Chosen by author Elizabeth Gilbert as one of her ten favorite books, Daniel Ladinsky’s extraordinary renderings of 250 unforgettable lyrical poems by Hafiz, one of the greatest Sufi poets of all time
The Fusus al-Hikam is acknowledged to be a summary statement of the sufi metaphysics of the "Greatest Master", Ibn 'Arabi (d.1240). It is also recognised that the Fusus is a work of great complexity b
The Fusus al-Hikam is acknowledged to be a summary statement of the sufi metaphysics of the "Greatest Master", Ibn 'Arabi (d.1240). It is also recognised that the Fusus is a work of great complexity b
A redesigned collection of the master's work in a Shambhala Pocket Library edition.The cry of the soul in love with God has never been more eloquently expressed than by the great Persian Sufi master J
The cry of the soul in love with God has never been more eloquently expressed than by the great Persian Sufi master Jalaluddin Rumi (1207–1273). Readers have thrilled to his ecstatic songs of divine u
Widely used for centuries in Sufi circles, the prayer known as "The Most Elevated Cycle" (al-Dawr al-a’la) or "The Prayer of Protection" (Hizb al-wiqaya), written by the great Sufi master Muhyiddin Ib
IBN ‘ARABI: LIFE & POEMSTranslation & Introduction Paul SmithIn the West he is known as the Doctor Maximus and in the Islamic world as The Great Master. Born in Murcia in Spain in 1165 his fa