 31 languages.Wally has reached celebrity status! He has been referenced in the primetime American TV shows Frasier, The Simpsons and Friends; has appeared on the 1000th anniversary cover of Rolling Stone magazine as a cultural icon of the last 40 years; and has even been found on Google Earth.Wally is going on an incredible adventure in outer space. Join him (and don’t forget to pack a pen or pencil)!Where’s Wally in Outer Space 9781406368208Have fun solving crazy conundrums and amazing activities that are out of this world with Wally and friends! Play tangle line teasers, find your way out of a space race maze, unscramble muddled up words, crack alien codes, match and spot the differences in busy picture puzzles, get creative by colouring in, complete a planet hop game and much, much more! Can you also find Wally’s super special star? There are over 100 crazy cosmic stickers and lo
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定價:2306 元, 優惠價:31 699
The Big Book of Nature Art
作者:Yuval Zommer  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2023/04/27 裝訂:精裝
Featuring twenty-two easy craft projects using natural and recycled materials, The Big Book of Nature Art is a fun and eco-friendly way for young children to connect creatively with nature.Featuring twenty-two easy craft projects using natural and recycled materials, The Big Book of Nature Art is a fun and eco way for young children to connect creatively with nature.From bestselling author Yuval Zommer, The Big Book of Nature Art is packed with twenty-two easy art activities inspired by nature. Each of the activities can be achieved in four simple steps using natural materials combined with recycled or found materials from around the home. Drawing on Zommer's years of experience running art workshops for children, The Big Book of Nature Art includes his tips for stress-free ways to get creative with kids.Each nature art activity requires no more than five minutes set-up and five minutes clean-up, making them easy to achieve and fun for everyone involved. The book also encourages childr
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定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies:Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2022
作者:Maddie Mortimer  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/03/30 裝訂:平裝
2022 NomineeDesmond Elliott PrizeThe Goldsmiths PrizeLonglisted for the Booker PrizeWinner of the Desmond Elliott PrizeShortlisted for the Goldsmiths PrizeLonglisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize‘Original, memorable, shimmering’ - Sarah MossLia has only one child, Iris; her magical, awkward, endlessly creative daughter who has just entered the battleground of her teenage years. Lia and Iris have always been close, but there is a war playing out inside Lia’s body, too, and everything is about to change. As she confronts what might be the end, memories of her own childhood and a passionate love affair come rushing into her present, unearthing buried secrets and her family’s deepest fears. But Lia hopes: for more time, for more love, for more Iris.Dancing between voices within Lia’s body and without, flitting back and forth in time, this sweeping, dazzling story of a life and what it is to let go marks the arrival of an extraordinary novelist.'Restlessly inventive . . . delicate and persuasi
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
The Kid's Awesome Activity Wall Calendar 2024
作者:Mike Lowery  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2023/08/08
Spark your kids' creativity every month with doodles and giggles galore!--LET YOUR IMAGINATION OUT TO PLAY! – Grab and pen and pencil for a year of interactive prompts that get kids dreaming: creative coloring prompts, puzzles and mazes, silly doodles, jokes, comics, and more.--FAMILY ORGANIZATION MADE FUN – This 12" x 12" wall calendar has plenty of room for recording appointments and important dates for the whole family. And kids love keeping track of the calendar - no more "how many days until..." questions!--STICKERS GALORE – Includes more than 300 stickers for decorating the calendar pages, including occasions like PARTY, FIELD TRIP, MOVIE, and NO SCHOOL!--FOR AGES 8--PERFECT GIFT – Screen-free fun for busy families--GREAT QUALITY – Printed in full-color on uncoated paper (for easy writing) that's responsibly sourced.
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Minecraft Idea a Day: Packed with Hundreds of Ideas to Inspire You!
作者:DK  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2024/11/05 裝訂:精裝
Flip the page and discover a new Minecraft build idea to inspire you each day! Get creative with 150 awesome Minecraft builds, from secret bases, cute animals, and dream homes to supersized landmarks, mob builds and much more! The stand-up, spiral-bound format is perfect for displaying next to your screen and enjoying with family and friends, as you find inspiration for your next brilliant build. Whether it's a bouncy castle, creeper maze, swamp monster, rainbow bridge, axolotl house, or giant hotdog, each day brings a new and totally random, super-fun surprise. Plus, get top tips on how to level-up your Minecraft building skills. (c) 2024 Mojang AB.
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 750
Minecraft Idea a Day:Packed with Hundreds of Ideas to Inspire You!
作者:DK  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Ltd  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:平裝
Flip the page and discover a new Minecraft build idea to inspire you each day!Get creative with 150 awesome Minecraft builds, from secret bases, cute animals, and dream homes, to supersized landmarks, mob builds and much more!The stand-up, spiral-bound format is perfect for displaying next to your screen and enjoying with family and friends, as you find inspiration for your next brilliant build.Whether it’s a bouncy castle, creeper maze, swamp monster, rainbow bridge, axolotl house, or giant hotdog, each day brings a new and totally random, super-fun surprise. Plus, get top tips on how to level-up your Minecraft building skills.
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:79 868
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