Modeled on the author's bestselling Therapist’s Guide to Clinical Intervention, this new book on child clinical intervention?presents much of the material in outline or bullet point format, allowing e
In 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking book, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, in which he integrated a large number of experimental and clinical studies from both the psych
This pioneering work sets forth an integrative model for understanding the development of psychopathology. What makes a person vulnerable to mental illness in general? To specific clinical syndromes?
Emotion Regulation is currently one of the most popular topics in clinical psychology. Numerous studies demonstrate that deficits in emotion regulation skills are likely to help maintain various forms
A desktop reference to the terms and concepts in this burgeoning field. A comprehensive guide to the applications and advances in neuroscience that are relevant to practicing clinicians. With an inter
Drawing on attachment, developmental trauma, implicit processes, and neurobiology, major theorists fromAllan Schore to Daniel Stern have argued how and why regulated affect, or emotion, is key to our
People with personality disorders often attack theirown bodies through eating disorders and otherself-destructiveness. This book takes a wide-rangingapproach to borderline personality disorders andarg
A classic in the field of psychoanalytic literature, and winner of the 2003 Gradiva Award. Arguing for the importance of attachment and emotionality in the developing human consciousness, four promin
Decades ahead of its time, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self was the first volume to bring together the disparate fields of developmental psychology, psychiatry, and the neural sciences. At
During the past decade a diverse group of disciplines have simultaneously intensified their attention upon the scientific study of emotion. This proliferation of research on affective phenomena has be
Decades ahead of its time, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self was the first volume to bring together the disparate fields of developmental psychology, psychiatry, and the neural sciences. At
Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior: A Therapist's Guide to Assessment and Treatment 2e represents state of the art coverage of the latest theory, research and treatment strategie