您準備好接受有關人體系統的終極測驗了嗎?你是否想知道...嬰兒真的比成人有更多的骨頭嗎?你的糞便是由什麼構成的?為什麼你的鼻孔長毛?你體內的哪塊肌肉一天 24 小時都在自行工作?Quiz Champs 系列是經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具有教育意義的學習體驗。 該系列與新加坡小學科學課綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,內含豐富的問題,以開拓小學生好奇心,並提供答案和附加資訊來幫助學習、複習和準備考試。Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on human body systems?Have you ever wanted to know ...if babies really have more bones than adults?what your poop is made of?why you have hair inside your nose?which muscle in your body works by itself 24 hours a day?Join Quiz Champs host Skip Skeleton as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also includes enrichment questions to stretch curious minds. Answers and additional information have been provided to ai
這是已故外交巨擘亨利·季辛吉的最後一本著作,他聯手兩位科技領袖,共同探討人工智慧革命帶來的時代挑戰與機遇。這場突破不僅能大幅提升各行各業的能力,更對人類的未來提出了緊迫的問題。人工智慧能吸收數據、主動學習,成為人與現實之間的橋樑,幫助我們應對氣候變遷、地緣衝突及收入不平等等重大危機。它甚至可能解開宇宙奧秘,提升人類精神境界。然而,它同時也會挑戰我們獨立判斷與行動的能力,甚至重新定義我們與神性及自身演化的關係。與科技專家克雷格·蒙迪和埃里克·施密特合著的《創世紀》提出一條在盲目信仰與無謂恐懼之間的平衡之道,為迎接人工智慧時代指引明確方向。NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER USA TODAY BESTSELLER LOS ANGELES TIMES BESTSELLER J.P. MORGAN NEXTLIST SELECTIONIn his final book, the late Henry Kissinger joins forces with two leading technologists to mount “a profound exploration” (Walter Isaacson) of the epochal challenges and opportunities presented by the revolution in Artificial Intelligence: a breakthrough that dramatically empowers people in all walks of life while also raising urgent questions about the future of humanity. As it absorbs data, gains agency, and intermediates between humans and reality, AI (Artificial Intelligence) will help us to address enormous crises, from climate change to geopolitical conflicts to income inequa
【人體透視書】層層剖析看不見的祕密,你的身體太神奇了,快準備好翻開書吧!你知道在你的身體裡有多少驚奇的事正在發生嗎?快來「穿透」書頁,進入自己的身體瞧瞧吧!本書運用特殊的透明頁設計,一層一層打開人體的各個系統,帶領讀者認識這些系統都有哪些器官構造,以及關於這些構造的功能和小知識。Human Body (100片拼圖+1本知識小百科)(Usborne Book & Jigsaw)This delightful pack contains a colourful, labelled 100-piece jigsaw of the human body for children to assemble. It also includes a 24-page, highly visual book that introduces and explains the various systems and functions of different parts of the body in more detail.拼圖完成後尺寸59*40公分
Find out about the science of living things through hilarious cartoon stripsComic Strip Biology makes learning about the science behind animals, plants and the human body fun!Each spread in this series features a short, funny comic strip that explains a process or aspect of science. Around the strip, diagrams and panels give further information on the topic. They are a fantastic way to engage children aged 8 plus with science.The illustrator, Jess Bradey, is winner of the 2021 Blue Peter Award for Best Non-Fiction for A Day in the Life of a Poo, Gnu and You and also writes and draws for The Phoneix comic.Titles in the series: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space, Physics.
This delightful pack contains a colourful, labelled 100-piece jigsaw of the human body for children to assemble. It also includes a 24-page, highly visual book that introduces and explains the various
The human body is astounding. This book explains how our body works in images and texts that are created for children but are also fascinating for adults. Children are curious about their bodies. They
From one of our preeminent neuroscientists: a landmark reflection that spans the biological and social sciences, offering a new way of understanding the origins of life, feeling, and culture. The Strange Order of Things is a pathbreaking investigation into homeostasis, the condition of that regulates human physiology within the range that makes possible not only the survival but also the flourishing of life. Antonio Damasio makes clear that we descend biologically, psychologically, and even socially from a long lineage that begins with single living cells; that our minds and cultures are linked by an invisible thread to the ways and means of ancient unicellular life and other primitive life-forms; and that inherent in our very chemistry is a powerful force, a striving toward life maintenance that governs life in all its guises, including the development of genes that help regulate and transmit life. In The Strange Order of Things, Damasio gives us a new way of comprehending the wo
Covering many techniques widely used in research, this book will help researchers in the physical sciences and engineering solve troublesome - and potentially very time consuming - problems in their work. The book deals with technical difficulties that often arise unexpectedly during the use of various common experimental methods, as well as with human error. It provides preventive measures and solutions for such problems, thereby saving valuable time for researchers. Some of the topics covered are: sudden leaks in vacuum systems, electromagnetic interference in electronic instruments, vibrations in sensitive equipment, and bugs in computer software. The book also discusses mistakes in mathematical calculations, and pitfalls in designing and carrying out experiments. Each chapter contains a summary of its key points, to give a quick overview of important potential problems and their solutions in a given area.
《World of Science 科學世界》系列有趣的內容,能吸引孩子從樂趣中學習,同時透過豐富的擴增實境(AR)動態增進科學知識、活潑有趣的全彩漫畫培養對科學的熱愛。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱,並具有延伸內容,拓展小讀者的好奇心與科學思維。本系列包含一本特別版《Guss'Gutsy Adventures》,內容由A* STAR(新加坡科技研究局)的消化系統專家-Germaine Yong博士撰寫。 *本系列書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. This set includes a bonus Special Edition book Guss' Gutsy Adventures: An Augmented Reality Tale of a Young Bacteria Navigating the Human Digestive System, authored by A* STAR Scientist Dr Germaine Yong, an expert in the digestive system. The topics covered in this book are taught in the Singapore Science primary school syll
Dylan was six when The End came, back in 2018; when the electricity went off for good, and the 'normal' 21st century world he knew disappeared. Now he's 14 and he and his mam have survived in their isolated hilltop house above the village of Nebo in north-west Wales, learning new skills, and returning to old ways of living. Despite their close understanding, the relationship between mother and son changes subtly as Dylan must take on adult responsibilities. And they each have their own secrets, which emerge as, in turn, they jot down their thoughts and memories in a found notebook - the Blue Book of Nebo. In this prize-winning novel, Manon Steffan Ros not only explores the human capacity to find new strengths when faced with the need to survive, but also questions the structures and norms of the contemporary world.
本書在自然與身體感受性的脈絡下,思考禮儀中的象徵在修身及教化中所扮演的關鍵地位。本書溯源到文化源頭的先秦、兩漢時期,說明自然節氣如何影響身體經驗,在對天道的體察中,從而形構物的象徵與身體隱喻。本書透過秦漢禮儀中象徵的細部分析,說明象徵符號與自我的形構、身心轉化,人我關係定義以及倫理的秩序有密不可分的關係。「象徵」既反映著自然風土與物之質性,同時也反映著不同的地方文化所形成的文化心理及身體經驗。修身與教化的理想在體察自然節氣和風土、透過象徵以調節人情中亦得到實踐。This book investigates the key role of symbolism in self-cultivation and moral education in the context of nature and bodily senses. Through detailed analysis of symbols in the etiquette of Qin and Han China, this book illustrates the inseparable relationship between symbolism and self-construction, transformation of body and mind, the definition of human-self relationship, and the order of ethics. “Symbol” not only reflects the landscapes and things, but also reflects the cultural psychology and physical experience formed by different local knowledge. The practice of self-cultivation and morality is also in the process of interpreting nature and regulating human sentiments through symbols.
"Applaud for KLAWDE. Two paws up!"--Dav Pilkey, creator of the Dog Man series.Klawde is not your basic cat. He's an emperor from another planet, exiled to Earth. He's cruel. He's cunning. He's brilliant... and he's also Raj Banerjee's best friend.Klawde and Raj are back! As summer turns to fall, our favorite warlord cat remains in his pitiful exiled existence. But Raj has an even scarier prospect than cosmic exile: starting at a new school. And if things didn't seem complicated enough, both cat and human are confronted with two figures from their past they did not expect to pop up in Elba, Oregon...Heavily illustrated, with a hilarious, biting voice that switches between Raj's and Klawde's perspectives, this is the story of an unlikely friendship that emerges as two fish out of water continue to find their footing in strange new worlds.
If you accept evolutionary theory, can you also believe in God? Are human beings superior to other animals, or is this just a human prejudice? Does Darwin have implications for heated issues like euthanasia and animal rights? Does evolution tell us the purpose of life, or does it imply that life has no ultimate purpose? Does evolution tell us what is morally right and wrong, or does it imply that ultimately 'nothing' is right or wrong? In this fascinating and intriguing book, Steve Stewart-Williams addresses these and other fundamental philosophical questions raised by evolutionary theory and the exciting new field of evolutionary psychology. Drawing on biology, psychology and philosophy, he argues that Darwinian science supports a view of a godless universe devoid of ultimate purpose or moral structure, but that we can still live a good life and a happy life within the confines of this view.
Christine Korsgaard has become one of the leading interpreters of Kant's moral philosophy. She is identified with a small group of philosophers who are intent on producing a version of Kant's moral philosophy that is at once sensitive to its historical roots while revealing its particular relevance to contemporary problems. She rejects the traditional picture of Kant's ethics as a cold vision of the moral life which emphasises duty at the expense of love and value. Rather, Kant's work is seen as providing a resource for addressing not only the metaphysics of morals, but also for tackling practical questions about personal relations, politics, and everyday human interaction. This collection contains some of the finest current work on Kant's ethics and will command the attention of all those involved in teaching and studying moral theory.
"I love my mommy because she gives me great big hugs.""I love my daddy because he takes naps with me."These two beloved, best-selling concept books, richly illustrated by Ashley Wolff, are now available as board books for small hands. The youngest nursery tots will appreciate how phrases and actions from their own experiences also apply to animal babies. Each book begins with an affectionate scene between a human parent and child, but moves on to care giving in animal families. "She listens when I talk" shows a mamma cat and her mewing kitten. "She tucks me in features a kangaroo with her joey peeking out of her pouch. "He sings me songs" shows a gray wolf and his cub. In concept, text, and art, these are among the most warm and reassuring lap books ever.
Did you know the water in your glass could be the same water the dinosaurs drank? Discover more incredible facts about Earth's water, the challenges facing it, and how your actions can help defend this precious resource. Dive in! No doubt about it, water is fascinating! It's also essential. Every living thing on Earth needs it, from big blue whales to teeny, tiny bacteria. But our planet is facing some serious water problems: Drinkable water isn't easily accessible to everyone, the demands for water around the globe are increasing while the supply is limited, and some human actions are causing disastrous ripple effects downstream for ecosystems and the animals that live in them. Fortunately, there is hope! And that's where this book comes in. By learning the ins and outs of important water issues and making small but powerful changes in our daily life, we can help protect the water that connects us all on our beautiful blue planet. Features include: - What kids can do right now to comb
Advice from a Japanese Authority on Immuno-Oncology about how to Enhance Your Immunity Swiftly and Build a Robust BodyImmune Deficiency, Antineoplastic Drugs, and Radiotherapy Are Unfavorable for Cancer TreatmentThe First Ever Exposition of “Hydrogen Immunotherapy”.The Globally First Attempt to Fight Cancer by the Application of Hydrogen, with over 400 Evidence-Based Cases Included.Significant Prolongation of the Life Expectancy of Many End-Stage and Recurrent Cancer PatientsHydrogen Activates Human Immune Cells!The probability of developing cancer has increased significantly with the extension of the average human lifespan. There is an increasing number of literature demonstrating the diverse bioactivities inducible by oxyhydrogen inhalation, including anti-inflammatory, anti-reactive oxygen species (ROS), and antineoplastic effects.Evidence has also suggested that hydrogen may be used to mitigate the side effects of traditional chemotherapy, or to inhibit the growth of cancer cells a