「觀念」是一切的開始――――權威藝術書籍出版社Laurence King Publishing + 當代著名攝影評論家最具啟發性的嶄新攝影書寫在拍攝影像、欣賞作品、閱讀攝影之前,回到攝影的原點詳述推進攝影發展的各種攝影法,還原經典攝影作品的原貌․認識100個觀念,就掌握100則攝影簡明史․100個攝影關鍵詞,了解攝影的過去、現在和未來․100個攝影人事物,盡覽200多幅珍貴的攝影作品和風格大展◆專
This compelling book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped photography from the invention of the daguerreotype in the early 19th century up to the digital revolution and beyond. Enter
This compelling book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped photography from the invention of the daguerreotype in the early 19th century up to the digital revolution and beyond.Each i