就算宅在家,也能盡情體驗一場大自然的感官之旅!這是一本關於樹木與人的故事,也是一本樹的日曆;一年有365天,四季有春夏秋冬的變化,從1月到12月,每一天都有一個與樹木有關的故事,舉凡自然科普、人文歷史、藝術美學、民間傳說、古老神話……令人充滿好奇的、從未聽過的,甚至百聞不如一見的,在這本書裡都找得到,即使足不出戶,也能在神遊文字與賞心悅目的插畫、照片中,獲得心靈上的滿足。1月1日──邁向自由民主的象徵「解放橡樹」(Emancipation Oak)在美國維吉尼亞州的漢普頓鎮,有一棵具有重大象徵的橡樹。1863年,美國總統林肯在這棵橡樹下宣讀解放奴隸公告,美國從此邁向社會文明新旅程。巨大的樹幹直徑為98英尺,其分支向上及橫向延伸。它被指定為世界的十大樹木之一,是漢普頓大學校園裡的國家歷史地標。1月7日──全世界最古老的樹「挪亞的姊妹古樹」(Sisters Olive Trees of Noah) 位於黎巴嫩小鎮貝切利(Bcheale)的橄欖樹群,總共有16棵,是當今全世界最古老的橄欖樹,樹齡已超過6000年,相傳是挪亞方舟躲過上帝的大洪水之後,船上鴿子所啣回的橄欖枝,在洪水退去後落地生根。「姊妹古樹」迄今的生命力仍舊旺盛,即使樹幹已成空心,仍然可以結出橄欖並榨油。2月23日──荷蘭的安妮法蘭克之樹(Anne Frank Tree)二戰期間的猶太女孩安妮法蘭克,因窗前的一棵栗樹讓她對未來充滿希望。是她的遺作,記錄她在1942~1944的生活點滴,2月23日是她發現這棵栗樹的日子,她相信自己跟這棵樹一樣都會活下去……1945年,安妮病逝於納粹集中營;2010年,這棵栗樹在一場暴風雨中被吹垮,但安妮法蘭克之樹永遠不會被遺忘。3月27日──紐西蘭的全世界最孤獨之樹這棵樹位於瓦納卡湖邊緣的完美位置,以紐西蘭壯觀的南阿爾卑斯山作為背景,這棵孤獨但離岸邊很近的柳樹,已經成為Instagram的熱門打卡景點。它沒有正式名稱,但經常在社交媒體上被標記為 #ThatWanakaTree。4月13日──英國的布萊頓之樹1777年,文學家山繆•詹森博士造訪海濱小鎮布萊頓,但他絕望地寫道:「這裡沒有樹,這個地方很荒涼,如果一個人必須上吊自殺,在這裡很難找到一棵可以繫繩子的樹……」這些話刺激了當地政府,促使當局展開一項植樹計畫,一直持續到今天,布萊頓已成
小學生最愛的人氣暢銷讀本全新系列重磅登場雙語閱讀也可以超有趣又超EASY!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡動物,熱愛幻想與冒險,並且勇氣過人。這兩個一動一靜、個性截然不同的兄妹,在樹林裡發現了一間堆滿書的神奇樹屋,神奇樹屋就像時光機器,帶他們到一個個不同的時空中旅行。於是,兄妹倆來到史前時代的恐龍谷、和騎士探訪中古世紀的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的祕密、跟著海盜出海尋寶……,每一次的冒險都緊張刺激、精采得不得了!傑克和安妮這對小兄妹,是去過世界各地最多地方的小兄妹、認識最多名人的小兄妹、遭遇過最多災難的小兄妹,也是和最多動物做朋友的小兄妹,你不能不認識他們!現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!此外,這個系列的英文淺顯易懂,對話簡單口語,可讓已在學習英文的小朋友,藉由故事進入英語的情境,增進英文能力。★蟬聯誠品、金石堂、博客來暢銷書排行榜★全球已有31種語言版本,總銷售量超過1.43億冊★台灣銷售量突破200萬冊現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!傑克和安妮一點也不想去棒球選拔賽,雖然他們非常熱愛棒球,但是上一季選拔賽揮棒落空被取笑的事,讓傑克很在意……這時,一顆小白球從天而降,原來是神奇樹屋回來了!樹屋裡,摩根留給他們一本書和兩頂魔法棒球帽,要他們參加一場特別的棒球賽,學習應該知道的事,並且把寫上名字的球交給最懂遊戲規則的人。當他們抵達1947年紐約的艾比斯球場時,傑克和安妮發現自己身穿球僮的衣服,為當時的大聯盟勇士隊工作。戴上魔法棒球帽,他們兩個一邊熟練的做著球僮的工作,一邊思索著摩根到底想讓他們學到什麼?為什麼這一天是棒球的大日子?球場上那位不斷被叫囂的黑人球員會是他們要找的人嗎?他們只有九局的時間能找出答案!★美國亞馬遜網路書店讀者5顆星推薦
現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡
Meet Jackie Robinson and solve a mystery in the #1 bestselling Magic Tree House chapter book series! PLAY BALL! Jack and Annie aren’t great baseball players . . . yet! Then Morgan the librarian
An unforgettable story of grief and the support of community as a young girl, faced with aching loss, begins to understand that what we love will always be with us.Ayla and her best friend Kiri have always been tree people. They each have their own special tree, and neighbors and family know that they are most likely to be found within the branches. But after an accident on their street, Kiri has gone somewhere so far away that Ayla can only wait and wait in her birch, longing to be able to talk with Kiri again.Then a mysterious, old-fashioned telephone appears one morning, nestled in the limbs of Ayla's birch tree. Where did it come from? she wonders. And why are people showing up to use this phone to call their loved ones? Especially loved ones who have passed on.All Ayla wants is for Kiri to come home. Until that day comes, she will keep Kiri's things safe. She'll keep her nightmares to herself. And she will not make a call on that telephone.
From the extraordinary Hans Christian Andersen award winner Suzy Lee comes an inventive retelling of a Korean folk tale about a young traveler who outwits a rich, selfish man to ensure that villagers will always be able to rest in the shade of a magnificent tree.Villagers like to come to rest and cool down in the shade of a huge, old tree. But when a young traveler decides to join them one day, a rich man on whose land the tree stands demands they leave because he owns the tree and therefore its shade. Thinking fast, the traveler strikes a deal: one that will enable him to outsmart the rich man--and ensure that the villagers will always have access to the shade tree's shade, wherever it may fall.With simple, elegant illustrations, The Shade Tree is a striking story about one person's quest to combat greed for the greater good.
Jack and Annie set off to find an original copy of an ancient Chinese myth. Armed only with their magic library cards, they must take on a book-burning emperor. But with the help of a scholar and a si
"Once there was a tree ... and she loved a little boy." So begins a story of unforgettable perception, beautifully written and illustrated by the gifted and versatile Shel Silverstein. Every day the b
Though the question is quite simple,Simple answers might be wrong.If you want to know the right one,Help the genius all day long,Morning, noon, and afternoon,Till the night bird sings its song. This
Magic Tree House Research Guides are now Magic Tree House Fact Trackers! Track the facts with Jack and Annie! When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #45: A Crazy Day wit
Join Pikachu & Friends for a Fun Holiday Party!Come join Pikachu and its friends as they celebrate the holidays by the fire with sweet treats all around!Inside you’ll find a beautifully, illustrated holiday scene with 24 removable ornaments - each showcasing popular Pokémon such as Gengar, Lucario, Lechonk, and more! Throughout the month of December, hang an ornament on the 13-inch pop-up tree at the calendar's center each day and then top it off with a special Pokémon tree topper.As the days go on, you’ll learn about different Pokémon, their types and how to say their names with the included pronunciations.The Pokémon Holiday Advent Pop-Up Tree Calendar, includes:* 1 pop-up tree (13 inches)* 24 Pokémon ornaments* 1 tree topper* 1 collectible metal ornament with satin ribbon
The fan-favorite chapter-book series sends Jack and Annie back to India over 400 years ago to search for a rare and precious emerald. Once there, they discover an amazing and exotic world filled with
The #1 bestselling Magic Tree House series is ready to whisk you away across the world with Jack and Annie--this time as World Turtle Experts in the Galapagos Islands!It's just a regular day when ordinary kids Jack and Annie are whisked away in the magic tree house to the Galapagos islands, where they must save a giant tortoise from an erupting volcano! But what do Jack and Annie know about saving turtles?! Plenty, thanks to some magic that makes them experts. A helicopter ride, rushing lava, and a whole lot of determination make this one adventure Jack and Annie will never forget! Did you know that there's a Magic Tree House book for every kid?Magic Tree House: Perfect for readers who are just beginning chapter booksMerlin Missions: More challenging adventures for the experienced readerFact Trackers: Nonfiction companions to your favorite Magic Tree House adventuresGraphic Novels: Relive the original adventures brought to life with art by Kelly & Nichole MatthewsIf you're looking
Winnie and Wilbur are taking part in the local witches' sports day. After training hard in their garden, finally the big day arrives. There is a high jump contest, an egg-and-spoon race, and even a cats' tree climb race - but the main event is the exciting broomstick obstacle race.Winnie and Wilbur are desperate to finally win it this year having lost out to Maryam and her cat Malak the last two years. But when the referee is about to read out the results, a gust of wind blows them away! Will the witches ever find out who won - or could they discover that perhaps it doesn't matter who won when you're having this much fun?Scan the QR code in the book to hear the story with music and sound effects! A spellbindingly sporty story that will have readers rooting for Winnie and Wilbur as they loop the loop and soar high in the sky. Korky Paul's intricate and spellbinding artwork is full of fun, mischief, and mayhem! The best-selling Winnie and Wilbur series has been delighting readers both yo
From the author of New York Times Best Children's Book The Happiness of a Dog with a Ball in Its Mouth, a luminous picture book about the shadows, both literal and emotional, that accompany us throughout our day There was a shadow. It was a new shadow, but also the last hint of night. It was a morning shadow. As the sun makes its daily journey across the sky, light comes down to illuminate our world. Moving and dancing along with this light come a variety of shadows--those cast by the sun and those cast by our feelings, minds, and memories. Here we follow a girl from dawn through dusk into night as she and her friends play with their shadows, take refuge in the shade of a large tree, and set out again for home in the violet glow of twilight. With a lyrical text from Bruce Handy and dramatic, sensitive art from Lisk Feng, this book invites readers to look up and down, in and out--to notice the position of the sun and the corresponding length or shortness of shadows, as well as the subtl
It is a yucky, miserable, rainy day, and Mouse is fed up! "Don't worry," says Bear. "We can still have fun inside." Soon they are racing round the house on their bikes, building a giant tree house and
Take the plunge with Jack and Annie! Jack and Annie continue their quest for the secrets of happiness—secrets they need if they're going to save Merlin. But when the Magic Tree House leads them to a t
DescriptionThe Heart of a Monkey Level 3-2A monkey and a shark become friends. The monkey lives in a tree. The shark lives in the sea. One day, the shark asks the monkey to come to his home in the sea
爺爺兒時與家人跨洋來到此地落地深根,只帶著簡單的行囊與一顆小小的核桃,如今小孫女也得到一顆。爺爺分享過去的旅程,也教她如何栽種核桃。隨著種子慢慢發芽茁壯,爺爺卻逐漸凋零…《花園街10號》Felicita Sala溫柔水彩畫描繪周而復始的生命循環。A moving, multigenerational story about love, family roots, and the cycle of lifeWhen Emilia finds a walnut one morning, Grandpa tells her the story behind it: of his journey across the ocean to a new home, with only one small bag and a nut in his pocket. “I planted my little tree in good brown soil, so it would grow strong here forever.”“In this house? In this yard?”“Shall we go see?” Step by step, Grandpa teaches Emilia how to cultivate her own seed. But as her little nut grows, Grandpa begins to slow down—until one sad day, Emilia has to say goodbye. Emilia’s sapling looks as droopy as she feels . . . but she knows just what to do.From acclaimed author and illustrator Ammi-Joan Paquette and Felicita Sala, this tender story is a poignant reminder that the best things grow with time—and that even when they are no longer here, the ones we lo
From the author of the beloved classic The Great Kapok Tree, A River Ran Wild tells a story of restoration and renewal. Learn how the modern-day descendants of the Nashua Indians and European settlers