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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾瑞克.克林南柏格  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2024/08/12 裝訂:平裝
《獨居時代》、《沒有人是一座孤島》好評前書作者 暨 NYU熱血社會學家殿堂級社科議題新作!美國亞馬遜書店編輯精選好書 ◤我們得打破緘默,去面對疫情中眾所避而不談的社會問題。◢┤盛讚推薦├ 林子倫|未來地球中華民國委員會委員林宗弘|中央研究院社會學研究所研究員林文源|國立清華大學通識教育中心教授、「記疫」人文社會團隊推動者陳方隅|美國臺灣觀測站主編、東吳大學政治系助理教授陳端容|美國哥倫比亞大學社會學博士、國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院健康行為與社區科學研究所教授陳嘉新|國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所教授❏為什麼2020年,包含臺灣在內的一些政府能建立起官方、科學界、人民之間的信任,卻有其他國家走上截然不同的道路?❏為何在某些地方,「口罩」會是文化、政治、肢體衝突的爭端,而在其他地區卻未受到太多反對及爭議,反而廣為民眾所接受?❏是什麼讓社群在災害中凝聚?什麼導致分崩離析?面對未來可能發生的災變與危機,身為命運共同體的人民該如何幫助彼此安然生存?我們得探究病毒學,才能理解導致致命COVID-19疫情的新型冠狀病毒:嚴重急性呼吸道症候群冠狀病毒2型。我們得仰賴經濟學,才能解釋何以某些經濟紓困政策比其他舉措還要有效。至於「社會」因素,則在決定誰生、誰死、誰享豐饒、誰得挨餓、誰會身心俱疲、誰能找到新的力量等各個層面上扮演了關鍵角色。如果說,百年大疫諸多的統計數字讓人對這種大規模死亡日漸無感,也許換個角度,挖掘比數字更為深刻的故事與市井生命經驗,我們得以將社會的全貌與進步方向看得清晰一些。本書作者為美國社會學者艾瑞克.克林南柏格,他在20年來的研究工作中,持續探討重大危機為社會帶來的啟示。2020年,克林南柏格居住的紐約恰好就是全球疫病大流行的致命熱點,紐約在當時一度進入「暫停」狀態。他利用疫情之初這段時間仔細觀察「大蘋果」的曼哈頓、布朗克斯、史泰登島、皇后區、布魯克林這五大行政區之間的情況差異,也從每個行政區找出疫情中個人經驗可供見微知著的居民,進行深入訪談。接受作者為本書所做訪談的幾位紐約客包括── 一位小學校長,其身處的社區是頭幾個真正意識到疫情威脅的區域;一位政府職員,她的工作是協助當地醫院取得所需資源並保護該區選民的生命安全;一位酒吧老闆,他因疫情而生計出了問題,難以讓家庭獲得溫飽;一位在疫情中建立起互助網絡的退休檢察官;還有一對維繫市政不可或缺的重點
定價:650 元, 優惠價:9 585
2020: One City, Seven People, and the Year Everything Changed
作者:Eric Klinenberg  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2025/02/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
2020: One City, Seven People, and the Year Everything Changed
作者:Eric Klinenberg  出版社:KNOPF  出版日:2024/02/13 裝訂:精裝
定價:1216 元, 優惠價:79 961
1969, the Year Everything Changed
作者:Rob Kirkpatrick  出版社:Skyhorse Pub Co Inc  出版日:2009/01/05 裝訂:精裝
For the fortieth anniversary of 1969, RobKirkpatrick takes a look back at a year when America witnessed many of the biggest landmarkachievements, cataclysmic episodes, and generation-defin
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
1969 the Year Everything Changed
作者:Rob Kirkpatrick  出版社:Skyhorse Pub Co Inc  出版日:2019/04/02 裝訂:平裝
With a new introduction, and published for the 50th Anniversary of the year that defined a generation, this is the seminal and classic book on the subject. Lively and concise, here is the book that ca
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Reflections on the Pandemic: Covid and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed
作者:Teresa Politano(EDI)  出版社:Rutgers Univ Pr  出版日:2024/01/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
作者:Teresa Politano(EDI)  出版社:Rutgers Univ Pr  出版日:2024/01/12 裝訂:精裝
定價:3777 元, 優惠價:1 3777
The Year that Changed Everything
作者:Cathy Kelly  出版社:Orion Publishing UK  出版日:2018/10/18 裝訂:平裝
'Warm, witty and wise' Marian Keyes Three women, three birthdays, one year that will change everything... Ginger isn't spending her thirtieth the way she would have planned. Tonight might be the first
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Detroit 67 ─ The Year That Changed Soul
作者:Stuart Cosgrove  出版社:Birlinn Ltd  出版日:2017/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Detroit 67 is the story of Motor City in the year that changed everything. Twelve chapters take you on a turbulent year-long journey through the drama and chaos that ripped through the city in 1967 an
定價:834 元, 優惠價:1 834
77 Sulphate Strip ― An Eyewitness Account of the Year That Changed Everything
作者:Barry Cain  出版社:Red Planet  出版日:2016/10/11 裝訂:平裝
An updated issue of what has become the acknowledged seminal work on punk. Cain was at every major gig and interviewed all of the acts at the time. He was viewed as an 'insider' and his access was unr
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
作者:Barry Cain  出版社:Consortium Book Sales & Dist  出版日:2012/09/11 裝訂:平裝
An eyewitness account of 1977 by one of the only journalists allowed full access to the bands. This is the true story of punk ? how it really felt and what happened ? and how John Lydon, Hugh Cornwell
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
The Year That Broke America:An Immigration Crisis, a Terrorist Conspiracy, the Summer of Survivor, a Ridiculous Fake Billionaire, a Fight for Florida, and the 537 Votes That Changed Everything
作者:Andrew Rice  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/02/22 裝訂:精裝
定價:1259 元, 優惠價:79 995
Everything's Changed
作者:Julie Sternberg; Johanna Wright (ILT)  出版社:Highlights for Children  出版日:2017/04/04 裝訂:平裝
Ten-year-old Celie and her family have moved an hour away from her school and her friends, and the changes don’t stop there. At her new school, Celie struggles to make friends, torn between energetic
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
The Year We Disappeared ─ A Father - Daughter Memoir
作者:Cylin Busby; John Busby  出版社:Bloomsbury USA  出版日:2010/03/30 裝訂:平裝
When Cylin Busby was nine years old, she was obsessed with Izod clothing, the Muppets, and a box turtle she kept in a shoebox. Then everything changed overnight. Her police officer father, John, was
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
The Brink of Darkness (The Edge of Everything)
作者:Jeff Giles  出版社:Bloomsbury UK  出版日:2018/07/12 裝訂:平裝
Things have changed for 17-year-old Zoe ever since the dramatic events that brought her together with the mysterious X took place. To save Zoe and her family, X did the unthinkable - he won their free
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
作者:Bobbie Peers; Tara F. Chace (TRN)  出版社:Aladdin  出版日:2018/05/22 裝訂:平裝
“Part ‘Alex Rider,’ part ‘Artemis Fowl,’ part The Da Vinci Code” (School Library Journal), this award-winning novel tells the tale of a puzzle-solving genius who is forced to use his skills to face a danger that has been lurking in the background for years.Twelve-year-old William Wenton is a puzzle-solving genius. He lives with his family in a quiet Norwegian town. They used to live in England, but eight years ago his family suddenly packed up, moved away, and even changed their last name! Neither of his parents will offer an explanation or tell William why he has to keep his talent for solving codes and puzzles a secret. But then a special exhibit comes to the local museum: the Impossible Puzzle. The experts say it is unsolvable, but William’s sure that he can crack it if he gets a chance.However, when he does, everything begins to go wrong. Suddenly William is whisked off to a strange school filled with robots and kids whose skills are almost as good as his own. But what’s really goi
Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World
作者:Cade Metz  出版社:E P Dutton  出版日:2021/03/16 裝訂:精裝
THE UNTOLD TECH STORY OF OUR TIME What does it mean to be smart? To be human? What do we really want from life and the intelligence we have, or might create? With deep and exclusive reporting, across hundreds of interviews, New York Times Silicon Valley journalist Cade Metz brings you into the rooms where these questions are being answered. Where an extraordinarily powerful new artificial intelligence has been built into our biggest companies, our social discourse, and our daily lives, with few of us even noticing. Long dismissed as a technology of the distant future, artificial intelligence was a project consigned to the fringes of the scientific community. Then two researchers changed everything. One was a sixty-four-year-old computer science professor who didn't drive and didn't fly because he could no longer sit down--but still made his way across North America for the moment that would define a new age of technology. The other was a thirty-six-year-old neuroscientist and chess pro
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
The One Device ― The Secret History of the Iphone
作者:Brian Merchant  出版社:Back Bay Books  出版日:2018/05/29 裝訂:平裝
The secret history of the invention that changed everything-and became the most profitable product in the world.NATIONAL BESTSELLERShortlisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year AwardOn
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
The Time Machine
作者:H. G. Wells  出版社:Bantam Classic & Loveswept  出版日:1988/08/01 裝訂:平裝
When the Time Traveller courageously stepped out of his machine for the first time, he found himself in the year 802,700--and everything has changed.??In another, more utopian age, creatures seemed to
定價:226 元, 優惠價:79 179
The Wish (美國版)
作者:Nicholas Sparks  出版社:Grand Central Pub  出版日:2021/09/28 裝訂:平裝
From the author of The Longest Ride and The Return comes a novel about the enduring legacy of first love, and the decisions that haunt us forever.1996 was the year that changed everything for Maggie D
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
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