In The Time That Remains, Agamben seeks to separate the Pauline texts from the history of the Church that canonized them, thus revealing them to be “the fundamental messianic texts of the West.
Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, this completely revised edition of The Expositor's Bible Commentary series puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands. Based on the original
This book argues that Origen’s teaching on original and volitional sin demonstrates divergence from and continuity with the prevailing theological tradition. It offers a substantial, revisionist
The treatise originated as the manuscript for lectures Swiss theologian Barth delivered at the University of Basel over the winter of 1940-41. Anglican priest Maico M. Michielin (theology, U. of Toron
First published in 1959, Karl Barth's A Shorter Commentary on Romans originated as the manuscript for a course of extra-mural lectures held in Basle during the winter of 1940-41. During this time, Bar