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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:王乾  出版社:二十張  出版日:2024/10/30 裝訂:平裝
獻給沒有留下任何記錄的童年★歐巴馬年度選書★今日秀「與珍娜共讀」選書★甫出版即登上《紐約時報》排行榜第三名★《紐約時報》《衛報》《出版人週刊》2021年度好書「我在這裡生的,我一直住在美國!」爸爸教我說的這句話像咒語。多年來,我假裝自己與其他美國小孩並無二致,彷彿人生第一份工作並不是在血汗工廠剪線頭,我披上謊言並活在其中,直到謊言拒絕合身。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------那天,王乾在聯邦法院完成宣誓儀式,正式成為美國公民。獨自走出法院時,她想到,其實自己早在幾十年前就已經成了「美國人」,卻直到現在才獲得認可。「美國跟大家承諾過的一點也不一樣。一切聞起來都很怪,看起來也截然不同。我在想,我們是不是拋下了世上唯一擁有我們同類的地方。」現為美籍律師的王乾,七歲那年隨父母從中國移民至美國。在中國,王乾是大學老師的女兒,而到了美國紐約,她們一家則成了沒有身分的無證黑戶。在這個她翻譯為「美麗國度」的地方,她很早就發現生活的艱辛,飢餓、孤獨與恐懼如影隨形。然而,作為孩童的她被保護著,父母才是最直接面對語言與環境全然轉變的人。她眼睜睜見識到父母為了生存,變成他們原先不願成為的那類人:安靜、不多嘴、避免會引發問題的任何情況。爸爸曾不斷提醒、要她告訴大家:「妳是在這裡生的,一直都住在美國!」只要不斷覆述這個句子,就不會有人敢忽視她,更不會遭到逮捕或遣返。但在當年,恐懼淹沒一切,擁有的只有擔心受怕的心。然而,如果她跟其他所有正常的美國小孩別無二致,會是什麼感覺?身為一個真正的美國人,究竟是什麼樣子的?※ ※ ※ ※ ※在這個關於移民、家庭、歸屬感與身分追尋的故事中,王乾回望童年的真相,拒絕讓恐懼與謊言占據所有發聲空間。她以童年的自己為視角,時而殘酷、時而幽默地述說作為黑戶的生活經歷、父母為生存而掙扎的模樣,以及對何處為家的迷惘。長期以來,非法的身分讓王乾只能省略關鍵的真相、埋葬童年的自己,只為尋求安全感與不容質疑的歸屬。但那害怕的小女孩卻在她的影子中住了下來,始終向她提醒自己的存在,直到有一天在通勤路上,她打開手機備忘錄,一字一句寫下長久不敢記起的移民經驗。本書表面上描寫一段艱難而重大的童年往事,實際上卻是為過去留下記錄,成為生存的證明。「我擁有了美國夢告訴我
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
作者:潘文  出版社:遠足文化  出版日:2021/12/08 裝訂:平裝
1776-2020年美中關係史本書榮獲2017年亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎(Arthur Ross Book Award)金獎 本書從一個新國家創建、另一個舊帝國敲起喪鐘時的故事開始說起。美中兩國的交往早於1853年美國海軍將領培里(Mathew Perry)率船艦要求日本開放門戶的「黑船事件」。1784年2月22日,美國的三桅帆船「中國皇后號」從紐約港出發前往廣州,與中國進行貿易。自美國建國以來,雙方即有互動,互相影響。中國不僅有廣大的土地吸引美國墾荒者,中國市場之夢也向美國人招手。美國的思想啟迪了中國人,將他們帶向現代化及外面的世界。美國的科學、教育理論和科技流入中國,中國的藝術、美食和哲學也往外流動。從此以後,雙方一點一滴逐步建立起世界上最多元也最重要的兩國關係。 兩百多年來,美中的政客、商人、傳教士和女性深深影響著兩國的命運。從將基督教福音和教育帶至中國的美國傳教士,到建設美國大西部的華工;從冒險運送花旗蔘至廣州換取中國茶葉的快船,到在南海和台海與中國不斷擴大海軍對峙的美國軍艦;美國與中國一直維持著戲劇性的交鋒,而且在兩百年前美中關係就已確立了此一模式:狂喜的迷戀和憤怒的幻滅。 「若要用一個模式形容如此令人難以理解的複雜性,或許可用佛教輪迴的概念來描述。雙方都經歷狂熱的魅力,產生希望,然後失望、排斥和厭惡,終究又回到相互傾倒。十九、二十世紀時,美國傳教士幻想將中國渡化為全世界最大的基督教國家,此時北京朝廷命官依賴美國,保護中國不受歐洲帝國主義和日本的掠奪。這兩個希望都沒有實現。隨著歷史之輪的轉動,新期望和不可避免的幻滅都交互出現。」 作者透過個人信件、日記、回憶錄、政府文件和新聞報導等文獻,重建兩個多世紀以來,美國與中國交往中令人驚奇和悲劇的方式。本書屢屢在重大事件發生時就回溯到或許是百年前的往事,一方面證明其論點,另一方面讓讀者透過清楚的脈絡,來了解美中關係循環往復式的宿命輪迴。 時序進入二十一世紀,美中關係逐漸從原本的密切合作轉為競爭,到了2018年川普總統發動美中貿易戰,兩國距離敵對只有幾步之遙。美中關係攸關著世界的命運,現在是重述美國和中國此一歷久不衰故事的時候了。作者在撰寫本書時每天沉浸於「美國和中國商人、冒險家、傳教士、外交官、竊賊和革命家的故事中,這些人物打造出地球上所有民族之間最為錯綜複雜的關係」,耗費五年才完成這本引人入勝、扣人心弦的著作,
定價:990 元, 優惠價:9 891
My Beautiful Country
作者:Fabiola Sepulveda  出版社:Teacher Created Materials  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:380 元, 優惠價:1 380
All Things Bright and Beautiful : The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet (英國版)
作者:James Herriot  出版社:Pan Books UK  出版日:2020/09/03 裝訂:平裝
** Now a major TV series on Channel 5 **Now settled into the sleepy Yorkshire village of Darrowby, and married to Helen the farmer's daughter, James Herriot thinks he's finally got himself sorted. But life as a vet in the 1930s was never going to be easy. Quite aside from his unpredictable colleagues, brothers Siegfried and Tristan Farnon, he must contend with new-fangled medical techniques, delivering calves after far too much home-made wine, and a grudge-holding dog called Magnus who never forgets.And then, with Britain on the verge of war, James faces a decision that could separate him from Darrowby - and Helen - for ever . . .Since they were first published, James Herriot's memoirs have sold millions of copies and entranced generations of animal lovers. Charming, funny and touching, All Things Bright and Beautiful is a heart-warming story of determination, love and companionship from one of Britain's best-loved authors. 'I grew up reading James Herriot's books and I'm delighted tha
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Country House Gardens Sticker Book
作者:Struan Reid  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2017/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Take a gentle stroll around the beautiful gardens surrounding an old country house in this fabulous sticker book. There are over 300 stickers to fill the gardens with flowers, fountains and patio pots, and rhubarb and cabbages for the vegetable garden. There’s also a walled garden, a wild flower garden, an orangery, an orchard and lots more.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
Quilts from the Country: Patchwork Projects to Decorate Your Home
作者:Stuart Hillard  出版社:Pavilion Books  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:精裝
A seasonal collection of quilts inspired by life in the countryside. With twenty new projects that are suitable for a range of skill levels and include: 12 large quilts and 8 smaller items, which can be customised to suit your own d嶰or. Each of the four chapters features lifestyle photography showing the quilts in beautifully styled settings.A brand new collection of quilts and projects from one of the most recognisable and best-loved quilt designers in the UK. These inspiring designs, photographed in beautiful rural locations, reflect the changing seasons and beauty of the British countryside. For all skill levels from beginner to advanced, the book includes all the guidance and practical knowledge you need to begin quilting successfully. The 12 large quilts and 8 smaller projects and accessories can also be made in alternative colours and fabrics to fit your own style, making them enormously versatile. This is a book for any lover of country style.ContentsQuiltmaking and applique tec
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 900
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady Colouring Book
作者:Edith Holden  出版社:Penguin Uk  出版日:2016/09/22 裝訂:平裝
A stunning new colouring book that will take you through a year in the life of the English countryside. Nearly 40 years ago, a rediscovered diary enchanted the nation. Edith Holden's 'Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady' from 1906 captured her observations on the English countryside's changing seasons, accompanied by exquisite illustrations of its flora and fauna. Now, for the first time, Edith's work been turned into an beautiful colouring book. Featuring black & white ink illustrations based on her paintings, alongside the original handwriting from the lost journal, this is a captivating colouring book that guides you through a year in the world of this truly remarkable Edwardian lady.
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
Word Trouble
作者:Vyara Boyadjieva  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2024/01/04 裝訂:平裝
這本感人的繪本,講述了一個孩子在面對語言障礙和移民的成長經歷。當羅尼與家人一起到新的國家時,他很期待能交到新朋友。但在幼兒園裡,當他向大家介紹自己時,他的話讓其他孩子不禁笑了起來。羅尼既困惑又尷尬,他很想念家鄉與朋友們。不過漸漸地環境也開始變得不那麼陌生了⋯⋯。本書由保加利亞作家兼插畫家Vyara Boyadjieva撰寫,故事真實感人,最終羅尼會發現,善良和笑聲是不分國界的。 A beautiful, moving and sensitively told picture book about language barriers, communication and a very young child’s immigrant experience.When Ronnie moves to a new house, in a new country, he’s excited to make friends. But when he introduces himself to everyone at nursery – “My name is four. I am Ronnie years old.” – the other children can’t help but giggle. His words are all mixed up! Ronnie misses home and laughing with his old friends. But new doesn't stay that way for long... This authorial debut from Bulgarian author-illustrator Vyara Boyadjieva is honest and uplifting, with Ronnie ultimately discovering that kindness, and laughter, are universal.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Madame Bovary
作者:Gustave Flaubert  出版社:The Collector's Library UK  出版日:2017/09/21 裝訂:精裝
Beautiful Emma Bovary dreams of love and riches but her marriage to Charles, a dull country doctor, is far from satisfying. In an attempt to escape the narrow confines of her life she embarks on a ser
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
Expedition Backyard
出版社:Random House Graphic  出版日:2022/06/21 裝訂:精裝
Join two best friends―a mole and vole―on their everyday expeditions to find beautiful plants, meet new animals, and learn more about the world all around them in this nonfiction graphic novel.Each day, Mole and Vole venture out into the world – never forgetting their nature journal! – to see what they can find in their own backyard. From pigeons and jumping spiders to swamp milkweed and maple trees, these two explorers get to know every part of their local environment. But after an accidental move from the country to the city, Mole and Vole worry that everything will be different. As they explore, they discover plants to look at and animals to meet in their new home as well. The story of these two best friends brings to life a nonfiction adventure of finding wonder in nature everywhere – no matter where you live. This book concludes with fun activities for kids to do at home.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Home Is Where the Birds Sing
作者:Cynthia Rylant; Katie Harnett  出版社:Beach Lane Books  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:精裝
A beautiful and poignant meditation on what makes a home from Newbery Medalist Cynthia Rylant.There are so many things, both big and small, that make a place feel like home. Home is where you might have a special nickname or a special toy. It’s where you might have a snack or a nap or a bath―or all three! Whether home is a city apartment or a country cottage, it’s a place you want to return to again and again. Celebrate all kinds of homes―and all kinds of families―in this cozy, lushly illustrated ode to the universal feeling of being at home.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
The Edwardians
作者:Vita Sackville-West  出版社:Vintage Classics UK  出版日:2016/03/24 裝訂:平裝
Sebastian is the heir of Chevron, a vast and beautiful English country estate. As such he is a fixed part of an eternal round of lavish parties, intrigues, traditions and fashions at the cold, decaden
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Summers Under the Tamarind Tree ─ Recipes & Memories from Pakistan
作者:Sumayya Usmani  出版社:Frances Lincoln UK  出版日:2016/04/07 裝訂:精裝
Summers Under the Tamarind Tree is a contemporary Pakistani cookbook celebrating the varied, exciting and often-overlooked cuisine of a beautiful country. In it, former City lawyer turned food writer
定價:1430 元, 優惠價:79 1130
Relaxed Rustic
作者:Niki Brantmark  出版社:Cico Books  出版日:2020/03/10 裝訂:精裝
Inspired by nature, these beautiful interiors show how you can bring the natural world into your home whether you live in the country or the city. Relaxed rustic interiors are about embracing the pa
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:79 868
A Star Shines Through
作者:Anna Desnitskaya  出版社:WM B EERDMANS CO (JUVENILE)  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:精裝
"A beautiful tale of loss and adjustment; for those who have never had to leave home, perhaps a lesson in insight and empathy. Highly recommended." — School Library Journal (STARRED REVIEW)"Beautifully crafted and warmly empathetic." — Kirkus Reviews (STARRED REVIEW)A poignant story about a displaced family making a home in the aftermath of war.​We used to live in a big city. In our apartment window was a star-shaped lamp, shining through the cold. I could recognize home from far away. But then the war began, and we left for another country. Everything is different here—the food, the language, even Mom and me. Today Mom bought us a package of scissors, glue, and cardboard. Can we make this place feel a little more like home? Narrated by a young refugee, A Star Shines Through illustrates the long process of healing with an evocative palette of blues and yellows. This resonant book shows how making art can create a sense of hope and belonging, even in a new and different place.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
Escape to the River Sea
作者:Emma Carroll  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:平裝
Beautiful and full of adventure, Escape to the River Sea is Emma Carroll's compelling novel inspired by Eva Ibbotson's bestselling, classic masterpiece, Journey to the River Sea. 'A joyously animal-packed adventure.' - Hilary McKay, Costa Award-winning author of The Skylark's WarIn 1946, Rosa Sweetman, a young Kindertransport girl, is longing for her family to claim her. The war in Europe is over and she is the only child left at Westwood, a rambling country estate in the north of England, where she'd taken refuge seven years earlier.The arrival of a friend of the family, Yara Fielding, starts an adventure that will take Rosa deep into the lush beauty of the Amazon rainforest in search of jaguars, ancient giant sloths and somewhere to belong. What she finds is Yara's lively, welcoming family on the banks of the river and, together, they face a danger greater than she could ever have imagined. Featuring places and characters known and loved by fans of Journey to the River Sea (including
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Most Beautiful Country Towns of Provence
作者:Helena Attlee  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2016/10/02 裝訂:精裝
The outstanding beauty and distinction of the small towns of Provence have proved irresistibly attractive to visitors from America for the best part of a century. From the hills and mountains of the A
定價:1372 元, 優惠價:79 1084
作者:史景遷; 金安平; 潘文  出版社:遠足文化  出版日:2023/02/01 裝訂:精裝
《世紀中國:近代中國百年圖像史》著名史學家史景遷與金安平首度合作撰書英文版出版逾二十年後,中文版首度面世「本書提供一個具說服力的榜樣,說明圖像與文字如何結合起來,構成一個截然不同而引人入勝的巨著。書中的文字自有脈絡,而且前後連貫,為照片提供了良好的說明。」──前中央研究院院士余國藩在二十一世紀,中國是世界舞台上最大的疑問號。今日的中國已不再是沉睡的巨人,但也不是西方世界可靠的盟邦。從經濟上來說,中國是一個新興強權;從政治上來看,它在經濟自由市場與軍事獨裁之間維持著一個不穩定的均勢局面。從實際地理上的距離及未來可能的走向來看,了解中國的歷史,現在正是時候。《世紀中國》精選了三百張以上珍貴而富故事性的照片,述說1894-1996中國百年歷史。這些照片選自中國、台灣與西方的檔案館、圖書館和私人收藏,許多是之前從未見過的。這些歷史照片像是時光機,帶領我們「親眼」見證許多在此之前只存在於史書字裡行間的歷史事件:從晚清到中華人民共和國期間鄉間農民與權勢階層菁英的生活、西方殖民強權在華設立「租界」的富麗堂皇與骯髒汙穢──這些「租界」是專供歐洲人在華居住的城市。透過書中珍貴罕見的照片,我們見證了庚子義和拳亂、南京大屠殺、大躍進和文化大革命。另外還有一些古怪的歷史鏡頭,像是二次大戰期間在華美軍士兵使用筷子食用他們的「K口糧」軍用罐頭,以及悠哉地在江水裡游泳後、身上沾滿淤泥的毛澤東私人生活照片。與這些珍貴照片搭配的,是令人驚嘆的歷史敘事書寫,作者是在西方漢學界備受尊崇的史景遷,這是他頭一次與妻子金安平合作撰述。本書的文字追尋近代中國在內戰、世界大戰與共產革命當中四分五裂的經過,及其緩慢崛起成為軍事與經濟超級強權的始末。本書既著眼於平民百姓的生活,也重視像蔣介石、毛澤東這樣的高層人物,而編織出一段錯綜複雜又引人入勝的社會、政治與軍事史。《美國與中國:十八世紀末以來的美中關係史》1776-2020年美中關係史本書榮獲2017年亞瑟.羅斯圖書獎(Arthur Ross Book Award)金獎 本書從一個新國家創建、另一個舊帝國敲起喪鐘時的故事開始說起。美中兩國的交往早於1853年美國海軍將領培里(Matthew Perry)率船艦要求日本開放門戶的「黑船事件」。1784年2月22日,美國的三桅帆船「中國皇后號」從紐約港出發前往廣州,與中國進行貿易。自美國建國以來,雙方即有互動,互相影響
定價:2190 元, 優惠價:9 1971
Beautiful Country
作者:J. R. Thornton  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2016/04/19 裝訂:平裝
A coming-of-age story set in modern day China centering on the friendship between an American and a Chinese boy who meet while training with Beijing’s Junior National Tennis Team.Chase Robertson arriv
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Beautiful Country
作者:Qian Julie Wang  出版社:Anchor Books  出版日:2022/09/27 裝訂:平裝
An incandescent memoir that puts readers in the shoes of an undocumented child living in poverty in the richest country in the world.In Chinese, the word for America, Mei Guo, translates directly to “beautiful country.” Yet when seven-year-old Qian arrives in New York City in 1994 full of curiosity, she is overwhelmed by scarcity and her own crushing fear. In China, Qian’s parents were professors; in America, her family is “illegal.” In Chinatown, Qian’s parents labor in sweatshops. Instead of laughing at her jokes, they fight constantly, taking out the stress of their new life on one another. Shunned by her classmates and teachers for her limited English, Qian takes refuge in the library and masters the language through books. And where there is delight to be found, Qian relishes it: her first bite of gloriously greasy pizza; weekly “shopping days,” when Qian finds small treasures in the trash lining Brooklyn’s streets; and a magical holiday visit to Rockefeller Center―confirmation th
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
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