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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:亞當‧李斯‧格爾納  出版社:楓樹林  出版日:2020/05/15 裝訂:平裝
~水果獵人的前線報導,每則故事的戲劇性都不亞於小說!~這本書,是有關水果,有關人類和水果之間的熱烈愛意。以敘述性極強的文學化語言維妙維肖報導一群水果狂熱者,兜了一圈你會發現,水果的世界,遠比我們在市場上所見奇異得多!!敬請注意:本書描述水果,就像邪教教主般蠱惑視聽, 慾望隨之膨脹,有口乾舌燥之感。無論從植物學還是人類學立場,水果都令人魂不守舍!【本書特色】◎亞馬遜讀者高分評點,近乎全民五星推薦!在
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
作者:麥可‧芬克爾  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/08/06 裝訂:平裝
★《紐約時報》暢銷榜★★亞馬遜網路書店年度選書★★《華盛頓郵報》年度選書★ ◢◢真人真事◣◣橫掃歐洲7國——博物館、藝廊、大教堂47種竊盜手法、200多次犯罪紀錄、每12天得逞一次超過300件藝術品、總計20億美元 瘋狂!慾望!偏執!成癮!史上最『過勞』的藝術大盜 『能偷,我就會想辦法偷!』——史蒂芬‧布萊特韋澤(Stéphane Breitwieser) ◢◢ 個性複雜、才華另類,一個天才的缺陷與偏執 年僅22歲,法國青年史蒂芬‧布萊特韋澤(Stéphane Breitwieser)行竊手法高明、次數堪稱史上無敵! 他瘋狂熱愛藝術,具有高度鑑賞力,連續8年來,經常出沒擁擠的博物館、藝廊、大教堂——在光天化日下成功行竊200多次,神不知鬼不覺、手法極為穩定,平均每12天得逞一次——足跡遍及法國、德國、荷蘭、比利時、瑞士、奧地利、丹麥等國,為他把風的共犯是他女友。 他竊取的藝術品價值總計超過「20億美元」——14世紀的油畫、15世紀的象牙雕刻、17世紀的銀器與古董……數量高達300多件的藝術品,每件都價值不菲,即便依靠政府補助過活,但他一件也未脫手變賣,他要的不是財富,而是占據和擁有的慾望與偏執。這些閃閃發光的「贓品」悉數藏在他「母親家的閣樓」,在那閣樓天地間,他猶如「國王」般,珍視著、把玩著……這些他巧手奪來的稀世珍寶,直至一切戛然幻滅……
定價:420 元, 優惠價:75 315
作者:柯克.華萊士.強森  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2025/01/07 裝訂:平裝
比推理小說還精采的重大犯罪!英國自然史博物館創館以來最離奇的竊案! 華萊士可能作夢都想不到,他費盡心力在南美洲紀錄鳥類、於馬來群島帶回世界第一隻天堂鳥標本,會有個狂人在一百六十年後,為了偷羽毛,只是要重現與華萊士同時代的古典運動:毛鉤綁製。 什麼叫毛鉤綁製?十八世紀,隨著歐洲的殖民事業大刀闊斧地開展,博物學也深入地球最隱蔽的角落,新生的炫富休閒活動因應而生了:「鮭魚毛鉤釣」。怎樣釣鮭魚?鮭魚並不愛吃餌,牠們喜歡被挑釁,並主動追擊在水面上飛舞的生物。此時,羽毛派上用場了。為了讓釣鉤可以呈現水上飛舞的形象,鉤子上面必須綁上羽毛。而享受釣魚的貴族們,也開始拿最稀奇、最昂貴、最叫人瞠目結舌的鳥羽,綁製一個又一個綺麗的毛鉤。科學與保育如何終結羽毛產業?隨著二十世紀來臨,除了博物學家,就連一般民眾都意識到許多鳥類因人類活動而迅速滅絕。珍奇的鳥羽更是鳥類滅絕的一大原因。透過鳥類協會與科學家多年疾呼,動物保育法確立下來,讓羽毛產業衰微……但,真的是如此嗎?絢麗的羽毛為何捲土重來?毛鉤釣社群隨時間演進,早已不再追求「釣到鮭魚」而是綁出「最華美的毛鉤」。他們可以花上一整天綁毛鉤不稀奇,但仍缺珍貴的羽毛畫龍點睛。這是所有社群愛好者的願望,而這個願望,竟化作了執迷不悟,稀有羽毛交易又開始偷偷蓬勃。偷羽毛、賣羽毛,為何定罪四年過後事件還未結束?作者強森原把釣鮭魚當嗜好,結果一場關於毛鉤的不尋常竊案吸引了他。所有毛鉤綁製名家,都想要讓珍稀羽毛給自己的作品增光,但市場買得到的羽毛一根至少幾百美元起跳,那麼,哪裡的鳥羽最多又最豐富呢?毛鉤綁製天才愛德溫,竟然想到了英國自然史博物館,裡頭典藏著華萊士在馬來群島、想通「物種源始」、費盡心力採集而來的各種鳥類。牠們綻放著藍色、紅色、綠色、黃色等最鮮豔的羽色,愛德溫用一個行李箱一次偷光,然而館方竟然過了大半年後都沒發現?這些羽毛到底流竄到哪?毛鉤綁製社群的人為何對這樁竊案守口如瓶?這是再真實不過的竊盜犯罪,比推理故事還離奇!為何有群人如此著迷於一項百年前的古典運動,堅信自己是美學的守護者?柯克.華萊士.強森想要實現正義,他開始追查一名貪婪的羽毛賊,對抗一整個執迷不悟的社群,目的是找回屬於大自然、研究者與人類的正義。
定價:540 元, 優惠價:79 426
Extraordinary Art Dealers:Stories of Obsession, Innovation and Creativity
作者:Catherine Ingram  出版社:Heni Publishing  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:精裝
定價:1499 元, 優惠價:95 1424
Lost in the Valley of Death: A Story of Obsession and Danger in the Himalayas
作者:Harley Rustad  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/01/11 裝訂:精裝
In the vein of Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, a riveting work of narrative nonfiction centering on the unsolved disappearance of an American backpacker in India--one of at least two dozen tourists who have met a similar fate in the remote and storied Parvati Valley.For centuries, India has enthralled westerners looking for an exotic getaway, a brief immersion in yoga and meditation, or in rare cases, a true pilgrimage to find spiritual revelation. Justin Alexander Shetler, an inveterate traveler trained in wilderness survival, was one such seeker.In his early thirties Shetler quit his job at a tech startup and set out on a global journey: across the United States by motorcycle, then down to South America, and on to the Philippines, Thailand, and Nepal, in search of authentic experiences and meaningful encounters, while also documenting his travels on Instagram. His enigmatic character and magnetic personality gained him a devoted following who lived vicariously through his adventures. B
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
Blips on a Screen:How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession
作者:Kate Hannigan; Zachariah Ohora  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/04/19 裝訂:精裝
An engaging picture book biography based on the incredible true story of a Jewish refugee who pioneered home video games and launched a worldwide obsession. Do you ever wonder how video gaming was invented? What came before your PlayStation or Xbox? This is the story of Ralph Baer, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who used his skills―and a lot of ingenuity and persistence―to make life a little more fun. Television was new when Ralph returned from serving in World War II, but he didn’t settle for watching TV. He knew it could be even more fun if you could play with it. He tinkered and tested, got help and rejected, but with perseverance and skill, he made his vision come true! This is the inspiring story of a fearless inventor who made TV video games a reality.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Black Tunnel White Magic: A Murder, a Detective's Obsession, and '90s Los Angeles at the Brink
作者:Rick Jackson  出版社:MULHOLLAND  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1050
Wild Side:Discover the instant Sunday Times bestseller and your newest small town romance obsession!
作者:Elsie Silver  出版社:Little; Brown Book Group  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 433
The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession with Human Origins
作者:Stefanos Geroulanos  出版社:Liveright Pub Corp  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Servant of Earth:Your new dark romantasy obsession perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas and Carissa Broadbent
作者:Sarah Hawley  出版社:Orion Publishing Co  出版日:2024/11/14 裝訂:精裝
定價:1210 元, 優惠價:79 955
Servant of Earth:Your new dark romantasy obsession perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas and Carissa Broadbent
作者:Sarah Hawley  出版社:Orion  出版日:2024/11/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:879 元, 優惠價:79 694
What the West is Getting Wrong about the Middle East:Why Islam is Not the Problem
作者:Omer (National War College and Brookings Institutions Taspinar U.S)  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2024/11/14 裝訂:平裝
The West's actions in the Middle East are based on a fundamental misunderstanding: political Islam is repeatedly assumed to be the main cause of conflict and unrest in the region. The idea that we can decipher Jihadist radicalization or problems in the Middle East simply by reading the Qur'an has now become symptomatic of our age. This dangerous over-simplification and the West's obsession with Islam dominates media and policy analysis, ultimately skewing intervention and preventing long-term solutions and stability in the region.Ömer Taspinar, who has 20 years' research and policymaking experience, explains here what is really going on in the Middle East. The book is based on three of the most pressing cases currently under the spotlight: the role of Erdogan and the unrest in Turkey; the sectarian clashes in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon; and the existence of the so-called Islamic State. Islam is often seen as the root cause of the challenge associated with these cases. But by unpack
定價:974 元, 優惠價:9 876
Peanut Butter and Jelly
作者:Ben Clanton  出版社:Tundra Books  出版日:2018/03/27 裝訂:精裝
Narwhal's obsession with his new favorite food leads him into hijinks and hilarity in the third book of this all-star early graphic novel series!Narwhal and Jelly are back and Narwhal has a new obsess
定價:494 元, 優惠價:1 494
Obsession:Secrets, Stalkers, and Second Chances
作者:Lucy O'Callaghan  出版社:Poolbeg Press Ltd  出版日:2025/03/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:909 元, 優惠價:95 863
Intention Obsession:Rituals and Witchcraft for Every Season
作者:Erica Feldmann  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers Inc  出版日:2025/02/27 裝訂:精裝
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:79 1086
Seven Tales of Sex and Death
作者:Patricia Duncker  出版社:Bloomsbury UK  出版日:2017/01/24 裝訂:平裝
Illuminating the dark side of the erotic, these interwoven stories explore obsession, violence, and the thin line between sex and death. Under a Mediterranean sun a man searches for the Temple of Zeus
庫存 > 10
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Daisy Jones and The Six:From the Sunday Times bestselling author of CARRIE SOTO IS BACK
作者:Taylor Jenkins Reid  出版社:Cornerstone  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
THE TIE-IN EDITION FOR THE AMAZON PRIME TV SERIES STARRING SAM CLAFLIN, RILEY KEOUGH AND CAMILA MORRONEFrom the author of CARRIE SOTO IS BACK, THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO and the bestselling MALIBU RISING'I LOVE it . . .I can't remember the last time I read a book that was so fun' DOLLY ALDERTONEverybody knows Daisy Jones and the Six. Their sound defined an era. Their albums were on every turntable.They sold out arenas from coast to coast. Then, on 12 July 1979, Daisy Jones walked barefoot onto the stage at Chicago Stadium. And it all came crashing down.Everyone was there. Everyone remembers it differently. Nobody knew why they split.Until now . . .'The verdict: Daisy Jones steals the limelight' STYLIST'New obsession, incoming' TELEGRAPH'I didn't want this book to end' FEARNE COTTON'Utterly believable . . .fantastically enjoyable' THE TIMES'Pitch perfect' SUNDAY TIMES'Reads like an addictive Netflix documentary meets A Star Is Born - despite being utterly fictional. It's also a c
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
The Story Cure: An A-Z of Books to Keep Kids Happy, Healthy and Wise
作者:Ella Berthoud; Susan Elderkin  出版社:Canongate Books Ltd  出版日:2017/09/21 裝訂:精裝
The stories that shape our children's lives are too important to be left to chance. With The Story Cure, bibliotherapists Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin have put together the perfect manual for grown-ups who want to initiate young readers into one of life's greatest pleasures. There's a remedy for every hiccup and heartache, whether it's between the covers of a picture book, a pop-up book, or a YA novel.You'll find old favourites like The Borrowers and The Secret Garden alongside modern soon-to-be classics by Michael Morpurgo, Malorie Blackman and Frank Cottrell-Boyce, as well as helpful lists of the right reads to fuel any obsession - from dogs or dinosaurs, space or spies. Wise and witty, The Story Cure will help any small person you know through the trials and tribulations of growing up, and help you fill their bookshelves with adventure, insight and a lifetime of fun.
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
The Ultimate Fun Adult Activity Book: Logic Puzzles, Sudoku, Mazes, Word Searches, Crosswords, Acrostics, Coloring, and More!
作者:Julie Demyanovich  出版社:Zeitgeist  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:平裝
Kick back, relax, and have fun with a variety of mind-stimulating puzzles and activities! Tired of spending your downtime just scrolling on your phone? Pick up The Ultimate Fun Adult Activity Book and delight in puzzles and activities designed to entertain and engage your mind. Whether you're in the mood to solve sudoku, crack crosswords, or relax with a coloring page, this book has what you're looking for. And with the sheer variety of activities and games included, all crafted by an experienced puzzler, you might even discover a new puzzle obsession! The Ultimate Fun Adult Activity Book is: A one-stop shop of puzzles and activities. Try your hand at word searches, sudoku, spot the differences, logic puzzles, word pyramids, number brain games, acrostics, cryptograms, mazes, and coloring, The perfect balance of fun and educational. With themes ranging from history and science to food and travel, you're bound to learn something new--all while having fun.Suitable for any skill level. The
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
Bared to You
作者:Sylvia Day  出版社:Berkley Pub Group  出版日:2012/06/12 裝訂:平裝
Bared to You, the first in a “page-melting hot” (Darhk Portal) new trilogy, explores the intense and complex relationship between Eva and Gideon, a couple addicted to a sensual obsession—and totally a
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
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