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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:布莉安娜‧拉布奇斯  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2024/08/31 裝訂:平裝
●亞馬遜網路書店暢銷榜「謀殺案小說」類第一名●讀者好評更勝首作《似曾相弒》冷酷陰沉、操弄人心、對鮮血與死亡無動於衷──這是個天生邪惡的孩子,或是太早看見真相的觀察者……?三十年前,波士頓望族懷特家的豪宅驚傳一起命案──嬌弱而深居簡出的千金小姐羅雯在自家遭利刃刺死,她八歲的姪女葛蕾琴跟她一起在陳屍現場被人發現,手摸著血淋淋的傷口,眼神空洞地看著屍體,對凶案沒有任何記憶。負責偵辦此案的警探派崔克懷疑葛蕾琴就是殺人凶手、是具有反社會人格的不定時炸彈,卻苦無證據,只能心懷警戒默默關注她長大成人,一路看著她投身心理學研究,甚至成為與警方合作的犯罪心理顧問。從小到大,葛蕾琴聰慧冷靜的外表下,似乎都掩藏著對他人情感的淡漠、對社會常規的無視,連她也不否認自己異於常人。然而,派崔克警探的新搭檔蘿倫卻不這麼想,甚且認為懷特家當年的命案疑點重重,與其說葛蕾琴是天生冷血殘酷的「壞種」,她倒更有可能是豪宅裡某名成人的代罪羔羊。由於蘿倫的堅持,葛蕾琴重新接觸長年疏遠的家族成員,試圖還原案發當時藏在所有人盲點下的真相。她逐漸得知羅雯姑姑柔弱的外表掩蓋著不為人知的叛逆與黑暗,也證實派崔克警探與懷特家的牽扯,早在命案爆發前就已開始;而葛蕾琴身為心理醫師與貴婦的父母──亦即死者羅雯的兄嫂──多年來都在設法阻止所有人重新查清舊案,包括葛蕾琴在內……隨著越來越多關於童年的記憶被推翻、越來越陰暗的家族秘密一一揭露,葛蕾琴不知道她的發現會終於證明她的清白,或是讓她罪證確鑿…… 「精心架構的劇情與充滿立體感的人物相得益彰,會令驚悚小說愛好者回味無窮。」──出版人週刊「看到最後的讀者會在故事尾聲體驗到一流的意外翻轉。」──柯克斯書評「心理驚悚、警察探案與謀殺謎團的迷人總和。」──中西部書評「在一場謀殺案發生的三十年後,一位警探決心要證明葛蕾琴的清白──但是她們兩人所發現的實情超乎了任何人的想像......」──Bookbub
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
看見你,聽見我,遇見愛:米米與白雪(全書中、英對照精裝版繪本故事+佩岑沉浸式原聲閱讀中、英文版故事QR Code+ Pentel雙色色鉛筆+佩岑療癒金句原創圖明信片一套共5張)
作者:侯佩岑-著; 李涵硯-繪  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2023/04/14 裝訂:盒裝
這是侯佩岑第一本自己創作的奇幻故事, 全書中、英對照,可以讓我們同時欣賞兩種不同語言文字的美與感受。 伴你記住每一段特別的友誼、每一次獨特的相遇、以及每一個刻在記憶裡的愛隨書附贈:①佩岑沉浸式原聲閱讀中、英文版故事QR Code②Pentel雙色色鉛筆 ③侯佩岑療癒金句原創圖明信片一套(共5張)本書故事主題引導:1.友誼 →應該建立在用心去理解對方真正是什麼樣的人,願意專心聆聽對方的聲音。2.不同 →我們每一個人都是獨立的個體,彼此都是不同的,故事中的米米與白雪是兩種不 同的生物,但是透過理解,進而接受彼此的不同,也許就能意外收穫寶貴的友情。3.離別 →面對離別我們可能都會有悲傷和不捨,但只要彼此之間的愛存在,那麼就算是分開,那份愛也會一直陪伴在我們心中、會永遠存在。4.看見和聽見 →很多人心中一定都渴望「被看見」,從別人的注視中感受到自己的存在;很多人也一定渴望自己的心聲能「被聽見」,不論是被看見亦或被聽見,都是一份希望有人真正理解自己的心情。所以我們也要學著看見別人、聽見別人,去認真的瞭解別人,同時我們也能從別人是如何看我們自己的,去認識到也許自己也不瞭解的那一面。彼此的看見和聽見,就是一份最好的愛,而這樣的愛不論是需要經歷挫折或分離,也會在人生的道路上永遠陪伴著我們。故事簡介:米米是個可以隱形的外星人,來到地球進行為期2年的旅行,他可以感受周遭的喜怒哀樂,甚至可以聽見每一個生物內心的想法。有天米米在水族館認識了一隻與眾不同的魚,那隻魚竟然能夠看見隱形的他!米米向魚兒介紹了他自己,並為這隻魚兒取名為白雪,從那天起,他們變成了好朋友。米米帶著白雪一同遊玩嬉戲,更一起看盡春夏秋冬四季,體驗了他們都沒接觸過的世界。但終有一天,米米需要回到自己的星球,儘管捨不得對方,但是他們知道,友誼和回憶是自己的,誰也拿不走。他們認識了彼此的不同並不會成為友誼的阻礙,更學會了真正的愛,是出自心底的關心和祝福。學習看見、學習聽見、學習愛~~
定價:699 元, 優惠價:9 629
作者:泰莉‧柯爾  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2023/08/18 裝訂:平裝
——舒適的關係,來自明確的界限感。——給過度付出、過度努力、過度感受的你,從迎合他人和忽略自己的需求中解脫出來,你值得過更好的生活!★美國亞馬遜4.8顆星推薦★ 當拒絕別人時,我會感到愧疚。 我覺得有責任解決別人的問題。 我常認為如果想把事情做好,自己來會比較容易。 如果我的意見與朋友或同事不同,我常會害怕或避免說出真正的想法。 我會在朋友背後抱怨他們,但顯少直接對他們表達我的不滿。 如果上述問題有任何一個讓你心有戚戚焉,你可能就有界限失守的問題了。 本書作者是資深心理諮商師,擁有逾二十年的臨床諮商經驗,見過許多人的身不由己、壓抑情緒與過度努力,而這一切都歸根於失調的個人邊界。她深知唯有學會掌握自己的偏好、欲望與底限,才能建立健康的人我界限。 界限不是無情切割或斷然隔絕,而是找到與自己以及跟他人相處時最舒服的距離,同時也是建立自我認同的過程。你有權說真話,也有權拒絕或同意,學會忠於自我才是自愛與愛人的終極表現。 這本教你如何對待自己(內在界限)以及別人如何對待你(外在界限)的使用說明書,能檢視妨礙你設定健康界限的過往經歷,並提供實用有效的方法,擊退不斷踩線的惡人。你將學會:•注意不同種類和狀態的邊界,哪些界限(包括生理、性、物質、心理、情緒)被侵犯的情況最常出現。•意識到你的界限障礙,例如:你總是扮演濫好人嗎?經常凡事一手包辦而拒絕別人的幫助嗎?會為他人惡劣的行徑找藉口嗎?•童年時形成的「界限藍圖」,在日後如何影響你的人際關係。•如果你是關懷強迫症者,該如何自我調整,給別人需要的,而不是你認為他們想要的。•制訂積極出擊計畫,改變與界限小白、界限慣犯及界限怪手的互動模式。• 如何應對「界限破壞王」,包括情緒操控者、自戀者和其他有毒人格 。•運用「辨識─放下─回應」的「3R策略」,檢視是否陷入重蹈覆轍的界限模式,並以正念方式回應。守護界限推薦(按姓氏筆畫排列)王意中心理治療所 所長、臨床心理師 王意中|資深心理師、故事療癒作家 周志建|諮商心
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
作者:Aurora Jade  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2025/01/16 裝訂:平裝
定價:611 元, 優惠價:1 611
Margaret Watts Hughes: Sound May Be Seen
出版社:CHRISTINE BURGIN FURTHER READI  出版日:2025/04/29 裝訂:精裝
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
The Highflier Handbook:How to Be Seen and Become a Leader at Work
作者:Allen N. Weiner  出版社:PBKWILTR  出版日:2025/04/15 裝訂:精裝
定價:1319 元, 優惠價:95 1253
作者:Faith Rumer  出版社:VERTEL PUB  出版日:2024/12/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:650 元, 優惠價:1 650
Fruitful Evidence: Allowing The Fruit of the Spirit to be Seen: a 9-week Daily Discovery of Each Fruit, while engaging in Journaling and
作者:Janelle Litwiller  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2025/01/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:528 元, 優惠價:1 528
Evidence Clearly Seen: 10 Areas of Clearly Seen Objective Evidence of What Can Be Known about God
作者:Eugene Glenn  出版社:Bookbaby  出版日:2025/01/14 裝訂:精裝
定價:2204 元, 優惠價:1 2204
Have You Seen My Blankie? *附音檔QRcode*
作者:Lucy Rowland; Paula Metcalf  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2019/04/04 裝訂:有聲書
Someone's taken Princess Alice's super-snuggly blankie, and she MUST get it back!Where could Alice's special blanket be? Her brother doesn't have it and neither does the giant OR the witch. Finally Alice finds her special snuggly in the arms of a sleepy dragon, but he looks so sad when she takes it back. She knows she must find him something just as cosy, soft and warm to cuddle.But what could that be . . .?All children know the importance of that VERY special snuggly toy or blanket for bedtime, and will adore this fabulous, rhyming tale by Lucy Rowland, featuring a princess protagonist, an adorable dragon and a cast of favourite fairy tale characters.With a 'there and back again' journey narrative, this picture book is perfect for fans of The Gruffalo. Super-talented Paula Metcalf's characterful and friendly artwork bring this funny adventure to life. Lucy Rowland is a children's speech and language therapist has written many picture books including the highly successful Pirate Pete a
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
God in Action: Seen if Your Eyes Are Open and Your Heart Is Humble: Inspirational short stories that can be read in a few minutes eac
作者:Curtis Shipman DD  出版社:CHRISTIAN FAITH PUB INC  出版日:2024/12/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:568 元, 優惠價:1 568
I'd Like to Be the Window for a Wise Old Dog
作者:Philip C. Stead  出版社:Doubleday  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:精裝
A comforting and timely new picture book that feels like an instant classic, written and illustrated by Philip Stead, author of the Caldecott Medal-winning A Sick Day for Amos McGee and the New York Times bestselling The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine.The limitless possibilities of the world outside our windows―and the warmth and comfort of home―are explored in this thoughtful meditation on the imagination, as seen from the point of view of a wise old dog.Any child who has ever felt uncertainty about the world outside will be soothed and enchanted by the open-ended, seemingly-unanswerable, and utterly whimsical questions this book poses: “Will I ever be the dawdle of a penguin? Will I ever be the waddle of a snail? Will I ever be the tumble of a honeybee? Will I ever be the bumble of a whale?”Children will love poring over the vivid, whimsical artwork, asking their own imaginative questions, and thinking about their own view of the world outside their window. It’s a perfect story f
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Undelivered: The Never-Heard Speeches That Would Have Rewritten History
作者:Jeff Nussbaum  出版社:Flatiron Books  出版日:2022/05/10 裝訂:精裝
A fascinating insight into notable speeches that were never delivered, showing what could have been if history had gone down a different path For almost every delivered speech, there exists an undelivered opposite. These second speeches provide alternative histories of what could have been if not for schedule changes, changes of heart, or momentous turns of events. In Undelivered, political speechwriter Jeff Nussbaum presents the most notable speeches the public never heard, from Dwight Eisenhower's apology for a D-Day failure to Richard Nixon's refusal to resign the presidency, and even Hillary Clinton's acceptance for a 2016 victory--the latter never seen until now. Examining the content of these speeches and the context of the historic moments that almost came to be, Nussbaum considers not only what they tell us about the past but also what they can inform us about our present.
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
Handa's Hen (平裝本) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第2年第4週
作者:Eileen Browne  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2011/08/23 裝訂:平裝
Every morning, Handa, a young girl from the Luo tribe, feeds breakfast to Mondi, her grandma's black hen. This morning, however, Mondi is nowhere to be seen. So Handa and her friend Akeyo set off on a
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Trauma and Forgiveness ― Consequences and Communities
作者:C. Fred Alford  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/11/26 裝訂:平裝
Contrary to the view of trauma popularized by literary theorists, Trauma and Forgiveness argues that the traumatized are capable of representing their experience and that we should therefore listen more and theorize less. Using stories and case studies, including testimonies from Holocaust survivors, as well as the victims of 'ordinary' trauma, C. Fred Alford shows that, while the traumatized are generally capable of representing their experience, this does little to heal them. He draws on the British Object Relations tradition in psychoanalysis to argue that forgiveness, which might be expected to help heal the traumatized, is generally an attempt to avoid the hard work of mourning losses that can never be made whole. Forgiveness is better seen as a virtue in the classical sense, a recognition of human vulnerability. The book concludes with an extended case study of the essayist Jean Améry and his refusal to forgive.
定價:1689 元, 優惠價:9 1520
Birthday Helpers! (Lego City)
作者:Steve Foxe  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/01/04 裝訂:平裝
Celebrate a birthday in LEGO(R) City with this Step 3 Step into Reading leveled reader--with more than 30 stickers!It's a birthday celebration in LEGO(R) City! Handyman Harl Hubbs helps people every day, and now everyone wants to thank him by making his birthday extra-special! Children 5 to 8 will love read this Step 3 Step into Reading leveled reader--with over 30 brick-tastic stickers to add to the fun! Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.LEGO City delivers reality-based role-play and building fun. LEGO City is all about REAL action, REAL fun, and REAL heroes. It can be seen on Nickelodeon, Netflix, and Amazon.
定價:228 元, 優惠價:1 228
The Fairytale Hairdresser and the Princess and the Frog
作者:Abie Longstaff; ‎ Lauren Beard  出版社:UK Puffin  出版日:2018/06/14 裝訂:平裝
The Fairytale Hairdresser is styling her fairytale friends for an animal-themed parade to celebrate Prince Freddie's coronation. But Prince Freddie is nowhere to be seen - could his mysterious uncle be behind the disappearance? And who is the funny little frog in Kittie's salon?Together with her new friend Princess Lily, and armed with all her hairdressing skills, Kittie sets out to solve the mysteries and bring order back to Fairy Land.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Namaste Is a Greeting
作者:Subramaniam; Suma  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2022/10/11 裝訂:精裝
Discover namaste’s many meanings in a simple, lyrical text, paired with a charmingly detailed visual narrative about a little girl’s kindness.Namaste calms your heart when things aren’t going right.Namaste is saying “You matter.”What is namaste? It’s found in a smile, a friendship, a celebration. It exists in silence; it can be said when you’re happy or when you’re feeling low. For one small girl in a bustling city, namaste (“I bow to you”) is all around her as she and her mother navigate a busy marketplace―and when she returns with a little plant and chooses to give it to an elderly neighbor, it can be seen in the caring bond between them. In a sweet, universal text, debut author Suma Subramaniam shines a light on a word with significance far beyond yoga class, while artist Sandhya Prabhat makes the concept of mindfulness come alive in delightful illustrations likely to draw children in again and again.
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Carrie Soto Is Back
作者:Taylor Jenkins Reid  出版社:Ballantine Books  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
In this powerful novel about the cost of greatness, a legendary athlete attempts a comeback when the world considers her past her prime―from the New York Times bestselling author of Malibu Rising.Carrie Soto is fierce, and her determination to win at any cost has not made her popular. But by the time she retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen. She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Grand Slam titles. And if you ask Carrie, she is entitled to every one. She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father, Javier, as her coach. A former champion himself, Javier has trained her since the age of two.But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning player named Nicki Chan.At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to re
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Little Echo
作者:Al Rodin  出版社:TUNDRA BOOKS INC  出版日:2022/10/18 裝訂:精裝
Little Echo lives alone in a cave until, one day, a chance encounter encourages her to be brave and make a new friend. A gentle story about finding your own voice. Have you ever heard an Echo?They live in lakes and tunnels and caves.But have you ever seen an Echo? Little Echo lives alone in a cave. Shy, she hides away, echoing the noises around her. But Little Echo isn't just shy -- she's lonely. And when Max comes to the cave one day, in search of treasure, Little Echo starts to discover that maybe she has a voice of her own . . .
定價:684 元, 優惠價:1 684
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