充滿好奇心的小男孩Nate運用敏銳的觀察力及鍥而不捨的偵探精神,破解生活中的神祕謎團。彩色與黑白插圖並用,隨書附讀後活動。適合剛開始獨立閱讀,但還不太適應無插圖的讀者。Nate, with the cool detachment of a Sam Spade, immediately plunges into his new and baffling case. Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, narrowing down the suspects. Nate, the boy detective who "likes to work alone," solves the mystery and tracks down the culprit. In the process he also discovers the whereabouts of Super Hex, the missing cat.
The book presents a problem-based, rational approach to the diagnosis of orthopaedic problems in children. It is divided into four sections based on the age at which specific problems may be encounter
This third edition highlights the questions critical for facilitating collaboration and school change, offers new questions to shape practice, and provides a CD-ROM with a discussion guide.
Marketing research is both art and science. There are many “right” paths to finding the “truth” of a situation—discovering a new market, better understanding what customers think of your service, sizi
In this incisive and accessible book, Matthew Harmon trains Bible readers to ask the right questions when reading God's Word to help them understand how to apply the text to their lives and grow in go
The Leader’s SEEcret is a story that delves underneath the surface issues of a pastor’s knowledge and skills to help him discover, understand, and apply ten features of one simple, difficult, essentia