此套碼會以散裝單本出貨,包含以下書籍:9781645143574Brain Games for Today's Kids, Ages 4-5 Workbook (支援線上音檔)9781645143581Brain Games for Today's Kids, Ages 6-7 Workbook (支援線上音檔)9781645143598Brain Games for Today's Kids, Ages 8-9 Workbook (支援線上音檔)9781645143604Brain Games for Today's Kids, Ages 10-11 Workbook (支援線上音檔)
Our Pocket PoshR Brain Games series reaches quintuplet status with this 5th collection of mind-bending word and number puzzles. The Pythagoreans thought of the number 5 as the marriage between heaven
These exciting new resources offer fun, innovative games covering all the content areas. Based on the most recent brain research, the games engage students in becoming active, motivated learners.