Low-level entertainment lawyer Nick Carter thinks it’s a prank, not an alien encounter, when a redheaded mullah and a curvaceous nun show up at his office. But Frampton and Carly are highly advanced (
Perry the Penguin needs 9 clams to buy an ice scooter -- but he's not very good at saving. As Perry earns, spends, finds, loses, and borrows clams, a simple line graph demonstrates the concept of negative numbers.
In a destitute hospital in the crowded African city of Kikwit, townspeople, nurse, and doctors are dying of a gruesome disease at the rate of more than a dozen a day. Zaire is on the brink of an explo
The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the adventures of Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes), a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori), the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. Acting as a kind of father-figure, M. Gustave leads the resourceful Zero on a journey that involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting; the battle for an enormous family fortune; a desperate chase on motorcycles, trains, sledges and skis; and the sweetest confection of a love affair - all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent.Inspired by the writings of Stefan Zweig, The Grand Budapest Hotel recreates a by-gone era through its arresting visuals and sparkling dialogue. The charm and vibrant colours of the film gradually darken with a sense of melancholy as the forces of history conspire against a vanishing world.
Join Bizzy Bear as he zooms into space in this chunky new board book with sliding counters.Bizzy Bear is an astronaut today. He’s zooming in his rocket off on a space adventure and he needs your help! Board the spaceship, fly into space, grab a snack in zero gravity and meet the aliens on a nearby planet with four easy-to-use moving counters.Learn space vocabulary with simple first words and helpful text prompts to encourage talking. Then push Bizzy Bear along 4 different tracks with a moving counter on every spread, plus an extra one on the cover! The perfect book for children who love space and love being in control of the story!Other titles in the series include: On the Building Site, At the Zoo and On the Farm.
"Buckle up for Two Degrees, a Hollywood thriller of a book." - The New York Times A new book from Alan Gratz is a major publishing moment! The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Refugee and Ground Zero now takes a meaningful look at the attack on Pearl Harbor. December 6, 1941: Best friends Frank and Stanley pretty much live in paradise. Their dads are Navy officers stationed at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and the boys have a front-row view of the huge battleships and the sparkling water.But on December 7th, 1941, everything explodes. Over the course of the day, as the boys fight to make their way home, it's clear that everything has changed. Stanley's mother is Japanese American and he is suddenly facing a terrible prejudice that he's never known before - and Frank, who's white, cannot begin to understand. Can their friendship survive this watershed moment? From the bestselling author of Refugee, Allies, Grenade , Ground Zero and Two Degrees Sheds a light on the increasingly urgent
Zero is a big round number. When she looks at herself, she just sees a hole right in her center. Every day she watches the other numbers line up to count: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 . . . !" "Those numbers
Just about every human being knows how to listen to music, but what does it take to make music? Is musicality something we are born with? Or a skill that anyone can develop at any time? If you don't
Zack Allen loves comic books, but he's nothing like his favorite superheroes. He's always getting picked on by bullies at school. Then one day, Zack builds a high-tech robot suit. He must decide how t
In response to terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, James Martin dropped everything to minister to those in need at Ground Zero. In this extraordinary journal, Jim recounts the days working wi
Nuclear weapons are not a subject of intense public discussion and debate, but they should be. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only the beginning; in recent times, nuclear annihilation at the hands of rog
Zero energy homes produce at least as much energy as they consume through a combination of energy efficiencies, passive design, and renewable energy production. California has adopted zero net energy