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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:謝頓・帕金  出版社:橡實文化  出版日:2021/12/22 裝訂:平裝
更進階的人類圖性格解析每人26組閘門與爻線的寶貴訊息使用你的原廠設定,活出美好的獨特人生★台灣第一本人類圖爻線專書★學習人類圖的重要參考書★進階了解個人專屬生命課題★全彩圖解,豐富資訊一目瞭然64閘門x 6條爻=384條爻本書深入每一條爻的名稱、爻辭、特質提供最生活化、白話版本的人類圖爻辭解密人類圖系統結合諸多古老智慧體系,包括:西洋占星學、印度瑜伽脈輪、猶太卡巴拉、中國易經等等。本書的內容,即聚焦在人類圖中有關易經64卦的面向。但其詮釋,已不完全等同於傳統易經的觀點。人類圖中的64個閘門,分別對應於易經的64卦。依據每個人的出生時間,不同的行星落在某個閘門之6條爻線的其中一條。64個閘門,乘上6條爻線,一共有384條爻辭,每個爻辭都有獨特的性格描述,及在生命中需留意的潛在課題。在靈性修行的層次上,你也可以將這些爻辭的敘述,視為引導自己內省、沉思或冥想的「觸發因素」或「關鍵鑰匙」,作為靜心冥想時的輔助工具。本書能讓你觸及自身固有的本質,感受你真實的樣貌,並了解自身意識提升的演進方向。全彩印刷,訊息層次分明、一目瞭然!・黑色字體:當爻辭以黑色呈現時,顯示該爻線所呈現的特質,會從一出生就開始展現。・藍色字體:當爻辭以藍色呈現時,顯示該爻線所蘊含的潛在智慧,將隨著一生的過程逐漸發展和成長。 ・綠色字體:閘門釋義中的綠色字詞,取自《基因天命》一書的頻率層級,隨個人意識提升,會從低層級的「陰影」,提升到高層級「天賦」,最終達到「悉地成就」的展現。行星對閘門與爻線的能量影響・太陽:自我身分認同、生命目的・地球:立基之地、身體・月亮:反思、感覺記憶、過去・北交點:你的新方向與當前的生命目的・南交點:你過去的人生方向與要學習的課題・水星:與環境的連結、溝通・金星:愛與美、關係、陰柔特質・火星:活動、侵略性、行動力・木星:擴張、高等知識、哲學性・土星:架構、業力、陰暗面・天王星:覺醒、丕變、更高的意識 ・海王星:無條件的愛、妄想、神祕學 ・冥王星:蛻變、死亡與重生
定價:580 元, 優惠價:9 522
China Pluperfect I:Epistemology of Past and Outside in Chinese Art
作者:Frank Vigneron  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2022/07/01 裝訂:精裝
Initially based on a comparative study of Chinese and Euro-American art theory in the 18th and 19th centuries, this book examines how both cultures looked at their own past and their outside, i.e. what was construed as not belonging to their own cultural sphere, and how they devised new ways of adapting them into evolving cultural constructs.While the 17th century was still a time when the epistemological backgrounds of both civilizations were so profoundly different that nearly no dialogue was possible, the 18th century saw the emergence in both places of profound changes that would get them close enough to create the conditions for the beginning of a conversation. First quite superficial and taking shape mostly in the decorative arts, this process of rapprochement, while remaining chaotic and unpredictable, led to wider and more profound zones of contact throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries. Through the reinterpretations of each other’s cultural creations, these zones of conta
定價:1510 元, 優惠價:9 1359
China Pluperfect II:Practices of Past and Outside in Chinese Art
作者:Frank Vigneron  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2022/07/01 裝訂:精裝
This book contains analysis of different domains of contemporary art in China seen through the lens of the epistemological changes described in China Pluperfect I: Epistemology of Past and Outside in Chinese Art.It first looks at the concept of “ink art,” describing how it meant different things to different people in the former colony and how these different meanings came to determine certain institutional choices made at the beginning of the 21st century. The following chapters are dedicated to issues related to the urban and rural contexts for art creation in Mainland China and Hong Kong. One chapter observes the ups and downs of the representations of cities in the history of the People’s Republic of China and how they have defined a certain idea of culture. Another looks at how Chinese cities have been exceptional centers of art creations over the last thirty to forty years through the example of Shenzhen where a vibrant art scene, albeit closely connected to Hong Kong which has b
定價:1700 元, 優惠價:9 1530
Chinese chess in Taiwan:Mandarin-based citizenship education for the new Taiwanese
作者:Tsung-Hung Su  出版社:韋伯文化  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Abstract This book is a strategic analysis of Chinese chess application, particularly in political culture for the new Taiwanese during the KMT Ma administration I & II in Central Taipei. The research looks at the way that their political socialisation was affected by changes to the curricular guidelines for their citizenship courses (c.2008-2016). It seeks to show that citizenship education policy implementation in Taiwan had an over-scaled nationalist bias that impacted on foreign spouse learners. Fieldwork by means of in-depth interviews and classroom observations is integrated into a baseline analysis of governmental and NGO public discourses, marital immigration regulations and relevant reports. The book explicates the underlying cleavages in the struggles over pathways to citizenship that have created a complex series of links in the newcomers’ political socialisation. It thus examines how the Ma administrations addressed integration and dealt with related issues
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
Steamships across the Pacific: Maritime Journeys between Mexico, China, and Japan, 1867–1914
作者:Ruth Mandujano López  出版社:香港大學出版社  出版日:2024/11/21 裝訂:精裝
During the nineteenth century, the transpacific world underwent profound transformation, due to the transition from sail to steam navigation that was accompanied by a concomitant reconfiguration of power. This book explores the ways in which diverse Mexican, British, Chinese, and Japanese interests participated, particularly during Porfirio Díaz’s presidency at the peak of Mexico’s participation in the steam network: from its 1860s outset through a time of many revolutionary changes ending with the World War, the Mexican Revolution, the opening of the Panama Canal, and the introduction of a new maritime technology based on vessels run by oil. These transoceanic exchanges, generated within these new geographies of power, contributed not only to the formation of a transpacific region but also to refashioning the Mexican national imaginary. With transnationalism, global and migration studies as its main framework, this study draws upon a dazzling array of primary sources to center Mexico’
定價:2260 元, 優惠價:79 1785
White Tiger Pass
作者:Xue Mo  出版社:中華國際傳媒出版集團  裝訂:精裝
White Tiger Pass revolves around the miserable experiences of three young villagewomen, Lanlan, Ying’er, and Yue’er, as they navigate life with its ups and downs,joys and sorrows, loves and hatreds.This staggering story offers a lifelike portrayal of the pains and hardships facedby Chinese peasants especially women amidst the social changes. The writing ofsurvival suffering and tenacious vitality in this naturalist book features rich details,authentic experiences and compact structure, and examines fundamental themes such as life and death, love and eternity.
定價:920 元, 優惠價:9 828
作者:Paul Naylor  出版社:Small Pr Distribution  出版日:2012/04/16 裝訂:平裝
Poetry. The poems in this book grow out of an extended encounter with the ancient Chinese book of divination, the I Ching or Book of Changes, which is a collection of sixty-four hexagrams comprised of
定價:850 元, 優惠價:1 850
作者:張成秋  出版社:漢世紀數位文化EHGBooks  出版日:2013/04/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:張成秋  出版社:漢世紀數位文化EHGBooks  出版日:2013/02/01 裝訂:平裝
聖經與易經總序 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,
定價:590 元, 優惠價:79 466
作者:張成秋  出版社:漢世紀數位文化EHGBooks  出版日:2013/02/01 裝訂:平裝
聖經與易經總序 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,
定價:590 元, 優惠價:79 466
作者:張成秋  出版社:漢世紀數位文化EHGBooks  出版日:2013/02/01 裝訂:平裝
聖經與易經總序 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
作者:張成秋  出版社:漢世紀數位文化EHGBooks  出版日:2013/02/01 裝訂:平裝
聖經與易經總序 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
The Changing Chinese Legal System, 1978-Present—Centralization of Power and Rationalization of the Legal System
作者:Bin Liang  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/02/23 裝訂:平裝
This groundbreaking book examines the changing Chinese legal system since 1978. In addition to historical analyses of changes at the economic, political-legal, and social levels, Liang gives special a
定價:2700 元, 優惠價:9 2430
作者:Klaus Muhlhahn (EDT); Clemens Von Haselberg (EDT)  出版社:Intl Specialized Book Service Inc  出版日:2012/12/16 裝訂:平裝
Since 1978, the changes brought on by China's reforms have had an inevitable and significant impact on the development of literature, the arts, and the whole spectrum of culture. As well, contemporary
定價:2697 元, 優惠價:1 2697
The I Ching ― The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes
作者:Neil Powell; Kieron Connolly  出版社:Amber  出版日:2019/07/02 裝訂:精裝
Created with a timeless design, this edition of the I Ching allows anyone fascinated by traditional Eastern philosophy to follow in the footsteps of Confucius and predict their destiny. The 2,5
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
作者:Amber Books (COR)  出版社:Book Sales  出版日:2013/01/14 裝訂:精裝
The 2,500 year old Yi-jing or I Ching, translated as The Book of Changes, is a Chinese work of divination and prophecy. Dating from the 4th century BC, it is traditionally consulted by performing comp
I Ching Illustrated:The Ancient Chinese Book of Changes
作者:Neil Powell  出版社:Amber Books Ltd  出版日:2023/03/14 裝訂:精裝
定價:1649 元, 優惠價:95 1567
作者:Geoffrey Redmond; Tze-Ki Hon  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2014/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Chinese traditional culture cannot be understood without some familiarity with theI Ching, yet it is one of the most difficult of the world's ancient classics. Assembled from fragments with many obscu
作者:Richard Rutt (EDT)  出版社:Routledge  出版日:1996/12/01 裝訂:精裝
Zhouyi is a manual of oracles compiled in an archaic script during the Chinese Bronze Age (c2500BC-c300BC). As the language developed and the script was reformed, the original meaning of the oracles g
作者:Tze-Ki Hon(EDI)  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2021/12/16 裝訂:精裝
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