你不是不懂經濟,而是沒弄懂危機中的聯準會!張忠謀、陳南光等重量級人士 聯袂推薦2022年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、聯準會前主席柏南克,探討二十一世紀貨幣政策 最新力作!\\解答全球最受關注的央行動向與決策//自上世紀大通膨,到本世紀金融危機與新冠疫情,全世界都在看,聯準會的下一步會怎麼做?但不斷跨越政策紅線的聯準會,真的還有能力穩定經濟嗎?柏南克從歷史的視角檢視聯準會,從1960年代寫起,期間聯準會主席從馬丁嬗遞到鮑爾,中間歷經伏克爾、格林斯潘、葉倫,以及柏南克等人,政策方針、工具與操作手法已顯著改變。這些改變深受這段時期的通膨走勢變化、自然利率長期下降,以及金融不穩定風險增加的影響。柏南克以其諾貝爾獎學者與聯準會前主席身分,討論這期間經濟與金融上的重大議題,以及聯準會如何因應這些挑戰。聯準會在危機中扮演的角色已一再擴大,不斷跨越過去被視為禁忌的紅線,由最後貸款者轉為最後購買者(buyer of last resort),並充當信用配置者(credit allocator)。央行除了承擔部分財政當局的紓困責任,還兼任類似於商業銀行的角色。\\美元是美國的貨幣,卻成了全世界的大問題?//《柏南克談聯準會》說明聯準會的背景與演變,也推測了它的未來。柏南克以全新的觀點,帶領讀者深入聯準會一窺堂奧,並說明它做了什麼及其背後的邏輯。他指出經濟的改變如何推動聯準會的創新,也列出聯準會面臨的新挑戰,包括通膨再現、加密貨幣、金融不穩定的風險增加,以及聯準會的獨立性所受到的威脅。本書也揭露聯準會發布政策的決策過程,以及聯準會主事者的性格與理念。是有興趣了解現代金融、投資或經濟趨勢的人必讀的傑作。
In response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have deployed tools that past policymakers and economists might have considered radical. Programs like large-scale securities purchases and a new policy framework remain a source of confusion for investors, journalists, and ordinary citizens alike.Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy demystifies these opaque techniques to reveal how economic ideas, historical events, and political forces have transformed the Fed's policies over several decades. From the stagflation of the 1970s to the Great Recession and the recent pandemic, Ben S. Bernanke masterfully examines how the Fed's policies--and the institution itself--may change as it grapples with persistently low interest rates, systemic financial risk, rapid technological change, and polarized politics. With unparalleled depth of expertise and robust historical sweep, Twenty-First Century Monetary Policy is a must-read for any
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