改編自1967年冰川國家公園的灰熊之夜事件,暢銷讀本《I Survived》系列,圖像小說版新作。安全守則教你:不要轉身、不要做突然的動作驚動牠,以及最重要的,不要跑。但當Mel與一隻巨大灰熊面對面時,她真的有辦法化險為夷,逃出生天嗎?A gripping graphic novel adaptation of Lauren Tarshis's bestselling I Survived the Attack of the Grizzlies, 1967, with text adapted by Georgia Ball and art by Berat Pekmezci.No grizzly has ever killed a human in Glacier National Park before... until tonight. Eleven-year-old Melody Vega and her family come to Glacier every year. Mel loves it here ― the beautiful landscapes and wildlife make it easy to forget her real-world troubles. But this year is different. With Mom gone, every moment in the park is a reminder of the past.Then Mel comes face-to-face with a mighty grizzly. She knows basic bear safety: Don't turn your back. Don't make any sudden movements. And most importantly: Don't run.That last one is the hardest for Mel; she's been running from her problems all her life. If she wants to survive tonight, she'll have to find the courage to face her fear.Based on the r
電影《萬夫莫敵》男主角寇克道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas 1916-2020),曾說過一句話「Before I forget」(在我忘記之前),希望跟人們分享他九十二年的故事,包括他的一生、家庭、工作,及其哲學。自小就崇拜英雄的作者廖茂俊「見賢思齊」,出版《尋找記憶中的故事》一書,要為自己大半輩子的學習、生活、旅遊及對電影的愛好留下紀錄。作者飄洋過海來美國留學,畢業工作後,三十多年以來皆從事教育工作,曾遭逢教育界的不公待遇,失業過四年,期間嘗試過各種不同的行業,最後再回到講台上。擔任過系主任、也榮獲不少榮耀與掌聲。在年邁的父親逐漸失去記憶前、腦筋還清醒時,曾告訴作者:「兒子,你以教授退休,又有豐富的人生經驗與社團領袖的經歷,應該好好寫本書。以你的文筆與人生經驗,又曾投稿多家報社與期刊,應該好好出本書,讓世人讀讀你一生記憶裡的故事。記得那年你唸研究所時,你第一次寫的碩士論文集,不也是出版了生平第一本書嗎?」才動心起念,反思過去人生的七十多年,父親含辛茹苦的將手足四人扶養長大,流過多少淚水與汗水,才有了今天的自己。作者自小就崇拜英雄,經典電影《萬夫莫敵》男主角寇克道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas 1916-2020),曾說過一句話「Before I forget」(在我忘記之前),希望跟人們分享他九十二年的故事,包括他的一生、家庭、工作,及其哲學。如今,作者開始將自身多年來,在記憶中發表過的文章,匯集起來。分成四個大類,條理分明的讓讀者可以清晰地來讀解作者,一同來尋找記憶中的每段故事,全書分為1.文教篇2.生活篇3.遊記篇4.影評篇等四個章節。
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