It's your show time!20個零失敗&最佳效果的發表技巧讓你的簡報、提案、演說、發表,完美演出!善用變化之道,能讓光芒照在自己身上;利用台上三分鐘,將操縱戲法背後的心理技巧,巧妙運用在與觀眾、客戶的互動上。 │第一本結合魔術原理與溝通技巧的實用手冊│作者Nick Fitzherbert以公關顧問二十多年職涯的行銷、簡報專業,並結合「The Magic Circle」認證的魔
小學生最愛的人氣暢銷讀本全新系列重磅登場雙語閱讀也可以超有趣又超EASY!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡動物,熱愛幻想與冒險,並且勇氣過人。這兩個一動一靜、個性截然不同的兄妹,在樹林裡發現了一間堆滿書的神奇樹屋,神奇樹屋就像時光機器,帶他們到一個個不同的時空中旅行。於是,兄妹倆來到史前時代的恐龍谷、和騎士探訪中古世紀的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的祕密、跟著海盜出海尋寶……,每一次的冒險都緊張刺激、精采得不得了!傑克和安妮這對小兄妹,是去過世界各地最多地方的小兄妹、認識最多名人的小兄妹、遭遇過最多災難的小兄妹,也是和最多動物做朋友的小兄妹,你不能不認識他們!現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!此外,這個系列的英文淺顯易懂,對話簡單口語,可讓已在學習英文的小朋友,藉由故事進入英語的情境,增進英文能力。★蟬聯誠品、金石堂、博客來暢銷書排行榜★全球已有31種語言版本,總銷售量超過1.43億冊★台灣銷售量突破200萬冊現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!傑克和安妮一點也不想去棒球選拔賽,雖然他們非常熱愛棒球,但是上一季選拔賽揮棒落空被取笑的事,讓傑克很在意……這時,一顆小白球從天而降,原來是神奇樹屋回來了!樹屋裡,摩根留給他們一本書和兩頂魔法棒球帽,要他們參加一場特別的棒球賽,學習應該知道的事,並且把寫上名字的球交給最懂遊戲規則的人。當他們抵達1947年紐約的艾比斯球場時,傑克和安妮發現自己身穿球僮的衣服,為當時的大聯盟勇士隊工作。戴上魔法棒球帽,他們兩個一邊熟練的做著球僮的工作,一邊思索著摩根到底想讓他們學到什麼?為什麼這一天是棒球的大日子?球場上那位不斷被叫囂的黑人球員會是他們要找的人嗎?他們只有九局的時間能找出答案!★美國亞馬遜網路書店讀者5顆星推薦
【奇幻經典《魔法樹》驚喜彩蛋版】英國「百大最受喜愛小說」、「全球十大最受歡迎作家」、英國孩童票選「最受歡迎兒童文學作家」的傳奇魔法故事世紀奇書《許願椅》作者,童年必讀冒險故事*英國兒童雜誌Junior Magazine推薦「百大兒童必讀書單」*BBC大閱讀票選活動(The Big Read)評選「百大最受喜愛小說」*聯合國教科文組織國際譯著書目(UNESCO's Index Translation
微調文字帶來巨大成功的科學發現換個說法,結果大不同。從海量文本發掘6種文字的魔力,讓你的請求難以抗拒、意見聽起來像事實、別人也更容易對你吐實。★ 繼《如何改變一個人》榮獲蔡康永、眾多KOL年度推薦書籍,又一探討說服力的全新著作。★ 亞當.格蘭特、丹尼爾.品克、詹姆.柯林斯、馬歇爾.葛史密斯等名家口碑推薦。★ 新思潮俱樂部(Next Big Idea Club)推薦必讀。──正確字眼用在正確的時機,就能產生翻倍的影響力──「你可以省錢的5招」比「省錢5招」的貼文成效來得高;「你餵貓吃飯了嗎」比「貓吃飯了嗎」有更高機率引起爭執──同樣加上「你」,前者暗示貼文與讀者切身相關;後者則是責任歸屬。「你可以當我的小幫手嗎」比「你可以幫我嗎」更可能讓小孩起而行;候選人強調「選民」應該如何,比呼籲民眾去「投票」更能有效提高投票率──把行動變成一種身分認同,聽者便會採取與身分相符的行為。「前住戶抱怨過鄰居嗎」比「前住戶沒有抱怨過鄰居吧」更容易讓房東吐實;「這產品有什麼瑕疵嗎」比「這產品沒問題吧」高50%機率讓賣家坦承──當對方愈有動機隱瞞訊息,愈要避免在句中加入錯誤的假設。其他例子尚有:.不說「你喜歡」而說「你推薦」一樣東西,成功機率高上32%。.用「我不要」取代「我不能」,讓人抗拒誘惑而堅持目標的意志力提升一倍。──用鑑定莎翁劇作真偽的科學,挖掘6種文字的魔力──讓你說的話有人聽、寫的文有迴響隨著自動化文本分析科技的進展,過往仰賴人力的研究,如今在短時間內就能從更巨量的文本取得更客觀的成果。《雙重背叛》作者為誰的文壇奇案,便是借助此科技而有了定論。華頓商學院教授約拿.博格利用這項技術:.解剖了假釋的聽證會,判斷什麼元素可以讓道歉感覺發自內心;.解讀了客服電話,發現了哪些遣詞用字可以提高客戶滿意度;.剖析了人際對話,明白了何以哪些交流會進行得更順暢;.細究了網路文章,確認出了哪些寫作風格可以鎖定讀者的注意力;.檢閱數以千計的電影電視劇本,判定了何以哪些能夠賣座;.檢視了法律攻防,看看是什麼東西可以幫助人打贏官司。從中歸納出6種為我們提高勝率的文字力量:.啟動身分認同文字可以告訴我們當家的是誰、該為後果負責的是誰。.傳達自信擺脫錯誤用字,蹩腳的業務員變身王牌;律師如何說話,跟說了什麼一樣重要;有自信的理財專家即便勝率不高,依然能獲得客戶的青睞。.問對問題反問問題來迴避棘手問題;想套出對
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A charming series filled with clever paper engineering techniques. These bright pictures move and change with the turn of every page, engaging young readers and bringing early learning concepts to lif
A joyful Geisel Honor-winning series! Join Ty on his imaginative adventures in Ty's Travels: Lab Magic, a My First I Can Read book by acclaimed author and illustrator team Kelly Starling Lyons and Nina Mata. Science exploration, imagination, and play are highlighted in this fun story, perfect for sharing with children 3 to 6.Ty and Corey love to visit the museum. When they step through the doors, they become scientists. They study bugs and hunt for fossils. They catch the wind. When Ty can't participate in a lab activity because of his age, he uses his big imagination at home. Discovering new things is so much fun!Join Ty on his science adventure in this My First I Can Read for beginning readers. With simple, rhythmic text and joyful, bright art, this My First I Can Read book, Guided Reading Level I, is perfect for shared reading with a child. Books at this level feature basic language, word repetition, and whimsical illustrations, ideal for sharing with emergent readers. The active, e
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The Upside-Down Magic kids are back in another topsy-turvy adventure in the next installment of this New York Times bestselling series!When Marigold's magic makes her shrink, it turns into a BIG probl
Bright lights, big city! One bite of his magic bone and Sparky is in the Big Apple. With his new friend Barney as a guide, Sparky sees all the famous sights: Times Square, the Museum of Natural Histor
A charmingly illustrated, tongue-in-cheek ode to the power of music from the author and illustrator of Morris and the Magic of Stories.Wolfgang the wolf dreams of starting a band. Without a second thought he places an ad, and to his great surprise, Rex the rabbit appears, a rocker with a fabulous voice. The Big Bads are born. They are an immediate hit, and their fans come to listen from all over the forest. But Wolfgang’s wolfish taste for rabbits is never far away . . .Wolfgang and the Magic of Music is the sweet tale of an unlikely friendship, and how the power of song can bring everyone together.
The Upside-Down Magic kids are back in another topsy-turvy adventure in the next installment of this New York Times bestselling series!It's Big Night in Dunwiddle . . . and that means the whole school has a sleepover like no other. For one night every year, magic students run through the halls, hunting for the objects that will win them a super special prize.Nory is super excited for the scavenger hunt. Not only because she likes winning, but also because if her team wins, she thinks there's a chance her best friend Elliott won't move away to attend super snobby Sage Academy.Sebastian is a little less excited once the hunt is on. Yes, he has magical powers that help his team -- like being able to see invisible things or anything that makes a sound. The problem is that the really loud sounds are hurting him . . . and nobody seems to care.The kids in Upside-Down Magic know their five F's (Flares, Flyers, Fuzzies, Flickers, and Fluxers) -- but to win this night, a sixth F is the mos