思考的素質,決定你生活的品質面對事情,情緒或直覺往往在第一時間左右你嗎?有沒有可能,這反而讓我們迷失了真相、做錯了抉擇?我們無法控制自己會面臨什麼問題,但可以學會「理性的叛逆」,審慎思索別人告訴你的訊息,為眼前的處境,找到更好的解法!當一切可能都不是真的你更需要一點「理性的叛逆」!面對令人心痛的新聞,除了憤怒,你是否曾質疑你看到聽到的一切?發生立場不同的爭執,除了捍衛自己,你是否懷疑對方也有可能是對的?發現旁人做出自私的舉動,除了指責,你是否也驚覺自己做過類似的事?許多生活中的誤解、衝突和負面情緒,都來自於「想得太少」──沒想到用了這個詞可能很傷人、沒想到這件事的真相並非如此。本書三十堂課的思辨練習,將帶領你告別衝動短淺的想法,運用更理性成熟的技巧,活出更圓融幸福的自己!尼采曾說:「對真理而言,信服比謊言更危險!」(Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.)當你把某些事視為理所當然,那就會成為你一切想法的依據,讓你在不知不覺間,做出可能錯誤的選擇!無論你身在何處或面臨什麼問題,只要你能夠掌控自己的思考,再糟的情況都會有好一點的結果。唯有透過思考,你才能改變生活中任何需要改變的事物,甚至根本你沒想到要改變的部分。唯有透過思考,你才能掌控自己的未來,包括:◆對事情終於能有自己的想法,不再只能說出膚淺的感想◆面對資訊品質漸趨低落的媒體,更有能力分辨是非◆用另一種眼光,看待過去曾看不順眼的人事物,向負面情緒說再見◆降低自我中心,減少與他人起衝突,人際關係更圓融◆能夠反思各種規定和文化,做出更適合所有人的決定★各界慎重推薦—— 李取中/台灣《大誌》雜誌(The Big Issue Taiwan)、《The Affairs週刊編集》總編輯 李偉文/知名作家 南方朔/知名文化評論家 張碧娟/北一女中前校長 許毓仁/哈佛大學甘迺迪學院資深訪問學者、前立法委員 陳瑞麟/中正大學哲學系講座教授 管中祥/中正大學傳播系教授 (依姓名筆畫排序)
Reacher never backs down from a problem.And he's about to find a big one, on a deserted Arizona road, where a Jeep has crashed into the only tree for miles around. Under the merciless desert sun, nothing is as it seems.Minutes later Reacher is heading into the nearby border town, a backwater that has seen better days. Next to him is Michaela Fenton, an army veteran turned FBI agent, who is trying to find her twin brother.He might have got mixed up with some dangerous people.And Reacher might just need to pay them a visit.Their leader has burrowed his influence deep into the town. Just to get in and meet the mysterious Dendoncker, Reacher is going to have to achieve the impossible.To get answers will be even harder. There are people in this hostile, empty place who would rather die than reveal their secrets.But then, if Reacher is coming after you, you might be better off dead.
"I know I need to exercise, but I just don't have time." Now there are no excuses. If you can allot just 10 minutes a day for exercise, you can look better and feel better in just 30 days. Ten Minute
A moving story for any child who has felt lonely, worried, or anxious and found solace in friendship with a beloved pet.Summer is here and Tyra spends many happy days lying in the warm grass with her new cat, Vivaldi. What could be better than staring up into the blue sky with a purring kitten on your tummy? But soon it's September, and while getting her backpack ready for the first day of school, Tyra feels everything she is going back to and a hard painful lump forms in her throat. School is a place of no words for Tyra, a place where the girls stare at her and stop talking when she walks by, a place where she feels completely alone. Only music can put an end to this feeling, music and her cat. Maybe, just maybe, things will be different this year now that it's not Tyra alone anymore, but Tyra and Vivaldi. Vivaldi is a book for anyone who's ever felt alone, anyone who's ever worried or been anxious, and anyone who knows what a difference one friend can make.
TikTok made me buy it! From the YA Prize winning author and creator of Netflix series HEARTSTOPPERWith special bonus content – a “Twelve Days of Nick and Charlie” holiday sequence of illustrations by Alice OsemanA short novella based on the beloved characters from Alice Oseman’s acclaimed debut novel Solitaire and graphic novel series Heartstopper – now a major Netflix series.The festive season isn't always happy for Tori Spring and her brother Charlie. And this year's going to be harder than most.I used to think that difficult was better than boring, but I know better now…I’m not going to think about the past few months, about Charlie and me, and all of the sad. I’m going to block it all out Just for today."Happy Christmas," I say.
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DaveBaranek (callsign "Bio") was one of 451 young men to receive hisWings of Gold in 1980 as a naval flight officer. Four years later, seasoned byintense training and deployments in the tense confrontations of the cold war,he became the only one of that initial group to rise to become an instructor atthe navy's elite Fighter Weapons School. As a Topgun instructor, Bio wasresponsible for teaching the best fighter pilots of the Navy and Marine Corpshow to be even better. He schooled them in the classroom and then wenthead-to-head with them in the skies.Then,in August 1985, Bio was assigned to combine his day-to-day flight duties withparticipation in a Pentagon-blessed project to film action footage for a majorHollywood movie focusing on the lives, loves, heartbreaks, and triumphs ofyoung fighter pilots: Top Gun.Biosoon found himself riding in limousines to attend gala premieres, and beingsingled out by giggling teenagers and awed schoolboys who recognized the name"Topgun" on his T-shirts
Included in this remarkable anthology of African American short stories is a rich, cultural mixture of the assortment of African American experiences we are confronted with in our daily lives. From th