From the field's pioneer, an exploration of the neurobiology and psychology of wisdom: what science says it is and how to nurture it within yourself, at any stage of your lifeWhat exactly does it mean
An eye-opening, myth-shattering examination of whatmakesus fat, from acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes.In his New York Times best seller, Good Calories, Bad Calories, Taubes argued that our diet’
An eye-opening, myth-shattering examination of whatmakesus fat, from acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes.In his New York Times best seller, Good Calories, Bad Calories, Taubes argued that our diet’
Even the smartest and most experienced of us make mistakes. So, whatmakes a good decision?Strategy professor and management consultant Olivier Sibony draws on dozens of fascinating and engaging case
Shows that a recovery of theology is vital to help us evaluate contested questions of value, articulate compelling visions of the good life, and answer the fundamental question of whatmakes a life wo
SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'If you want to write a novel or a script, read this book' Sunday Times 'The best book on the craft of storytelling I've ever read' Matt Haig 'Rarely has a book engrossed me more, and forced me to question everything I've ever read, seen or written. A masterpiece' Adam Rutherford Who would we be without stories? Stories mould who we are, from our character to our cultural identity. They drive us to act out our dreams and ambitions, and shape our politics and beliefs.We use them to construct our relationships, to keep order in our law courts, to interpret events in our newspapers and social media. Storytelling is an essential part of whatmakesus human. There have been many attempts to understandwhatmakes a good story - from Joseph Campbell's well-worn theories about myth and archetype to recent attempts to crack the 'Bestseller Code'.But few have used a scientific approach. This is curious, for if we are to truly understand storytelling in its grandest sense,
The first in an extraordinary middle-grade fantasy series that takes the traditional "chosen one" narrative and flips it on its head. Think Nevermoor and The School for Goodand Evil, but with a thrilling twist!A boy with no memory. A world searching for a hero.Casander Darkbloom has no memory, lives outside a curiosity shop, and experiences random surges of uncontrollable energy in his limbs. When he inexplicably brings a stuffed raven to life, he unravels a strange and thrilling magical world. A world waiting for Cas to save it.Cas is the Foretold, the one prophesied to defeat the malevolent Master of All. Under the protection of Wayward School, Cas must learn to master his magical abilities. But, as he soon discovers, all may not be quite as it seems – and Cas will need to take control of his own destiny if he is to find the strength to fight the powers of evil.Spectacular and imaginative, this thrilling fantasy novel celebrates difference and how whatmakesus unique is also our gr
Why does a bad impression last longer than a good one? Why does losing money affect us more than gaining it? Whatmakes phobias so hard to shake?The answer is the negativity bias - or in other words,
Why do some brands make us feel good, while others frustrate us? Whatmakesus engage with certain brands, rebuy the same products, return to the same store or revisit the same destination over and ov
From the international bestselling authors of WillpowerWhy does a bad impression last longer than a good one? Why does losing money affect us more than gaining it? Whatmakes phobias so hard to shake?
Whatmakesgood drama? How does drama matter in our lives? In Three Uses of the Knife, one of America's most respected writers reminds us of the secret powers of the play. Pulitzer Prize-winning playw
The Navy SEALs are among the most elite combat units in the history of the military. Readers dive into whatmakes them so good as they take a close look at the extreme training regimen and weaponry us
Style is a reflection of who we are, where we come from, andwhat we have experienced—the good, the bad, and the indifferent. It is whatmakesus into the unique beings that we are.Star fashion design
Any effort to understand how law works has to take seriously its main players – judges. Like any performance, judging should be evaluated by reference to those who are its best exponents. Not surprisingly, the debate about whatmakes a 'great judge' is as heated and inconclusive as the debate about the purpose and nature of law itself. History shows that those who are candidates for a judicial hall of fame are game changers who oblige us to rethink what it is to be a good judge. So the best of judges must tread a thin line between modesty and hubris; they must be neither mere umpires nor demigods. The eight judges showcased in this book demonstrate that, if the test of good judging is not about getting it right, but doing it well, then the measure of great judging is about setting new standards for what counts as judging well.
What is it that makes yoga practitioners feel so good after a session—more so than after other kinds of exercise or stretching? “Yoga was created to directly stimulate and move us at the energetic lev
Why is eating food in its natural state, unprocessed and unrefined, so vital to the maintenance of good health? What is lacking in our modern diet that makesus so susceptible to degenerative disease?
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is as good a data storyteller as I have ever met.” — Steven Levitt, co-author, FreakonomicsBig decisions are hard. We consult friends and family, make sense of confusing “expert” advice online, maybe we read a self-help book to guide us. In the end, we usually just do what feels right, pursuing high stakes self-improvement—such as who we marry, how to date, where to live, whatmakesus happy—based solely on what our gut instinct tells us. But what if our gut is wrong? Biased, unpredictable, and misinformed, our gut, it turns out, is not all that reliable. And data can prove this.In Don’t Trust Your Gut, economist, former Google data scientist, and New York Times bestselling author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz reveals just how wrong we really are when it comes to improving our own lives. In the past decade, scholars have mined enormous datasets to find remarkable new approaches to life’s biggest self-help puzzles. Data from hundreds of thousands of dating profiles h
This book goes beyond the 'whatand how' of corporate governance to explore the impact and benefits of good governance for companies and their investors. The contributors are leading market practitioners, investors, academics and consultants who offer their own views based on a wealth of experience. Topics covered include whatmakes for an effective board and is the unitary board sustainable? The contribution of governance to financial performance - is the research conclusive? Managing risk and reputation - how do boards ensure they are trusted by their shareholders? The benefits of market led standard setting -do USand EU regulatory initiatives threaten the traditional UK approach? The book looks to dispel the belief that governance is a burden on companies that adds little value by demonstrating the contribution it makes to board effectiveness and corporate performance.