在你最需要支持的時刻,父母卻是傷你最深的那個人5大評量 x 5大練習 x 53個案例修復你的童年孤寂你是否覺得……◎好想從父母口中得到肯定或讚美。◎父母總是不了解你,再怎麼努力,都無法溝通。◎父母只關心我錢夠不夠用,從沒關心過我內心的感覺。◎就算獲得再高的成就,父母都只會潑我冷水。如果你也有同樣的狀況,可能就是「假性孤兒」……這些父母的外表和行為看起來一切正常,他們會關心孩子的身體健康、提供溫飽、注意孩子的安全,但……僅止於此。「你已經長大了,不准再抱布娃娃睡覺,把它丟掉!」「我才不管你有什麼感覺,我只供你們吃住就好。」「別再胡思亂想了,你只能照我的安排,不准有任何意見。」父母在孩子面前豎立了高牆,擋住了他們尋求親密感情的道路。當孩子無法與父母建立穩固的心靈互動,孩子將無法擁有安全感與自信心。看過本書,你將明白:為何無法與父母建立親密互動、為何父母無法給予愛的養分,又為何總在人生重大決定上,父母帶來的陰霾與否定如影隨形。而生長在這樣的家庭裡,是很孤單的成長經驗……藏在親情影子裡的噩夢:‧父母要求完美魔咒:每件事都要做到最好,也許爸媽就會稱讚我了……‧父母的情緒潛規則:為了安撫爸媽的情緒,我總是疲於奔命……‧父母的情感的高牆:沒有我,爸媽也無所謂、爸媽不喜歡我的親近……童年的孤單包圍著我們,就算長大,仍無法擺脫,只是換了另一個形式:沮喪、焦慮、長期緊張、壓力、睡不著等失控的感覺折磨我們。這些身心症狀像是一套警報系統,提醒我們必須誠實面對自己真正的感受──想要被愛──那就是覺醒的開始。美國知名心理學家琳賽‧吉普森博士,累積20年的諮商經驗,分享真實案例,讓我們看見父母帶來的痛,解開與親情的枷鎖,修補世世代代的情感缺陷,拒絕複製上一代給予的傷痕……【本書特色】1. 53個貼近我們生活的案例,學會一步步解開內心的隱藏傷痛。2. 5大評量+5大練習,看見情感缺失所帶來的孤寂,學會建立健全的情感關係、不再受傷。3. 解開家中痛苦的情感鎖鏈、給予下一代健康的親子關係。
Children love to imitate adult behaviour. This title helps you to encourage your child to help out and develop new skills as they share in the fun of more grown up activities.
Children love to imitate adult behaviour. This title helps you to encourage your child to help out and develop new skills as they share in the fun of more grown up activities.
Designed to be enjoyed by children with an adult on hand, Welcome to Your Awesome Robot provides perfect material for a fun family activity day or a kids workshop. Viviane Schwarz has illustrated hila
Everyone knows that little sisters can be an-noy-ing! So when Ravi gets annoyed with Ruby and breaks her toy car in a rage, everyone goes to bed upset. Ravi wakes up the next morning with a bright red grumpy hat stuck fast on his head! And he can’t get rid of it, no matter how hard he tries... Ravi learns how to swap his grumpy hat for happy socks in this uplifting story about siblings, family life and controlling bad moods.Reviews"Perfectly pitched, gorgeously illustrated and told simply but with sophistication, this is a must-have picture book… a superb exploration of feelings, articulated in a way that even the very young will understand; a book to evoke the strongest feelings of recognition in child and adult reader, and full of humour too"LoveReading, Best Children's Books of 2021"This engaging picture book, with delightful canine characters, explores difficult emotions with young children, helping them to develop empathy and emotional awareness... Colourful illustrations will hel
Horrid Henry creates havoc wherever he goes. To his well-meaning parents and to every adult whose path he crosses, he is the ultimate nightmare child. His naughtiness is of the kind all children secretly admire and few dare to aspire to. He doesn't always mean to be bad, but the best-laid plans have a habit of going wrong - and you can't help sympathizing with anyone who has a little brother like Perfect Peter Horrid Henry is one of the great characters to emerge in the last few years and Francesca Simon's series is a brilliant addition to the canon of storybooks everyone loves.
You can do it too with Ladybird's It's Time to...!This interactive novelty board book is filled with sliders and flaps to help little ones mimic the adult behaviours they see every day. In It's Time to... Fix It! the moving sliders and transformative flaps on every page allow toddlers to perform the tasks in the simple text - they can hammer nails, drill holes and even repair garden sheds!The It's Time to...series:Boosts motor skillsEncourages imaginative playRecommended for children aged 3+Also available:It's Time to... Clean Up!
From the deepest, widest ocean to the tiniest puddle, this beautiful compendium takes young readers on an enthralling journey through the aquatic world, meeting amazing animals, ingenious plants, and much more along the way. Stunning photography and gorgeous illustrations complement storybook descriptions about each lifeform, and children can uncover hundreds of fascinating facts as they read. Did you know that elephant seals that can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour, or that the Victoria Amazonica water lily can support the weight of an adult, or that the brown basilisk reptile can run across water?Discover the science of how plants have learnt to live, feed, and breathe in water, and take a look at the unique challenges of distinct ecosystems on feature spreads about rivers, lakes, wetlands, and more.From sharks and sailfish, to bulrushes and beetles, there's something for everyone in this celebration of all things aquatic.
A dark, feminist retelling of ‘The Children of Lir’ told in Sullivan’s hypnotic prose.A retelling of the favourite Irish fairytale ‘The Children of Lir’. Aífe marries Lir, a king with four children by his previous wife. Jealous of his affection for his children, the witch Aífe turns them into swans for 900 years. Retold through the voice of Aífe, Savage Her Reply is unsettling and dark, feminist and fierce, yet nuanced in its exploration of the guilt of a complex character. Voiced in Sullivan’s trademark rich, lyrical prose as developed in Tangleweed and Brine – the multiple award-winner which established Sullivan as the queen of witchy YA-PRAISE FOR SAVAGE HER REPLYWINNER of the Dept 51 @ Eason Teen and Young Adult Book of the Year, Irish Book Awards 2020WINNER of the KPMG Children’s Book Ireland Awards Book of the Year Award 2021‘No-one writes like Deirdre Sullivan. She is lyrical, poetic and intoxicating.’ – Juno Dawson, author of Wonderland‘Unsettling, haunting, and darkl