繼兩年前發行《臺史博觀察日誌》後,深受博物館界與觀眾好評,火速再刷、銷售一空;為迎接臺史博升格,2023年全新改版,推出《臺史博觀察日誌2.0》,增加兩個組室、8位同仁訪談,提供您最徹底的臺史博幕後工作開箱!「你在博物館工作嗎?……那你一定很會導覽!」博物館人最常遇到的美麗誤會,排名No.1大概就是這題了。其實,100個臺史博館員,就有100種不同的工作與專長。「辦展覽,不就是把東西擺一擺就好了?」展覽至少1年以上的籌備期,包含主題設定、內容研究,還要上山下海蒐集可以講故事的展品…..「博物館員是公務員嗎?要怎樣才能到博物館工作呢?」、「館員的一天究竟在忙些什麼?」以上種種疑惑,只要入手一本《臺史博觀察日誌》就能獲得解答。由同仁自發企劃製作,深入臥虎藏龍的研究組、數位創新中心、典藏近用組、展示組、公服服務與教育組、秘書室與館長室七大組室的工作幕後,訪談資深館員內心深處的秘密,還有每天守護博物館的服務人員、保全、志工與清潔人員,滿足你對博物館工作的所有好奇!本書特色:★博物館工作者深度訪談Q&A:解答不同組室幕後秘辛★館員行事曆:嚴選資深館員行事曆,貼身觀察大家在幹嘛★一窺門禁森嚴的典藏庫房與修護室內部★館員嚴選10大常設展看點、園區秘密景點★臺史博開館12年來精選藏品、特展、出版品一次收錄★金漫獎得主陳沛珛Painter at leisure繪製的封面及4篇附錄漫畫
A behind-the-scenes tour of the magnificent Royal Opera House in London, thirty minutes before curtain up, led by Figaro the cat.It’s opening night of The Nutcracker, and the performers at the Royal Opera House in London are busy getting ready to step out onto the stage. Meanwhile, Figaro – the opera house’s resident cat – is poised to take readers on a behind-the-scenes tour to meet the many people working to make tonight’s performance a resounding success.This backstage tour of the Royal Opera House takes readers from department to department to discover what’s involved in putting on a performance such as The Nutcracker. Featuring examples from key works of opera and ballet, highlights of the tour include trying on the Mad Hatter’s wig from Alice in Wonderland; practising for a fighting scene from Romeo and Juliet; putting the finishing touches on the Sugar Plum Fairy’s tutu; learning to ‘play dead’; and creating explosions on stage.Including an introduction to a classical orchestra,
Modern Art Explorer is a witty and brilliantly illustrated introduction to modern art for children that takes readers undercover to discover the stories behind thirty famous artworks from the Centre Pompidou's collection in Paris. By going behind the scenes and turning each artwork inside out, young readers will see that artworks aren’t remote monuments but real things that are shaped into being by ideas, inspirations, human lives, world events and the materials artists use. Children will be entertained and intrigued by a variety of engagingly specific details and buoyed by their ability to understand what these works of art are all about. Award-winning illustrator Serge Bloch’s cheeky, comic and energetic illustrations serve to illuminate the information and the ideas in each artwork. The thirty featured artworks themselves represent the work of a diverse range of modern and contemporary artists from one of the world’s most celebrated modern art museums. Modern art has never seemed so
A behind-the-scenes story of the family whose extra-tall offspring include professional baseball and football players offers insight into how they were raised, trained and fed by their athletically co
The ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the making of the new Lord of the Rings film, The War of the RohirrimA comprehensive, large-format hardcover offering unparalleled insight into the making of The War of the Rohirrim, and the complete creative journey from concept to finished film told by the artists and filmmakers themselves.Written and compiled by Daniel Falconer, conceptual artist at the Academy Award-winning design studio, Wētā Workshop, this indispensable book chronicles the stunning conception and design of the world of Middle-earth in Kenji Kamiyama’s The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim.With more than 1,000 never-before-seen sketches, drawings, character studies and environment designs, this beautiful full-colour volume follows the journey of ideas, from initial concepts through beautifully finished designs to scenes from the film itself.The wealth of art is accompanied by insightful commentary from the artists and filmmakers, including director Kenji Kamiyama, pr