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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:傑森‧傑伊; 加布列‧葛蘭特  出版社:楓書坊文化  出版日:2019/09/02 裝訂:平裝
~麻省理工最重要的溝通課~拜倫教育基金潛心15年研究成果,如何越過「遭人誤解」、「防衛」、「沉默」、「對立」等潛在風險,以有效溝通打破對立僵局?【本書特色】◎麻省理工最熱門的溝通課!拜倫教育基金潛心15年研究成果!世界500強公司、資誠(Pw)、星巴克(Starbucks)、全食超市(Whole Foods)NGO的溝通領域工具。◎31個實戰練習、避開4大「對立」誘餌、9種替代談話通道,打破溝通僵
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:卡塔琳‧卡里科(Katalin Karikó)  出版社:方言文化  出版日:2024/07/31 裝訂:平裝
亞馬遜書店+《柯克斯書評》雙重認證,2023年度最佳圖書!微軟創辦人 比爾.蓋茲:「故事激勵人心,如果你對於科學、創新和堅持能改變世界抱持疑慮,就該讀這本書。」★★諾貝爾生醫獎得主,四十年堅韌耕耘,為全球帶來希望之光★★ 《終止病毒浩劫的女力英雄》不僅記錄了卡塔琳.卡里科從匈牙利鄉村到美國頂尖實驗室的歷程,更細膩描繪她在漫長科研生涯中的喜怒哀樂。書中呈現了塑造卡里科溫柔堅韌品格的生命瞬間,以及獨特的科研思維和解決問題的方法。 更進一步探討這些問題:即使別人拒絕看到你的潛力,你如何保持對自己和對工作的信心?為夢想犧牲多少才算過分?不僅是一位傑出女性的成長故事;也是對狹隘思維的控訴,更是一項見證,她的目的不是為得到認可,而是因為她相信在一個更受聲望、權力和特權驅動的文化中,自己的工作可能有助於拯救他人的生命。 ◆掌握自我命運,展望未來 出生於戰後匈牙利一個普通肉販家庭的卡里科,童年時期在一間沒有自來水的單室房屋中度過。儘管物質條件匱乏,家人卻靠著自給自足的菜園,培養出堅韌不拔的生存智慧。在這樣的環境中,年幼的卡里科被周遭大自然的奧妙深深吸引,雙眼閃耀著對科學的熱情,心中種下了成為科學家的種子。 1985年,懷揣著改變醫學未來的宏大夢想,卡里科以博士後研究員的身份踏上前往美國的征程。臨行前,她將1200美元——這筆在當時對她而言無比珍貴的資金——小心翼翼地縫進自幼相伴的泰迪熊中。 ◆從挫折到突破的逆境鍛造 她從匈牙利鄉村走出,初到美國,在陋室般的實驗室中與蟑螂為伴,克服語言障礙,面對職場挑戰,甚至三次被解雇的挫折。面對許多研究機構將科學視為搖錢樹的現實,卡里科曾感到迷惘。然而,她對「信使核糖核酸」(messenger RNA,mRNA)的發展性始終深信不疑。她堅信這種受到低估的分子擁有改變世界的力量,終有一天能將普通細胞轉變為生產所需藥物的迷你工廠。 「專注於能控制的事物,而非無法掌控的事物」是卡里科的人生座右銘。她不盲目追求他人認同,而是為自己設定目標,全力以赴。正是這種堅定的信念,推動她在科研路上的披荊斬棘。 ◆科
庫存 > 10
定價:480 元, 優惠價:79 379
作者:艾琳‧梅爾  出版社:好優文化  出版日:2023/07/05 裝訂:平裝
跨國、跨地域、跨文化的合作指南 ⇨對你而言的「遲到」,可能不是「遲到」? ⇨對你而言的「讚美」,可能不是「讚美」? ⇨「講話比較直」的問題,外國人也有? ⇨「隨和」,可能也是「缺乏領導力」?溝通──是最難的事八個面向的文化量表(the eight-scale model) ‧溝通:低情境,或高情境?‧評估:直接否定回應,或是間接否定回應?‧說服:原理優先,或應用優先?‧領導:平權式,或更看重階級?‧決策:重視共識,或是由上而下?‧信任:任務導向,或是關係導向?‧歧異:不怕對峙,或是避免對峙?‧時程:線性時間,或是彈性時間?讓你精確掌握文化交鋒的真相,避免淪為「國際文盲」!「你有兩隻眼睛,兩隻耳朵,一張嘴,你應該按照比例使用他們」,這句中國俗諺,不只對中國的孩子們來說很睿智,對所有希望突破文化藩籬、改善工作效益的人也一樣。與來自別的文化的人交流時,試著多看、多聽、少說。聽了再開口,學習後再行動。工商業發達的二十一世紀,拜科技進步之賜,事業觸角遍及全世界的跨國企業很多,瀟灑背起行囊便周遊列國的人也不少,但飽覽異國景色,經常商務旅行,說得一口流利的外語,認識很多外國朋友,就表示一個人很「國際化」了嗎?你真的看懂了坐在你面前的那位外國人嗎?真的沒有任何疑惑?▎印度客戶對你的提案半搖頭半點頭時,他是贊成?還是反對?▎美國老闆對你的表現讚不絕口,只是有點「小小建議」,一切真的沒問題?▎為什麼我的提案準備得如此充分,日本董事們卻絲毫不為所動?▎剛才法國同事對我講了那麼犀利的話,現在怎麼卻對我笑兮兮?▎我負責接待美國合作廠商,可是他什麼安排都不配合,怎麼辦?▎為什麼那個俄羅斯的合作案我拿不下來,別人一出馬就搞定?▎墨西哥老闆好熱情,開完會後請我吃飯到半夜,他怎麼不會累?▎上談判桌前要先攀好交情,但是對面那群荷蘭人裡,誰是老闆?我們看不懂的,很可能不只是外國人的文化,對於自己的文化,也一樣毫無自覺。於是戴著自己的文化有色眼鏡來看待其他人,依此作出錯誤判斷或誤判,無意間為自己製造了許多困難和挫敗。企業想要成功,你必須具有與全世界的人順利合作的能力,那麼你就要能夠和知道如何欣賞文化差異,同時也要能尊重個別差異。行為的文化模式與信仰,經常影響我們的覺察(我們所看見的)、認知(我們的想法),以及行動(我們的行為)。這本書的目標即
庫存 > 10
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 356
作者:艾琳‧梅爾  出版社:好優文化  出版日:2024/12/05 裝訂:平裝
跨國、跨地域、跨文化的全球商務溝通指南公開讚美是客套話還是真推崇?負面評價是直接給負評,還是迂迴表達不認同?簡報應鉅細靡遺說明,還是點到為止說重點?提建議案是先闡述理論,還是先提執行建議?決策形成應多數決,還是高層直接下指令?專案時程必須嚴格按表操課,還是可彈性調整?意見相左時是正面衝突解決,還是迴避衝突?領導風格是平權式領導,還是階級嚴明不容逾越?了解不同的文化維度,才可能開始一場高效的商務溝通八個文化量表(the eight-scale model) 1. 溝通:低情境,或高情境2. 評估:直接給負評,或迂迴給負評3. 說服:先說明理論,或先提供建議4. 領導:講求平等,或注重階級5. 決策:集體共識,或高層主導6. 信任:工作導向,或關係導向7. 歧異:正面衝突,或迴避衝突8. 時程:線性時間,或彈性時間「你有兩隻眼睛,兩隻耳朵,一張嘴,你應該按照比例使用他們」,這句中國俗諺,不只對中國的孩子們來說很睿智,對所有希望突破文化藩籬、改善工作效益的人也一樣。與來自別的文化的人交流時,試著多看、多聽、少說。聽了再開口,學習後再行動。我們看不懂的,很可能不只是外國人的文化,對於自己的文化,也一樣毫無自覺。於是戴著自己的文化有色眼鏡來看待其他人,依此作出錯誤判斷或誤判,無意間為自己製造了許多困難和挫敗。企業想要成功,你必須具有與全世界的人順利合作的能力,那麼你就要能夠和知道如何欣賞文化差異,同時也要能尊重個別差異。行為的文化模式與信仰,經常影響我們的覺察(我們所看見的)、認知(我們的想法),以及行動(我們的行為)。這本書的目標即在協助你,改善你解讀文化這三個面向的能力,以及提升你的處理效益。作者以循序漸進的方式,穿插歷史、哲學、語言學、文學等等文化根源解說,抽絲剝繭,帶領大家理解各種文化風格形成的原因和內涵,搭配豐富生動的商場實際案例,系統化說明由文化差異所引發的最為常見的商業溝通挑戰。提供最有效的處理手法,解決因跨文化誤解而產生的棘手問題,甚或能完全避免問題發生。法國有句諺語," Quand on connait sa maladie, on est a moitie gueri." 意思是,當你知道你得的是什麼病時,你也就離痊癒不遠了。同樣的道理也可以應用在大多數跨文化亂局裡。只要能建立起你自己的覺察力,一旦你對你的團隊有了覺察,在改善合作關係的道路上,就已經成功跨
庫存 > 10
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
Breaking Through: My Life in Science
作者:Katalin Karikó  出版社:CROWN PUB INC  出版日:2024/10/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Breaking Through:My Life In Science
作者:Katalin Kariko  出版社:Vintage Publishing  出版日:2025/02/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:95 678
Wavewalker: A Memoir of Breaking Free
作者:Suzanne Heywood  出版社:WILLIAM COLLINS  出版日:2024/10/08 裝訂:平裝
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A TIMES BEST MEMOIR OF 2023 'Grippingly vivid and pacey' THE TIMES 'A seven-year old girl on a seventy-foot yacht, for ten years, over fifty thousand miles of sailing' SIMON WINCHESTER 'An astonishing almost day-by-day account of [a] hazardous journey and its legacy' TELEGRAPH 'This is a story of an epic childhood journey, so exciting and so shocking it is hard to know whether you're reading about a dream or a nightmare... Wavewalker is thrilling, horrifying, beautifully written - I couldn't put it down' ED BALLS Aged just seven, Suzanne Heywood set sail with her parents and brother on a three-year voyage around the world. What followed turned instead into a decade-long way of life, through storms, shipwrecks, reefs and isolation, with little formal schooling. No one else knew where they were most of the time and no state showed any interest in what was happening to the children.Suzanne fought her parents, longing to return to England and to education
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car: Comics for Beautiful, Awful and Ordinary Days
作者:Jordan Bolton  出版社:ANDREWS & MCMEEL  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:精裝
Jordan Bolton's Blue Sky Through The Window of A Moving Car is a poignant collection of comics that explore universal experiences and emotions through art and poetry. Small yet powerful, and equal parts heart-breaking and heart-warming, these poetic comics are intensely relatable and go straight to the heart of what it means to be human. Most of life is made up of mundane moments on ordinary days. But every moment, every good day, bad day, and average day, had to happen exactly the way that it did for you to exist. Everything that made you, connects us all in small, invisible, and beautiful ways. This first comic collection from artist Jordan Bolton explores the fleeting details that unite us. Jordan brings together the visual language of comics with the heartfelt language of poetry, to express moments of love and heartbreak, embarrassment and shame, hope and disappointment, grief and happiness. Split into sections that reflect where we spend the majority of our time--In Public, In Tra
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car:Comics for beautiful, awful and ordinary days
作者:Jordan Bolton  出版社:Ebury Publishing  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:精裝
See the poetry in every day... Jordan Bolton’s Blue Sky Through The Window of A Moving Car is a poignant collection of comics that explore universal experiences and emotions through art and poetry. Small yet powerful, and equal parts heart-breaking and heart-warming, these poetic comics are intensely relatable and go straight to the heart of what it means to be human.'The kind of book you want to pass around to all of your friends to make sure they’ve read it’ - Jack Edwards'‘Tremendous… Cinematic and poetic, it captures the heartbreak of everyday life’ - Malaka Gharib'Truthful observations of things and thoughts unsaid’ - Matthew JohnstoneThis first comic collection from artist Jordan Bolton explores the fleeting details that unite us. Jordan brings together the visual language of comics with the heartfelt language of poetry, to express moments of love and heartbreak, embarrassment and shame, hope and disappointment, grief and happiness. Split into sections that reflect where we spend
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 650
作者:Amie Kaufman; Jay Kristoff  出版社:Ember  出版日:2017/04/25 裝訂:平裝
“It certainly filled the Battlestar Galactica–shaped hole in my heart.” —Victoria Aveyard, bestselling author of The Red Queen Read the New York Times bestselling blockbuster that critics are calling “out-of-this-world awesome.” The first in an epic sci-fi series unlike anything else out there. Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the worst thing she’d ever been through. That was before her planet was invaded. Now, with enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra are forced to fight their way onto one of the evacuating craft, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit. But the warship could be the least of their problems. A deadly plague has broken out and is mutating, with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI, which should be protecting them, may actually be their biggest threat; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady plunges into a web of data hacking to get to the truth, it’s clear only one person can help her bring it all to light: Ezra. Told
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
Baking Bad ─ A Parody in a Cookbook
作者:Walter Wheat  出版社:Grand Central Pub  出版日:2014/10/28 裝訂:精裝
What do you do when the greatest TV show ever has come to an end and you no longer have ground-breaking, meth-related drama to get you through the long winter nights? Answer: you create a cookbook ful
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands 西科爾女士旅行記
作者:Mary Seacole  出版社:UK HarperCollins  出版日:2023/01/19 裝訂:平裝
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Unless I am allowed to tell the story of my life in my own way, I cannot tell it at allMary Seacole – traveller, nurse, businesswoman and radical for her time – defied a prejudiced British government to care for soldiers wounded during the Crimean War.This ground breaking account, written by Seacole in 1857, brings to life her incredible journey from Jamaica to Central America and England, and then on to modern-day Ukraine, where she acted as nurse to injured soldiers while running her business, the 'British Hotel'. A witness to key battles, she gives vivid accounts of how she coped with disease, bombardment and other adversities during the Crimean War.In this extraordinary autobiography, Seacole shows how she navigated her way through racial injustice, poverty and ignorance to become the first woman of colour in Britain to publish her memoirs. It is a testament to her enduring legacy.
定價:164 元, 優惠價:79 130
8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go (英國版)
作者:Jay Shetty  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2023/01/31 裝訂:平裝
The author of the No.1 Sunday Times bestseller Think Like a Monk offers a revelatory guide to every stage of romance, drawing on ancient wisdom and new science.Nobody sits us down and teaches us how to love. So we're often thrown into relationships with nothing but romance movies and pop culture to help us muddle through. Until now.Instead of presenting love as an ethereal concept or a collection of cliches, Jay Shetty lays out specific, actionable steps to help you develop the skills to practice and nurture love better than ever before.He shares insights on how to win or lose together, how to define love, and why you don't break in a break-up. Inspired by Vedic wisdom and modern science, he tackles the entire relationship cycle, from first dates to moving in together to breaking up and starting over. And he shows us how to avoid falling for false promises and unfulfilling partners.By living Jay Shetty's eight rules, we can all love ourselves, our partner, and the world better than we
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
作者:Jonathan Burrows  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2024/11/05 裝訂:平裝
On choreography: 'Choreography is a negotiation with the patterns your body is thinking'On rules: 'Try breaking the rules on a need to break the rules basis'The updated and revised edition of A Choreographer's Handbook invites the reader to investigate how and why to make a dance performance. In an inspiring and unusually empowering sequence of stories, questions, ideas and paradoxes, internationally renowned choreographer, teacher and writer Jonathan Burrows explains how it's possible to navigate a course through this complex process.It is a stunning reflection on a personal practice and professional journey, and draws upon many years of workshop discussions, led by Burrows.Burrows' open and honest prose gives the reader access to a range of principles, exercises, meditations and ideas on choreography that allow artists and dance-makers to find their own aesthetic process.It is a book for anyone interested in making performance, at whatever level and in whichever style.
定價:2099 元, 優惠價:1 2099
The Star Outside My Window
作者:Onjali Q. Raúf  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2022/02/08 裝訂:平裝
From the award-winning author of The Boy at the Back of the Class comes a middle grade novel about the power of hope to sustain even when tragedy strikes. Ten-year-old Aniyah and her little brother Noah find themselves living in foster care after the sudden disappearance of their mum. With her life in disarray, Aniyah knows just one thing for sure: her mum isn't gone forever. Aniyah believes that the people with the brightest hearts never truly disappear. They become stars. When scientists discover a new star acting strangely, Aniyah knows it's really her mum. To make sure everyone else knows, too, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime--one that involves breaking into the Royal Observatory of London, and meeting the biggest star in Hollywood. This is an honest yet empathetic exploration of how people respond to difficult circumstances, told through the innocent voice of a ten-year-old girl.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Breaking Through
作者:Margarita Calderon (EDT); Barbara D. Acosta; Laura Alvarez; Kristina Anstrom; Sarah Capitelli  出版社:Solution Tree  出版日:2012/05/12 裝訂:精裝
Utilizing new research and field studies, this book provides a whole-school approach to helping English learners (ELs) achieve academically while they learn English. Discover why ELs learn better when
定價:1978 元, 優惠價:1 1978
Breaking Through Concrete
作者:David Hanson; Edwin Marty; Michael Hanson (PHT); Mark Winne (FRW)  出版社:Univ of California Pr  出版日:2012/01/30 裝訂:精裝
People have always grown food in urban spaces--on windowsills and sidewalks, and in backyards and neighborhood parks--but today, urban farmers are leading an environmental and social movement that tra
定價:2097 元, 優惠價:9 1887
作者:Matthew Eshbaugh-soha; Jeffrey S. Peake  出版社:Stanford Univ Pr  出版日:2011/08/30 裝訂:精裝
Modern presidents engage in public leadership through national television addresses, routine speechmaking, and by speaking to local audiences. With these strategies, presidents tend to influence the
Breaking Through Thick and Thin ─ Finding Myself to Be Beautiful, No Matter What
作者:Caroline Nicole Marceau  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2011/05/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:825 元, 優惠價:1 825
作者:(美)賈森‧傑伊; 加布里埃爾‧格蘭特  出版社:中國友誼出版公司  出版日:2017/12/01 裝訂:平裝
面對談話的潛在風險,如何避免成為話題終結者? “有口無心”遭人誤解,如何擺脫衝突的陷阱實現完美溝通? 該反抗還是沉默,遭人語言攻擊時到底應該如何回應? 怎樣用語言化解棘手局面,讓組織效率獲得飛速提升? 真話總是沒人聽?全部都是你的錯? 解釋卻被認為胡攪蠻纏?話不投機還引來人際危機? 當談話再一次陷入沉默,你還可以怎麼做? ············沒有解決不了的事,只有不會溝通的人!本書提供了8種思
定價:276 元, 優惠價:87 240
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