The ultimate Ford flathead resource for hot rodders and restorers.The last commercially produced Ford Flathead V-8 was cast over 60 years ago. Simple by today's high-tech standards, during its performance reign from the late '30s through the mid '50s, the flathead was unsurpassed for go-fast power on the cheap. It spawned the modern aftermarket speed-equipment industry and became a favorite of bootleggers, dry-lakes racers, dirt trackers, street racers, and a whole generation that just wanted fast cars.Whether you're restoring a classic Ford, building a traditional hot rod, or creating a period custom car, you'll want to get the most out of its vintage flathead V-8. InHow to Rebuild and Modify Ford Flathead V-8 Engines, authors Mike Bishop and Vern Tardel, two of the most highly-regarded experts in hot rodding, give you the detailed and accurate information you need to build, restore, or just daydream about the engine that gave birth to hot rodding.Every aspect of buying, building, and
This book constitutes the proceedings of the SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009 held in Austin, Texas, USA on January 25th, 2009.The 9 papers presented were carefully selected and reviewed for inclusion in
The book presents the state of the art in high performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general and specific
This Festschrift volume is published in honor of Gunter Haring on the occasion of his emerital celebration and contains invited papers by key researchers in the field of performance evaluation present
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2009, held in London, UK during July 9-10, 2009. The 13 full papers and 4 short papers prese
The proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing provide an overview on supportive software tools and environments in the fields of System Management,
Nowadays research in earthquake engineering is mainly experimental and in large-scale; advanced computations are integrated with large-scale experiments, to complement them and extend their scope, eve
To those for whom the monologue has always been synonymous with terror, The Monologue Workshop will prove an indispensable ally. Jack Poggi's new book answers the long-felt need among actors for top-
This volume of High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering is fully dedicated to the final report of KONWIHR, the Bavarian Competence Network for Technical and Scientific High Performance Co
The world's leading experts contribute to our understanding of regional innovation, cluster formation and the factors that influence regional productivity and innovative performance. The text improves
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, PMBS 2014 in New Orleans, LA, USA in November 2014. The 14 full papers presented in this volume were carefu
The book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general, and the fut
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the SPEC International Performance Evaluation Workshop, SIPEW 2008, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in June 2008 .The 17 revised full papers pr