是民主世界的最後防線,還是監控全球的幕後黑手?從冷戰陰影、恐怖主義威脅,到數位時代資訊戰,全球最強大情報共享網絡,如何暗中牽動國際局勢,影響全球權力布局?橫跨英美情報界半世紀,現存唯一英美雙重國籍情報員以獨家內部視角,直擊五眼聯盟運作核心的權威之作無論是監控恐怖組織、預警地緣衝突,抑或偵測網路攻擊,歷經時代更迭,五眼聯盟始終在維護國際安全中扮演關鍵角色。然而隨著公民意識抬頭,這個由美、英、加、澳、紐五國組成的全球最強情報共享網絡,其龐大的監控機制也引發了隱私、道德與政治層面的爭議。本書作者安東尼.R.威爾斯(Anthony R. Wells),是唯一一位曾在英美情報體系均擔任要職的在世情報員。他以五十年親身經歷,細數五眼聯盟成立至今所面對的嚴峻挑戰與運作秘辛。從冷戰時期對抗蘇聯、波灣戰爭中的情報角力、九一一事件後的全球反恐、以巴衝突中的英美矛盾,到當前中國崛起帶來的地緣政治危機,威爾斯以豐富的第一手經驗,深入剖析五眼聯盟如何在歷史轉折點上扮演關鍵角色。書中不僅探討了海外基地佈局、核動力潛艦協議等軍事戰略層面,更深入分析了後設資料開發、雲端運算等新興科技對情報工作的衝擊。面對內部威脅、全球恐怖主義、人口販運、網路戰爭等多重挑戰,每個時期都考驗著五眼聯盟如何在政權更替與組織對立的壓力下,維持平衡運作,為決策者提供冷靜客觀的情報,同時在新時代中轉型蛻變。作者透過豐富史料與第一手經驗,將錯綜複雜的全球安全議題抽絲剝繭。本書不只是一部英美情報界的五十年編年史,更帶領讀者以超然角度審視全球政治、公民權利與國家利益之間的微妙平衡,為理解當代國際秩序提供深刻洞見。國際媒體讚譽「這是一部引人入勝的內部視角著作,詳述了『五眼聯盟』的起源與演變,與其超過五十年的緊密情報共享關係。書中討論了當前和未來潛在威脅,並探討『五眼聯盟』該如何應對,格外符合當下社會氣氛。」──《反恐觀點》(Perspectives on Terrorism)「從本書可以看出,威爾斯思維敏銳且擁有精彩的職業生涯。他在美國情報體系中的職位是前無古人,後無來者。本書主要聚焦於海軍情報,對海軍情報感興趣的讀者會很滿意,然而其內容涵蓋的範圍遠不止於此。」──《情報員期刊》(Intelligencer)「尤其精彩的是針對新興恐怖主義威脅的深度剖析,以及這些威脅如何重塑五眼聯盟的情報運作模式。」──《反恐與國土安全國際期刊》(J
First published in 1968, this volume of essays, posthumously edited by the author’s brother Professor C. T. Hsia (a prominent Columbia University professor of Chinese literature), focuses on Chinese literary criticism relating to the work of leftist Chinese writers, including Lu Hsün, Chiang Kuang-tz’u, the “Five Martyrs,” and Chü Ch’iu-po, who were sympathetic to the ideals of the pre-1949 Chinese communist party. As one of the few foundational texts to provide a critical overview of the aesthetics and politics of China’s leftist literary movement, The Gate of Darkness examines the conflicting dilemmas between leftist authors’ own ideals and the strict ideological frameworks imposed by the propaganda policies of the Chinese communist party in the early twentieth century.Hsia’s essays are exciting reading precisely because Mr. Hsia approached his subject not merely with the index-cards of a historian but also with the sensitive eyes of a novelist. Tsi-an Hsia is a creative and compassi
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For over five hundred years the Russians wondered what kind of people their Arctic and sub-Arctic subjects were. "They have mouths between their shoulders and eyes in their chests,"
Maybe you’re good at spotting Waldo. But can you spot the difference? Head to the museum, where even the sharpest eyes are seeing double.Waldo is wandering through the museum, where there are some devilishly difficult differences to decipher. Finding Waldo and his buddies is hard enough, but who can spot the minutiae that separate one Egyptian tablet from another? The dastardly details that make two maritime scenes unalike? The itty-bitty discrepancies between the vintage books and scrolls? With more than five hundred differences to be delineated, this spin on the art of spotting Waldo―now available in paperback―will have fans of all ages lining up to take a look.