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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:史考特.巴瑞.考夫曼  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2023/11/04 裝訂:平裝
★暢銷書《顛峰心態》(Transcend)作者最新力作!★亞馬遜網路書店4.8星、權威書評網站Goodreads 4.2星高分好評!一本超越創傷、恐懼和自我懷疑的成長練習選擇成長,讓我們每個人都有能力改變,而且是從根本改變!我們可以選擇退縮以確保安全或勇往直前尋求成長的契機。成長必須經歷一次又一次的選擇;恐懼必須透過一次又一次的克服。――亞伯拉罕•馬斯洛(Abraham Maslow)人類的存在無疑充滿了挑戰,無論是一場全球性的疫情、不穩定的經濟、氣候變化的威脅、貧困、不平等、崩潰的政府或戰爭等,都有許多理由讓我們對未來感到不安全、不確定和憂慮,也讓我們開始追問人生的重大問題。我們是誰?我們的生活的目標是什麼?並在經歷了悲劇、分裂和對基本生活方式的挑戰之後,我們如何才能不僅存活下來,還能茁壯成長?《成長心態》是一本實用的練習手冊,旨在幫助所有人超越自我,以整合自己的所有面向,即使在最具挑戰性的情況下,也能每天致力於成長和追求自我實現的旅程。從而探索你的需求、解決內心的衝突和如何從外部的衝突中癒合,目的是在幫助你建立洞察力和自我理解,讓你了解什麼才是最重要的事,以及如何培養這些能 力,最後能過上更豐富、更有意義和自我實現的生活。本書是由知名心理學家、「心理學播客」(The Psychology Podcast)節目主持人史考特•巴瑞•考夫曼(Scott Barry Kaufman)和積極醫學醫生兼研究員喬迪恩•費恩戈爾德(Jordyn Feingold)共同創作,是一本以實證為基礎的工具書,以積極心理學的最新研究和人本主義心理學的核心原則為基礎的練習彙編,幫助我們在任何波濤洶湧的水域中航行。我們都活在這獨一無二的旅程中,有不同的、未滿足的需求在我們的生活中發生變化,但有件事是肯定的:我們無法獨自做到這一點。所以我們必須打開風帆,並與世界互動,才得以成長,而我們的成長永遠不會結束,於是我們必須要有成長的思維!
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
作者:Taylor Morgan  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/12/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:550 元, 優惠價:1 550
Limitless: Unlocking Confidence and Breaking Free from Self-Doubt
作者:Maame Afua Nikabs  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:288 元, 優惠價:1 288
Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are
作者:Megan Logan MSW Lcsw  出版社:Rockridge Pr  出版日:2020/09/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Atomic Confidence: Build Unshakable Self-Belief: Ditch Self-Doubt and Step Into Your Best Life
作者:Michael Fink  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
The Power of Unstoppable Confidence: Break Free from Self-Doubt and Own Your Future
作者:Shonali T. Vijay  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/16 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
Building Confidence in Yourself: The Practical Guide To Overcome Self-Doubt, Anxiety, Fear And Boost Your Self-Esteem
作者:Anthony J. Crawford  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:624 元, 優惠價:1 624
Conquering Self-Doubt: A Transformative Journey to Self-Confidence: Proven Techniques to Overcome Insecurity and Unlock Your Potential
作者:Franky Igel  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:853 元, 優惠價:1 853
From Self-Doubt to Self-Belief: A Transformative Roadmap to Overcoming Insecurity, Building Confidence, and Achieving Personal Growth
作者:Paul Allen White  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/26 裝訂:平裝
定價:312 元, 優惠價:1 312
Unlock Your Hidden Leader: Overcoming Self-Doubt to Lead with Confidence and Inspire Growth in Business and Life
作者:Sara Dapperton  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
What I Wish I Knew at 15 Instead of 50: 8 Personal Choices to eradicate self-doubt, put you in the driver's seat of your life and unlock all the succe
作者:Jo Lively  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:614 元, 優惠價:1 614
Authentically You: Breaking Free from Doubt and Embracing Self-Worth
作者:Mila Georgiev  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/16 裝訂:平裝
定價:768 元, 優惠價:1 768
Garlic and the Vampire (Graphic Novel)
作者:Bree Paulsen  出版社:Quill Tree  出版日:2021/09/28 裝訂:平裝
小大蒜覺得自己常常犯錯,只想好好照顧自己的花園,但當某天一名吸血鬼搬進鄰近的城堡時,村民們一致同意應該由小大蒜去面對他!幽默又滿勇氣的故事帶你踏進漫畫的世界。An enchanting, farm-fresh debut graphic novel starring an unusual heroine who is braver than she realizes, for middle grade readers looking for a cozy, adventuresome read in the vein of Witch Boy or Be Prepared.Garlic feels as though she's always doing something wrong. At least with her friend Carrot by her side and the kindly Witch Agnes encouraging her, Garlic is happy to just tend her garden, where it's nice and safe.But when her village of vegetable folk learns that a bloodthirsty vampire has moved into the nearby castle, they all agree that, in spite of her fear and self-doubt, Garlic is the obvious choice to confront him. And with everyone counting on her, Garlic reluctantly agrees to face the mysterious vampire, hoping she has what it takes.After all, garlic drives away vampires...right?
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
作者:Anna Hope  出版社:PBKPEREL  出版日:2020/04/14 裝訂:平裝
A Paperback Original—Also Available as a Hardcover Library EditionIn this sharply observed novel set in and around London, three college friends, now in their thirties, must come to terms with the gap between the lives they imagined for themselves and reality in the face of marriage, fertility struggles, and loss.In her first year of motherhood after an unplanned pregnancy, Cate is constantly exhausted, spiraling into self-doubt and postpartum anxiety. Her husband Sam seems oblivious, but maybe she’d prefer he remain in the dark. How can she admit the unthinkable—that she misses her freedom?In contrast, Hannah continues to endure round after round of unsuccessful IVF treatments. The process is taking its toll on her physically and emotionally—and, she worries, creating distance between her and her husband Nathan. She is godmother to Cate’s son, but every time they get together, it’s a trigger.Beautiful and unattached, Lissa is re-evaluating what it means to be an actress in her thirtie
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Assassin's Apprentice Volume 2:The Graphic Novel
作者:Robin Hobb  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2025/01/02 裝訂:精裝
The epic second instalment of Robin Hobb’s bestselling fantasy novelPart two of Assassin's Apprentice, the first book in Robin Hobb's bestselling epic fantasy Farseer Trilogy, brought to life in comics form.In the second installment of Assassin’s Apprentice, Fitz is given a mission to infiltrate a nobleman’s estate for signs of treason, the kingdom is plagued by Red-Ship Raiders, and the fate of the realm hinges on Fitz’s choices. Tensions rise, and a determined stranger’s arrival adds to the uncertainty. When King Shrewd decides that Fitz must learn The Skill, the harsh training of the Skillmaster Galen will bring Fritz to a breaking point. Fitz’s journey of resilience and self-doubt takes an emotional toll, while Burrich and Molly offer support.
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
The Light We Carry : Overcoming in Uncertain Times
作者:Michelle Obama  出版社:Crown Pub  出版日:2022/11/15 裝訂:精裝
在推出上一本廣受讚譽的自傳《成為這樣的我》後,世界旋即掉入充滿不確定性的裂縫中。面對日日夜夜的驚惶與不安,蜜雪兒·歐巴馬在撫慰人心的新作中,一則則溫暖的故事與附有洞見的人生建議互相印襯,讓我們發現人生這條路徑上,自己就是那道光。Practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world—from the #1 bestselling author of Becoming and former First Lady Michelle ObamaThere may be no tidy solutions or pithy answers to life’s big challenges, but Michelle Obama believes that we can all locate and lean on a set of tools to help us better navigate change and remain steady within flux. In The Light We Carry, she opens a frank and honest dialogue with readers, considering the questions many of us wrestle with: How do we build enduring and honest relationships? How can we discover strength and community inside our differences? What tools do we use to address feelings of self-doubt or helplessness? What do we do when it all starts to feel like too much?Michelle Obama offers readers a series of fresh stories and insightful reflections on change, challenge, and po
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
Giant on the Shore
作者:Alfonso Ochoa; Azul Lopez  出版社:TRANSIT CHILDRENS ED  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:精裝
A tender fable about overcoming loneliness and welcoming new possibilities. A giant stands on the shore of a secluded city: a place where no trains pass through, where you can hear the sound of birds, and the air smells of bread. What would happen if the giant entered the city? Would the people welcome him? Would they invite him to play in their games? Would they tell him stories and teach him to dance? Would he need lawn mowers to trim his beard and power cables to jump rope? Or would he simply return to the waves?Featuring poignant, acrylic paintings by award-winning illustrator Azul López, Giant on the Shore is a tale of vulnerability and belonging that explores the enormity of self-doubt and the tremendous potential in taking risks.
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
Don't Believe Everything You Think (Expanded Edition) Export Edition:Why Your Thinking Is the Beginning & End of Suffering
作者:Joseph Nguyen  出版社:AUTHORS EQUITY  出版日:2025/01/02 裝訂:平裝
Learn how to overcome anxiety, self-doubt, and self-sabotage without needing to rely on motivation or willpower now updated with expanded guidance and contemplative exercises to help change the way you think.';An inspirational guide to freeing yourself from emotional clutter and discovering who you really are. Don't Believe Everything You Think will help you stop overthinking and help you begin a journey toward finding happiness.' Deepak Chopra';For anyone who has ever tossed and turned at night beating themselves up, Don't Believe Everything You Think, is an essential first step to letting go of that suffering. Joseph Nguyen's words are straightforward and his concepts simple to grasp.And more importantly, he just makes sense.' Simon Sinek, Optimist and New York Times Bestselling author of Start with Why and The Infinite GameIn this book, you'll discover the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to achieve freedom of mind to effortlessly create the life you'v
定價:824 元, 優惠價:95 782
作者:芭芭拉‧馬克威; 西莉亞‧安佩爾  出版社:大田出版社  出版日:2021/10/12 裝訂:平裝
自信是一把鑰匙,開啟你獨特的天賦。克服你內心自我批評的聲音,停止負面的自我控訴。自信是什麼?(聽得到,看得到嗎?)自信從何而來?(自我介紹時你會說:我是有自信的人嗎?)為什麼別人有,而我沒有?(自信一輩子不會消失嗎?)你參加一場電影映後座談,明明很想舉手發問,卻遲遲不敢;遇到喜歡的人,還沒開口說話就臉紅耳赤,機會一次又一次從身邊溜走;公司好幾年沒有加薪,內心每天上演要求加薪的獨白戲,就是缺乏爭取的勇氣……我們都有天生的個性,但恐懼、懷疑和缺乏自信卻成為人生絆腳石。自信不是傲慢。(不是說話大聲的人就有自信。)自信不是自戀。(自戀有時往往是自卑。)自信也不是自以為是。(驕傲其實更暴露自信不足。)累積近三十年經驗的心理學家芭芭拉.馬克威博士如何引導成千上萬的人建立自信?1.了解自信,知道自信從何而來?協助你判定目前的自信指數,作為成長的參考,為你的自信心打地基。2.科學基礎,詳細整理的「認知行為療法」和「接受與承諾療法」「暴露療法」等心理分析,幫助你戰勝自我懷疑的惡魔,指引你避開現實生活中的自信地雷。3.互動練習,自信心就像肌肉,如果不持續鍛鍊,就會鬆垮潰堤,透過練習指引你的反思、設計檢查量表和測驗,重整你對自己的認知。你不用時時刻刻都有自信,也不需要期望明天就馬上信心滿滿,但你會比昨天更堅強一點,會比過去更了解自己,最重要的是你再也不用對抗你的不完美,軟弱與恐懼,你會認識自己最好的一面,實現目標。【自信的定義】即使感到焦慮,成果也不得而知,仍舊願意採取行動,一步步實現重要目標。真正的自信結合了勇氣、能耐,以及適量的自我疼惜。【自信的三個關鍵】1.行動比心情重要。2.行動的指南是價值觀――也就是你關心的事情。3.過程比結果更重要。願你擁有自信走出去,站起來,大聲說:這個世界需要你的天賦。☆增強自信的好處☆■減少恐懼和焦慮 ■更有動力與韌性 ■改善人際關係 ■自我感知更強大本書特色所有問題的本質都是缺乏自信!【如何使用本書】1.可以隨時畫重點,塗色,塗鴉,只要對你有幫助都好。2.買本筆記本讓你可以邊讀邊寫心得,也很好。3.找朋友,另一半或讀書會一起共讀討論,更好。4.按照自己的節奏閱讀,在安靜的地方,或播放自己最愛的音樂的房間,任何環境練習都可以。5.回看你的筆記與練習記錄,或重看對你有幫助的段落,整理屬於自己的自信心工具包。如果遇到自信心歷史低點時,可以隨時派上用場。裝備
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Overcoming Insecurity and Self-Doubt: how to overcome insecurity and self-doubt
作者:Lawrence S. Scott  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/11/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:624 元, 優惠價:1 624
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