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Christina Soontornvat (4)
Anthony Horowitz (2)
Bonnie Worth/ Aristides Ruiz (ILT) (2)
Christina Soontornvat/ Greta Jung (NRT) (2)
Alexander Delacroix (1)
Andrea Posner-Sanchez/ RH Disney (COR) (1)
Andrzej Sapkowski (1)
Beth Bracken/ Odessa Sawyer (ILT) (1)
Erin A. Craig (1)
Jesse Kavadlo (1)
John David Anderson (1)
Karen Jameson/ Amy Hevron (ILT) (1)
M. C. Sumner (1)
Marni Appleton (Author of I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY) (1)
Marybeth Whalen (1)
Nicholas Sparks (1)
Nick Dunn (1)
Suzanne Kaufman (1)
Tom Bouman (1)
克莉絲汀娜.蘇恩托瓦 (1)

Candlewick Pr (5)
Random House Childrens Books (3)
Walker Books (2)
Capstone Pr Inc (1)
Faber and Faber (1)
Greenwood Pub Group (1)
Lake Union Pr (1)
Little, Brown UK (1)
Neal Porter Books (1)
Orbit (1)
Putnam Pub Group (1)
Simon & Schuster (1)
Square Fish (1)
The Indigo Press (1)
Walden Pond Pr (1)
Zero Books (1)
小魯文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:克莉絲汀娜.蘇恩托瓦  出版社:小魯文化  出版日:2022/04/01 裝訂:平裝
★2021年紐伯瑞文學獎銀牌獎★美國珍.亞當斯和平協會童書獎★美國德克薩斯州文學研究院最佳中高年級書得主★美國學校圖書館期刊年度好書★美國華盛頓郵報年度好書★美國青少年圖書館協會選書★美國全國公共廣播電臺青少年最喜歡的 100 本書★美國獨立書商聯盟(Indiebound)「下一本書書單」選書★奧斯丁.梅爾讀書會選書★LIT專案計畫讀書會選書★美國佛羅里達州陽光州青少年獎選書★新加坡紅點圖書獎入圍★美國羅德島州中學校圖書獎選書★德克薩斯精神圖書獎2021年紐伯瑞文學獎銀牌獎,泰式奇幻與武俠的交會以奇幻少年小說之筆,寫雨果《悲慘世界》之主題於最黑暗的時代,閃耀著最高貴的信念「法律是光,而光亮只照耀在有價值的事物上……」總督的話語猶如夢魘,困住了被否定價值的人。由逃犯、前科犯、典獄長之女挺身而出,告訴絕望的人們:每個人的內心都有餘燼在燃燒。 在查塔納,所有的光都是總督一個人創造的。他在大火災之後出現,為城市帶來和平與秩序。對於出生在南原監獄的阿朋來說,光代表著自由,而他夢想著有一天他可以在其中行走。但當阿朋越獄後,他意識到外面的世界並不比監獄更公平。富人在燦爛的光球下享樂,而窮人則在黑暗中工作。最糟糕的是,阿朋的監獄紋身標誌著他是一個永遠無法真正自由的逃犯。 娜可是監獄長的完美女兒。她一心要追捕阿朋以恢復家族的榮譽。但隨著娜可在查塔納的巷弄和運河中穿梭,她發現了一些祕密,讓她質疑起從小被灌輸的真理。在這個以泰國為靈感的奇幻世界中,逃跑的男孩和決心找到他的女孩,交織出一場刺激的冒險,同時探尋著法律和正義之間的區別。 深受雨果《悲慘世界》所啟發,蘇恩托瓦巧妙建構了一場勝利的對抗,關於——小人物實現變革的巨大力量、階級壓迫與公民不服從等當代重要主題。從陰暗的監獄到寧靜的寺廟,再到繁華多彩的城市……《黑暗中的願望》幾乎擁有一部優秀小說所有吸引人的元素:富有善心的英雄、豐富多元的主題、鮮明的異國色彩、幽默的生命哲思、複雜的社會結構與人性,以及史詩般壯闊迭起的衝突。蘇恩托瓦將上述所有內涵技巧性地融合在一起,並在這部節奏明快的小說中,藉奇幻瑰麗的魔法為故事增添色彩,強化了角色們的內在情感。 這是一本自身閃耀著光芒,同時也告訴讀者如何發光發熱的小說。【本書關鍵字】紐伯瑞文學獎、人權教育、法治教育、法律、悲慘世界、能源危機、公民素養、泰國文化、慈悲、公民不服從、東南亞、公平正義、
定價:390 元, 優惠價:79 308
A Wish in the Dark (Newbery Honor Books)
作者:Christina Soontornvat  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:精裝
A 2021 Newbery Honor BookA boy on the run. A girl determined to find him. A compelling fantasy looks at issues of privilege, protest, and justice.All light in Chattana is created by one man — the Gove
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
A Wish in the Dark (平裝本)(2021 Newbery Honor Book)
作者:Christina Soontornvat  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
A 2021 Newbery Honor BookA boy on the run. A girl determined to find him. A compelling fantasy looks at issues of privilege, protest, and justice.All light in Chattana is created by one man — the Gove
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The Wish (英國版)
作者:Nicholas Sparks  出版社:Little; Brown UK  出版日:2021/09/28 裝訂:平裝
If you had one wish...Maggie hasn't told this story in years. More than two decades ago, she fell in love. She was sixteen and far from home, waiting to give her baby up for adoption.Bryce showed Maggie how to take photographs and he didn't judge her for the way her belly swelled under her jumper. They had the perfect first kiss. Theirs was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love.Now, as Maggie sits by the Christmas tree in her gallery telling her story, surrounded by the photographs that made her famous - the photographs Bryce never saw - her new gallery assistant asks her a question.If she had one wish, what would she wish for this Christmas?Maggie always thought she knew the answer to that question. But before she can say 'I'd go back to that winter with Bryce', she stops herself. It is all she has ever wanted but suddenly here, on this dark night under the twinkling stars, there is something else she wants.She wants to find her baby.... what would you wish for?A heart-wrenching story abo
定價:839 元, 優惠價:95 797
The Last Mapmaker (Newbery Honor Books)
作者:Christina Soontornvat  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2022/04/12 裝訂:精裝
紐伯瑞銀獎《A Wish in the Dark》作者以泰國為原型打造古老、奇異的海上冒險。前途備受矚目的製圖師助理得到遠征繪製地圖的機會,前往傳說中的島嶼。謊稱家世的她其實來自低下階級,秘密會在危機重重的旅途中被揭穿嗎?From Christina Soontornvat, the visionary and versatile author of two 2021 Newbery Honor Books, comes a high-seas adventure set in a Thai-inspired fantasy world.In a fantasy adventure every bit as compelling and confident in its world building as her Newbery Honor Book A Wish in the Dark, Christina Soontornvat explores a young woman’s struggle to unburden herself of the past and chart her own destiny in a world of secrets. As assistant to Mangkon’s most celebrated mapmaker, twelve-year-old Sai plays the part of a well-bred young lady with a glittering future. In reality, her father is a conman―and in a kingdom where the status of one’s ancestors dictates their social position, the truth could ruin her. Sai seizes the chance to join an expedition to chart the southern seas, but she isn’t the only one aboard with secrets. When Sai learns that the ship might be heading for the fa
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:Marni Appleton (Author of I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY)  出版社:The Indigo Press  出版日:2025/02/20 裝訂:平裝
Exceptional short stories featuring young millennial women, blending dark fantasy and quasi-horror with humour and intellectual dashAnnouncing the arrival of a major talent, I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY is more a warning than a wish. Photos of women eating go viral, a cookie communicates a threat, and women working dead-end jobs become entangled in the performances around them. Everyday experiences of friendship, family, dating and desire catapult the reader into a creepy vortex of horror.Characters reveal themselves in slippery glimpses, through positive affirmations, social media accounts and secret appetites. With this collection of haunting and haunted stories, Marni Appleton immerses us in a world of fleeting encounters, empty couplings, break ups, bust ups, threesomes and ghosts, giving us a kaleidoscopic overview of twenty-first century life. 'These beautifully written, female-focused stories stayed with me long past closing the cover.Sensual, alive and haunting. Dark wisps of womanhood.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
A Wish in the Dark
作者:Christina Soontornvat; Greta Jung (NRT)  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:有聲書
A boy on the run. A girl determined to find him. A compelling fantasy looks at issues of privilege, protest, and justice.All light in Chattana is created by one man — the Governor, who appeared after
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:1 1260
A Wish in the Dark
作者:Christina Soontornvat; Greta Jung (NRT)  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:有聲書
A boy on the run. A girl determined to find him. A compelling fantasy looks at issues of privilege, protest, and justice.All light in Chattana is created by one man — the Governor, who appeared after
定價:900 元, 優惠價:1 900
作者:Andrea Posner-Sanchez; RH Disney (COR)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2013/01/08 裝訂:平裝
Royally wonderful things happen at night, such as wishing on stars, meeting princes, and reading bedtime stories! Girls age 3-7 will love snuggling up with this special Glow-in-the-Dark Storybook feat
作者:Beth Bracken; Odessa Sawyer (ILT)  出版社:Capstone Pr Inc  出版日:2013/04/01 裝訂:精裝
This combination of four previously published works, edited to form a single narrative, follows best friends Lucy and Soledad's adventures in Faerieground where they discover the dark secret of the Qu
定價:492 元, 優惠價:79 389
作者:Bonnie Worth; Aristides Ruiz (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:1999/03/01 裝訂:平裝
The Cat in the Hat, Sally, and Dick take an undersea voyage aboard the S.S. Undersea Glubber! Travelling down from the Sunny Zone to the Dark Zone to the Trench at the bottom, Captain Cat and his crew
Wish for a Fish
作者:Bonnie Worth; Aristides Ruiz (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:1999/05/01 裝訂:精裝
The Cat in the Hat, Sally, and Dick take an undersea voyage aboard the S.S. Undersea Glubber! Traveling down from the Sunny Zone to the Dark Zone to the Trench at the bottom, Captain Cat and his crew
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
The Things We Wish Were True
作者:Marybeth Whalen  出版社:Lake Union Pr  出版日:2016/09/01 裝訂:平裝
In an idyllic small-town neighborhood, a near tragedy triggers a series of dark revelations.From the outside, Sycamore Glen, North Carolina, might look like the perfect all-American neighborhood. But
定價:673 元, 優惠價:1 673
作者:Jesse Kavadlo  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2015/09/30 裝訂:精裝
Bringing together the most popular genres of the 21st century, this book argues that Americans have entered a new era of narrative dominated by the fear—and wish fulfillment—of the breakdown of author
定價:3900 元, 優惠價:1 3900
Dry Bones in the Valley
作者:Tom Bouman  出版社:Faber and Faber  出版日:2015/04/02 裝訂:平裝
'A tough, edgy thriller ... I wish like hell that my name were on the cover.' Wiley Cash, New York Times bestseller and winner of the 2014 Gold Dagger for This Dark Road to Mercy WINNER of the LA Time
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Dark Matters ─ A Manifesto for the Nocturnal City
作者:Nick Dunn  出版社:Zero Books  出版日:2016/11/25 裝訂:平裝
Where now for the secret, the contemplative, the quiet and subterranean in our cities? The question may no longer be what spaces we wish to engage with but when are they?
定價:673 元, 優惠價:1 673
Small Favors
作者:Erin A. Craig  出版社:PBKEBRRJ  出版日:2022/06/28 裝訂:平裝
THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the critically-acclaimed author of House of Salt and Sorrows comes a mesmerizing and chilling fairy-talesque novel about Ellerie Downing, a young woman in a small town with monsters lurking in the trees and dark desires hidden in the shadows―in Amity Falls, nothing is more dangerous than a wish come true. "Unique, enchanting, and haunting."―Brigid Kemmerer, New York Times bestselling author of the Cursebreaker series“Sweet, dark, and complex as wildflower honey.”―Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf“Small Favors is an eerie fairytale that I couldn’t put down.”―Alexis Henderson, author of The Year of the WitchingEllerie Downing is waiting for something to happen. Life in isolated Amity Falls, surrounded by an impenetrable forest, has a predictable sameness. Her days are filled with tending to her family's beehives, chasing after her sisters, and dreaming of bigger things while her twin, Samuel, is free to roam as
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Last Mapmaker (A Newbery Honor Book)
作者:Christina Soontornvat  出版社:CANDLEWICK BOOKS  出版日:2023/11/14 裝訂:平裝
A Newbery Honor BookA Walter Dean Myers Honor Book From Christina Soontornvat, the visionary and versatile author of three Newbery Honor Books, comes a high-seas adventure set in a Thai-inspired fantasy world. In a fantasy adventure every bit as compelling and confident in its world building as her Newbery Honor Book A Wish in the Dark, Christina Soontornvat explores a young woman's struggle to unburden herself of the past and chart her own destiny in a world of secrets. As assistant to Mangkon's most celebrated mapmaker, twelve-year-old Sai plays the part of a well-bred young lady with a glittering future. In reality, her father is a conman--and in a kingdom where the status of one's ancestors dictates their social position, the truth could ruin her. Sai seizes the chance to join an expedition to chart the southern seas, but she isn't the only one aboard with secrets. When Sai learns that the ship might be heading for the fabled Sunderlands--a land of dragons, dangers, and riches beyo
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
A Friend for Ghost
作者:Suzanne Kaufman  出版社:Neal Porter Books  出版日:2022/08/23 裝訂:精裝
Friendship comes in the most unlikely of places when a lonely ghost meets a buoyant new companion.“Above a noisy family,On a crowded street,In the big city,In a dark lonely attic,Lived Ghost.” For Ghost, it can be pretty hard to make new friends. Some people are frightened, others don’t understand, most don’t seem to realize Ghost is even there. One day when a bright red balloon wanders Ghost’s way, the connection is instantaneous. Together they do everything Ghost had ever hoped to share with a friend, but balloons rarely stick around for long. That’s when Ghost learns that when you’re looking for a friend, a friend might find you. With A Friend for Ghost Suzanne Kaufman, New York Times Bestselling illustrator of All Are Welcome, brings her talents to bear in an utterly charming tale about friendships and the wish to find them.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
The Switch
作者:Anthony Horowitz  出版社:Walker Books  出版日:2015/08/06 裝訂:平裝
A boy's casual wish leads him into a dark and mysterious world in this thrilling adventure from the bestselling author of the Alex Rider series. For Tad Spencer, only son of a fabulously wealthy busin
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
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