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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:菲爾.休斯頓-等  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2022/09/20 裝訂:平裝
「我不喜歡那個人,所以更要多了解他。」──美國總統林肯「真誠與同理心,是讓對方坦白的關鍵要素。」──中情局測謊專家菲爾.休士頓《紐約時報》暢銷經典!有話想問清楚,對方總是逃避或冷處理?大吵一架、嚴詞逼供、威脅利誘都無效?CIA測謊專家25年來的套話寶典,父母、老師、伴侶、管理者與商務人士都必備的溝通指南。每當我們想到審訊、套話的場景,總會浮現城府極深、表情陰森的情報人員,或是輪流出場的「好警察、壞警察」。正如電影《不可能的任務》的特務一樣,用精心設計的話術跟演技誘你上鉤……可惜的是,這些都是刻板的形象,在本書作者休士頓等資深的審訊專家看來,反而更容易讓對方升起防衛心,跟你耗個沒完沒了。因此,審訊的氣氛雖然談不上是爐邊談話,但唯有讓對話充滿真誠的氣氛,我們才能找到破口;只要當事人一卸放下心防,就會自動吐露實情。本書的重點不是教讀者如何破解對方的表情、手勢或口氣,而是唯有磨練自己的專注力、傾聽力、口語能力和同理心,才有辦法打破溝通的僵局。本書第一部分由三位CIA專家領軍,先解說套話的心理學原理,包括讓當事人維持在「短期思維模式」左右他的注意力,不讓他有時間找藉口和拼湊謊言。接下來,審訊前要盡可能地找尋資料,當你沒把握時,只能使用「關心」與模糊的語句開場,而說話的口氣要掌握SEL三大技巧1. Slow:放慢說話速度。2. Engage:注意力放在訊問對象身上。3. Low:降低說話音量。除了各項原則外,三位專家會以他們生涯的重大案例來說明如何實戰破敵,內容如諜報小說一樣精彩。到了第二部分,則由談判專家羅梅瑞律師來說明,這些方法如何應用到生活中(畢竟我們不會沒事遇上恐怖分子)。他強調,無論是面對說謊的孩子、面試員工、問另一半如何時間管理,都可以用上頂尖情報員的技巧,包括列出詳細的條件、立場不偏不倚、態度真誠,以及最重要的:令對方產生好感,讓自己成為對方的樹洞。本書結合心理學、審訊技巧、法律實務等多方面的專業知識,最終的目的在於讓大眾拋棄脅迫性的惡性溝通法,改以冷靜、同理心與符合道德的方式獲取情報、化解衝突,進而與人建立可信賴的合作關係。
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
All the Truth I Can Stand
作者:Mason Stokes  出版社:PBKCLKCR  出版日:2024/11/05 裝訂:精裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
#3 The Mistaken Masterpiece (Red Blazer Girls)
作者:Michael D. Beil  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2012/05/08 裝訂:平裝
Sophie, Margaret, Becca, and Leigh Ann are back in an all-new Red Blazer Girls caper. In the third installment, Sophie is nose to fist with her arch-rival, Livvy, all while taking care of movie-star Nate Etan's dog, when Father Julian hires the Blazers to help him authenticate a painting. Mayhem and mystery follows as the girls attempt to uncover the truth. Oh, and, uh, Sophie's friend-who-is-not-a-boyfriend, Raf, is back. . . . Here's another charming and engaging adventure starring these four every-girl sleuths that's perfect for readers 10-up.From the Hardcover edition.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Whooo Knew? the Truth about Owls (平裝本)
作者:Annette Whipple  出版社:Reycraft Books  出版日:2021/02/28 裝訂:平裝
How do owls see in the dark? Can owls spin their heads all the way around? Why do owls puke? These and other questions are answered by an owl expert, along with some extra information provided by the
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
A Restless Truth
作者:Freya Marske  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2022/11/10 裝訂:平裝
Knives Out meets The Binding in this historical romp full of magic, romance and adventure.Maud Blyth has always longed for adventure. She’d hoped for plenty of it when she agreed to help her beloved older brother unravel a magical conspiracy. She even volunteered to serve as an old lady's companion on an ocean liner. But Maud didn't expect the old lady to turn up dead on the very first day of the voyage.Now she has to deal with a dead body, a disrespectful parrot, and the lovely, dangerously outrageous Violet Debenham. Violet is everything Maud has been trained to distrust, yet can’t help but desire: a magician, an actress and a magnet for scandal.Surrounded by open sea and a ship full of suspects, Maud and Violet must learn to drop the masks they’ve learned to wear. Only then might they work together to locate a magical object worth killing for – and unmask a murderer. All without becoming dead in the water themselves.‘Mystery! Magic! Murder! . . . This book is a confection, both marv
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Post-apocalyptic era: the king of kings
作者:author The Disciple of the Creation Fa  出版社:微塵工作坊  出版日:2021/10/29 裝訂:精裝
Table of ContentsThe Series of Brushing off the Enshrouding Dust 003Post-Apocalyptic Era: The King of Kings004 |Introduction006 |In Search of the Wandering King in the Mortal World008 |Post-Apocalyptic Era: The King of Kings - Reasons for Publication015 |1. With what kind of predestined affinities, that made "Thousands of Deities and Buddhas come to the mortal world"?021 |Sesame Flat Bread Song - The Question and Answer Song of the Emperor and the Master024 |2. In the Book of Revelation of the West: The Appearance of the "King of Kings"026 |The Book of Revelation030 |3. The Truth about "Easter": Easter, the Rabbit and the Egg035 |◎ Appendix: The Legend of the Jade Rabbit of the "Moon" and the heavenly secret of the "Creator"038 |4. Nostradamus Les Propheties - A short poem about the appearance of the Saint040 |◎ Appendix: "The Creator" suffered for all beings040 |(I) The Great and Merciful "Creator" in 1999042 |(II) The "Creator" again suffered for all beings in 2012046 |5. Who are you
定價:2000 元, 優惠價:9 1800
Legendary Justice Bao, The: Guardian of Truth
作者:Aloysius Yap  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2023/07/12 裝訂:平裝
包青天有英文兒童版啦! Pop! Lit for Kids系列改編東西方耳熟能詳的經典,讓小孩也能輕鬆閱讀,快樂認識這些世界各地的名著。Throughout the centuries, people have recounted tales of a legendary magistrate known as Justice Bao! Never letting anything stand in the way of his pursuit for truth and justice, Justice Bao was a clever and upright official who never failed to solve his cases. He was liked by all who sought justice, and feared by criminals everywhere.In this second book of Justice Bao's adventures, you will discover the keen intelligence and masterful skill of a well-respected figure who remains a household name in many parts of the world!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
Legendary Justice Bao, The: Guardian of Truth(精裝)
作者:Aloysius Yap  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2023/07/12 裝訂:精裝
Throughout the centuries, people have recounted tales of a legendary magistrate known as Justice Bao! Never letting anything stand in the way of his pursuit for truth and justice, Justice Bao was a clever and upright official who never failed to solve his cases. He was liked by all who sought justice, and feared by criminals everywhere.In this second book of Justice Bao's adventures, you will discover the keen intelligence and masterful skill of a well-respected figure who remains a household name in many parts of the world!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
King Tutankhamun Tells All!
作者:Chris Naunton; Guilherme Karsten  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2021/06/03 裝訂:精裝
Young history buffs and celebrity fanatics alike will enjoy this humorous and irreverent introduction to King Tutankhamun written by Egyptologist and TV presenter Dr Chris Naunton. Readers hear first-hand from King Tutankhamun how he became the ruler of ancient Egypt at the tender age of nine, and what it was like to be rudely awakened from the afterlife by British Egyptologist Howard Carter in 1922. They'll endure him bragging about his collection of blingy 18-carat gold sandals, and wonder how to discern fake news from the truth surrounding Tut's mysteriously premature death.Naunton's expert text is accompanied by Guilherme Karsten's illustrations, giving the boy King a contemporary make-over for celebrity-obsessed readers, and letting children in on all the juicy details of an extraordinary life. With 48 illustrations in colour
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
All I Said Was True
作者:Mahmood Imran Mahmood  出版社:Raven Books  出版日:2022/07/21 裝訂:平裝
出庭律師兼敘述性詭計大師Imran Mahmood懸疑新作。「去找麥可,找到他」她說,「就會找到真相。」但這個被稱作麥可的人究竟是誰?或者說,真的存在嗎?你來得及拆解故事裡精巧的陳述,在結局前還原真相嗎?'The very definition of a compulsive page-turner' CHRIS WHITAKER I didn t kill her. Trust me When Amy Blahn died on a London rooftop, Layla Mahoney was there. Layla was holding her.But all she can say when she s arrested is that It was Michael. Find Michael and you ll find out everything you need to know. The problem is, the police can t find him they aren t even sure he exists.Layla knows she only has forty-eight hours to convince the police that bringing in the man she knows only as Michael will clear her name and reveal a dangerous game affecting not just Amy and Layla, but her husband Russell and countless others. But as the detectives begin to uncover the whole truth about what happened to Amy, Layla will soon have to decide: how much of that truth can she really risk being exposed? 'A relentless, absorbing thriller' JANICE HALLETT 'I loved every single page!' GILLIAN MCALLISTER
定價:769 元, 優惠價:79 608
The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #5)(2 CDs)
作者:Jeff Kinney; Carmen McCullough; Dan Russell  出版社:Penguin UK  出版日:2018/06/28 裝訂:有聲書
Penguin presents the audio CD edition of The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney, read by Dan Russell. Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really all it's cracked up to be?
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Diary of a Wimpy Kid #5: The Ugly Truth (美國平裝本)
作者:Jeff Kinney  出版社:Harry N Abrams Inc  出版日:2011/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really-all it's cracked up to be? Greg suddenly finds himself dealing with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased respon
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
The Will of the Many
作者:James Islington  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2025/02/06 裝訂:平裝
At the elite Catenan Academy, a young fugitive uncovers layered mysteries and world-changing secrets in this “brilliant and gut-churning masterpiece” (Library Journal, starred review) by the internationally bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington. The Catenan Republic—the Hierarchy—may rule the world now, but they do not know everything. I tell them my name is Vis Telimus.I tell them I was orphaned after a tragic accident three years ago, and that good fortune alone has led to my acceptance into their most prestigious school. I tell them that once I graduate, I will gladly join the rest of civilized society in allowing my strength, my drive, and my focus—what they call Will—to be leeched away and added to the power of those above me, as millions already do. As all must eventually do.I tell them that I belong, and they believe me. But the truth is that I have been sent to the Academy to find answers. To solve a murder.To search for an ancient weapon. To uncover secre
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The Untold Story
作者:Genevieve Cogman  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2021/12/09 裝訂:平裝
Return to the world of the Invisible Library for Irene's most perilous mission yet . . .Librarian Spy Irene is heading into danger. Not for the first time, but could this be her last? She's tasked with a terrifyingly dangerous solo mission to eliminate an old enemy, which must be kept secret at all costs. But even more troubling news emerges.Multiple worlds are disappearing - and the Library may have something to do with it. Determined to uncover the truth behind the vanished worlds, Irene and her friends must descend into the unplumbed depths of the Library. And what they find will change everything they know.This may be Irene's most dangerous assignment of her hazardous career. The Untold Story is the unputdownable eighth book in the Invisible Library fantasy series by Genevieve Cogman. Praise for the series: 'I absolutely loved this' - N.K. Jemisin, author of The Fifth Season 'Irene is a great heroine: fiery, resourceful and no one's fool' - Guardian 'Brilliant and so much fun. Skul
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Bones of Me
作者:Kel Duckhouse  出版社:Flying Eye Books UK  出版日:2022/10/06 裝訂:平裝
與家人一同住在倫敦東區的社會住宅,15歲的莫莉暗自懷抱著業餘拳擊夢。當大哥兼教練的丹尼在她的首場擂台賽神秘失蹤,自此音訊全無。接著警方找了上門,懷疑他與一樁襲擊案有關。莫莉只能一邊繼續訓練,將內心的焦灼與對自己底層出身的憤怒投注在一次次的出拳與防禦上,一邊瞞著爸媽,秘密追蹤關於丹尼下落的蛛絲馬跡…全書散文體及詩文交錯,不時穿插圖像詩及對話紀錄。故事在文體流暢切換間逐步推進、攀升,讓敘事節奏強烈且充滿驚喜。滿載腎上腺素及青春的苦澀與鼓動,富詩意的成長小說。Told in dynamic verse and prose, The Bones of Me is a thrilling debut novel about friends and family amid the world of amateur boxing.Living on an East London council estate has its worries - and life for teenager Molly hasn't always been easy. But she has a dream, a dream to be a boxer just like her older brother Denny. When he agrees he'll help her train she couldn't be more excited.But then everything changes. Denny goes missing and the police are after him. Her mum and dad are working all hours to keep the bailiffs from their door and don'thave time to worry about Denny.So as Molly secretly continues her training with her friend Kwaku, they decide to search for Denny and find out the truth about his disappearance.Included in the CBC’s October 2022 Hot Off t
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
#3 Serafina and the Splintered Heart (The Serafina Series)
作者:Robert Beatty  出版社:Disney-Hyperion  出版日:2018/05/01 裝訂:平裝
The storms are coming.... Something has happened to Serafina. She has awoken into a darkness she does not understand, scarred from a terrible battle, only to find that life at Biltmore Estate has changed in unimaginable ways. Old friends do unthinkable things and enemies seem all around.A mysterious threat moves towards Biltmore, a force without a name, bringing with it violent storms and flooding that stands to uproot everything in its path. Serafina must uncover the truth about what has happened to her and find a way to harness her strange new powers before it's too late. With only days to achieve the impossible, Serafina fights to reclaim herself as the Guardian of Biltmore, friend of Braeden, daughter of her Pa, and heroine of the Blue Ridge Mountains and all the folk and creatures that call it home. In the epic third installment of Robert Beatty's #1 bestselling series, Serafina takes her rightful place among literary champions as she battles fiercely to defend all she loves and b
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians #1
作者:Brandon Sanderson  出版社:Starscape  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
Now in paperback for the first time, featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. On his thirteenth birthday, foster child Alcatraz Smedry gets a bag of sand in the mail - his only inheritance from his father and mother. He soon learns that this is no ordinary bag of sand. It is quickly stolen by the cult of evil Librarians who are taking over the world by spreading misinformation and suppressing truth. Alcatraz must stop them, using the only weapon he has: an incredible talent for breaking things. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is the first book in this action-packed fantasy series for young readers.
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Danger at the North Pole: An Advent Calendar Adventure
作者:Lena Ollefs  出版社:Puzzlewright  出版日:2024/11/19 裝訂:平裝
Solve a new puzzle each day--24 total--on a madcap romp through Santa's headquarters! Billy the Elf works at Santa's Workshop in the Arctic. A calm, comfortable life. But all that changes in the blink of an eye when someone slips him secret documents that expose the truth about North Pole Manager Jack Frost and his mad quest for power. Billy knows he must put a stop to the villain's schemes. But it's not going to be easy with Frost's ruthless secret agents hot on his trail. Billy must hurry if he wants to rescue Christmas from disaster...
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Our Choice ― A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis (CD only)
作者:Albert Gore; Cynthia Nixon (Nrt); John Slattery (Nrt)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2009/11/03 裝訂:有聲書
A Call to Action that Answers the Questions Posed by the Grammy Award-Winning An Inconvenient Truth It is now abundantly clear that we have at our fingertips all of the tools we need to solve the cli
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
The World of Lore, Volume 3: Dreadful Places:Now a major online streaming series
作者:Aaron Mahnke  出版社:Headline Publishing Group  出版日:2018/10/09 裝訂:平裝
For fans of Neil Gaiman and Welcome to Night Vale, Aaron Mahnke's The World of Lore (based on the popular LORE podcast) explores the chilling truth behind the legendary creatures, peculiar people and horrific places that arouse our deepest fears. For you see, sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction... Volume 3: Dreadful PlacesHumans have an uncanny ability to leave their indelible mark.Homes can sometimes reflect the characteristics of their occupants and even cities become more and more like living beings after a century or two. So, it's logical to assume that darker deeds, horrible tragedies, and the worst of human nature all might leave a nefarious taint on some of these places. This third book in The World of Lore series will explore dark and dreadful places on land and at sea, places haunted by tragedy and filled with echo es of evil.These are the stories about cities, and buildings, too, from New Orleans to Louisiana and Richmond, Virginia, as well as infamous places
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
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