Discover how kindness makes Maisy's world go around—and pick up a few ideas for spreading some joy.Join Maisy and her pals as they explore everyday acts of kindness—from sharing toys to making cards or gifts, nurturing animals to caring for the environment, looking out for one another to taking care of themselves! Bold, bright, and buoyant, Maisy’s oversize celebration of kindness will catch the eyes and hearts of everyone from loyal followers to new friends, while making an inspiring addition to the shelves of little ones and their parents, caregivers, and teachers.
“A visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world—and invaluable advice about bringing together the partners and technologies to help them do it.” —President Bill ClintonA radical,
From the coauthors of the New York Times bestseller Abundance comes their much anticipated follow-up: Bold—a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powe
From the coauthors of the New York Times bestseller Abundance comes their much anticipated follow-up: Bold—a radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking and crowd-power
當女孩準備關燈睡覺時,她瞥見了一隻蜘蛛在角落!頓時她的睡意全失,既害怕又緊張,她得絞盡腦汁想辦法把蜘蛛趕出房間才行,帶著小讀著們一起面對問題並解決它。The epic story of a brave little girl facing the ultimate enemy: a spider in the corner of her bedroomIn a big, big cityon a busy streetat the tipity-top of a tall buildinglives a girl.One night, after a story,a snuggle,and one last sip of water,she was getting so sleepy...when out of the corner of her eye...\\ () ////(__)\\SPIDERThe girl was no longer sleepy. Now, she was . . . Awake.In a brilliant debut, Mags DeRoma gives us an empowered young child who is trying to solve the biggest problem she's ever faced: how to get the spider out of her room without actually having to go near it.With bold cut-paper art, Awake is sure to stay with readers for a long time.