A clear and simple manual of precise instructions for accessing the Akashic Records and confirming the accuracy of the information you receive • Details exercises, tools, and techniques to clear
內含●小說第10集x1●PET卡x1尺寸(w)10.2 x (h)14.5 cm●陶瓷杯墊x1尺寸11 cm(圓形)●飲料提袋x1尺寸(w)13.5 x (h)8 cm●收納袋x1尺寸(w)8 x (h)18 x 2 cm●螢幕擦拭布x1尺寸(w)10 x (h)18.5 cm※動畫二期製作確定!※這本輕小說真厲害!2024文庫部門第10名※第15屆MF文庫J輕小說新人獎《最優秀獎》得獎作※店員最愛輕小說大賞2020的文庫部門 Top1※日本熱銷突破10萬冊(截至2020年4月)【故事簡介】「我會遵守諾言,不讓任何一個重要的存在被奪走。」我──君塚君彥為了修復世界喪失的紀錄而做為名偵探的助手一同進行調查,發現了這個異常狀況背後的原因有可能是怪盜‧亞森。並且在怪盜的真面目恐怕是世界上最糟糕的犯罪者──亞伯‧A‧荀白克的假說之下,我們決定把曾經追捕過亞伯的暗殺者‧加瀨風靡找出來問話──「君塚,你記得一點。所謂的正義,在面對真正的邪惡時根本站不住腳。」最終被攤到陽光下的,是各種正義過去挑戰巨大邪惡的紀錄。是被這個世界藏匿起來的《虛空曆錄(Akashic records)》的真面目。得出這個答案的我們,當時所做出的決定是──這是一段追求正義的存在們面對理想與意志考驗的無名英雄活劇。
Explains how to access one's Akashic Records--an energetic archive of information on every soul and its journey--for greater healing of one's soul. By the author of How to Read the Akashic Records.
Based on a popular light novel comes one girl’s story of trying to become the strongest magic user—despite having the laziest of instructors!Akashic Records of the Bastard Magical Instructor is a new
Based on a popular light novel of one girl’s story to become the strongest magic user—despite having a lazy instructor!Sisti is a young magic-user in training who attends prestigious magical academy w
THE CROWN CONSPIRACYGlenn Radars’ class of misfits has defied all expectations: they stand poised for a chance at victory in the all-school magic tournament! Yet behind the scenes, sinister forces are
Based on a popular light novel comes one girl’s story of trying to become the strongest magic user—despite having the laziest of instructors!Sisti is a young magic-user in training who attends prestig
PROJECT: REVIVE LIFEThe class field trip maybe took a small turn for the worse: an evil secret society kidnapped one of Glenn’s students! After narrowly dodging his own death, Glenn’s got no choice bu
Based on a popular light novel comes one girl’s story of trying to become the strongest magic user—despite having the laziest of instructors!Sisti is a young magic-user in training who attends prestig